Religion, what's the point?

I'm pretty sure that whatever this thing I found earlier this year is, it's a heck of a lot more than 6000 years old.


It looks very much like coral.
It looks very much like coral.

It does, me and my boss were discussing it a while back. The bottom half is definitely a sandstone and there could be some quarts with it by the looks of things. Thing is, when was the last time there were tropical seas in Toronto?
Looks like honeycomb to me. How big is it?
Dunno who annoys me more, bible bashers or idiots who believe they are smarter because they are atheist.
What annoys me is the people who are hell bent on convincing theists that God does not exist. You can't prove he doesn't, they can't prove he does. The difference is, the believers aren't hurting anyone with their beliefs. They're happy with them. They take contentment out of religion, yet so many enragingly arrogant people aren't satisfied with that, and feel the need to try and take it away.

Of course, the idiots who kill people 'for religion' are even worse. But it sounds to me like SG was having a chat with some people who believe in God and go to church, and decided he didn't like what they were saying. Why? Who were they harming?

Live and let fecking live.
What annoys me is the people who are hell bent on convincing theists that God does not exist. You can't prove he doesn't, they can't prove he does. The difference is, the believers aren't hurting anyone with their beliefs.

Except the ones who kill people for not sharing them, of course. But really what's that next to someone that makes you mad?
There should be a thread just for people who come into these threads to say they don't like the people who comment in these threads.

It would be 40 posts of the same 8 people saying "they're just as bad as each other" over and over again. The debate would be scintillating.
What annoys me is the people who are hell bent on convincing theists that God does not exist. You can't prove he doesn't, they can't prove he does. The difference is, the believers aren't hurting anyone with their beliefs. They're happy with them. They take contentment out of religion, yet so many enragingly arrogant people aren't satisfied with that, and feel the need to try and take it away.

Of course, the idiots who kill people 'for religion' are even worse. But it sounds to me like SG was having a chat with some people who believe in God and go to church, and decided he didn't like what they were saying. Why? Who were they harming?

Live and let fecking live.

Who's trying to convince anyone of that?

This point has been done to death, but let's have a go anyway, seeing as though so many people are so ignorant of the atheist position. I can't prove that the tooth fairy does not exist, but I still think you'd be a dumb shit to believe in her. My argument wouldn't be about proving that she doesn't exist, it would be about demonstrating that there is no evidence to believe in her and that to believe without evidence is irrational and stupid.
Yes. Literally in your next sentence you dismiss the centuries of documented violence and murder done in the name of religion as somehow tangential to the issue of some atheists being insufficiently nice to you.

Best part of it is; he is equating people who owe christians nothing pissing on their chips by telling them how wrong the bible is, with assholes who disown their own family members for being born gay.

If some randomer says something you don't like you don't have to hear it or you can laugh it off. Imagine your own dad calling you a faggot, kicking the shit out of you and never seeing you again.
Yes. Literally in your next sentence you dismiss the centuries of documented violence and murder done in the name of religion as somehow tangential to the issue of some atheists being insufficiently nice to you.

I'm not sure what your point is. All I was doing was clarifying that people have been harmed in the name of religion and over their belief in God. But it's the more passive believers (me, for example), who aren't interested in being 'converted', nor are we interested in converting anyone else.
Who's trying to convince anyone of that?

This point has been done to death, but let's have a go anyway, seeing as though so many people are so ignorant of the atheist position. I can't prove that the tooth fairy does not exist, but I still think you'd be a dumb shit to believe in her. My argument wouldn't be about proving that she doesn't exist, it would be about demonstrating that there is no evidence to believe in her and that to believe without evidence is irrational and stupid.

The difference is, the tooth fairy will have been invented by someone to be deliberately mythological. The belief in God has just been passed down for centuries via millions, now billions of people.

It's silly really. One man believes there's a man with a white beard on a cloud, he's mental. One hundred people believe it, it's a cult, but millions? That's religion.

I'm just not sure why these discussions need to occur time and time again, yet they will. For example, the muslims who killed Americans over that film. I cannot get my head around that.

If someone says to me that God doesn't exist, fine, just don't keep going on about it.

What am I even saying? All people who believe in God are thick as pig shit anyway.
Best part of it is; he is equating people who owe christians nothing pissing on their chips by telling them how wrong the bible is, with assholes who disown their own family members for being born gay.

If some randomer says something you don't like you don't have to hear it or you can laugh it off. Imagine your own dad calling you a faggot, kicking the shit out of you and never seeing you again.

I didn't equate anything.

You don't have to hear what someone tells you, but when they say it over and over again, like a broken record, it gets pretty tiresome.
I'm not sure what your point is. All I was doing was clarifying that people have been harmed in the name of religion and over their belief in God. But it's the more passive believers (me, for example), who aren't interested in being 'converted', nor are we interested in converting anyone else.

So ok the difference between believers and non-believers is that non-believers are more annoying if we exclude everyone who's ever harmed everyone in the name of religion (presumably this includes sheltering paedophiles from exposure and prosecution) and everyone of a theistic bent who's attempted to convert assorted nonbelievers to their belief from consideration as part of the "believer" camp.

You sure you don't want to slice and dice the maths a bit more, Liam? Exclude religious people who talk at the cinema, for instance?
So ok the difference between believers and non-believers is that non-believers are more annoying if we exclude everyone who's ever harmed everyone in the name of religion (presumably this includes sheltering paedophiles from exposure and prosecution) and everyone of a theistic bent who's attempted to convert assorted nonbelievers to their belief from consideration as part of the "believer" camp.

You sure you don't want to slice and dice the maths a bit more, Liam? Exclude religious people who talk at the cinema, for instance?

I'm tired; what you've said isn't going in here.

If you're talking about non-believers being worse than people who have killed 'for God', then no, I'm on your side with that one. Although I don't think telling anyone God doesn't exist would actually solve anything.
I'm not sure what your point is. All I was doing was clarifying that people have been harmed in the name of religion and over their belief in God. But it's the more passive believers (me, for example), who aren't interested in being 'converted', nor are we interested in converting anyone else.

The difference is, the tooth fairy will have been invented by someone to be deliberately mythological. The belief in God has just been passed down for centuries via millions, now billions of people.

It's silly really. One man believes there's a man with a white beard on a cloud, he's mental. One hundred people believe it, it's a cult, but millions? That's religion.

I'm just not sure why these discussions need to occur time and time again, yet they will. For example, the muslims who killed Americans over that film. I cannot get my head around that.

If someone says to me that God doesn't exist, fine, just don't keep going on about it.

What am I even saying? All people who believe in God are thick as pig shit anyway.

The point still stands. You don't need to be able to prove that something is false to be able to argue that the belief in such thing is nonsensical. And that's what atheists who confront religion are essentially doing. The atheist position is not simply the theist position in reverse.
I'm tired; what you've said isn't going in here.

No, what's going is something you don't personally care for, and you think this somehow constitutes "the difference", never mind that attempts of "conversion" are far more common in the believer attempting to convert a non-believer direction than the other way around.

It's quite the archetypal little "mote in your brother's eye" situation, I have to say.
No, what's going is something you don't personally care for, and you think this somehow constitutes "the difference", never mind that attempts of "conversion" are far more common in the believer attempting to convert a non-believer direction than the other way around.

It's quite the archetypal little "mote in your brother's eye" situation, I have to say.

Quite possibly in real life. And I don't like that either, but the internet seems to be full of the Ricky Gervais-types who must be right about everything, refusing to even acknowledge other people's beliefs.

As I said earlier, live and let live.
I love it when defenders of religion claim it does not hurt anyone.

It hurt me by stunting my intellectual growth from my prepubescent years well into my early adulthood. It also instilled in me this false sense of belief that I was entitled to be morally higher than others and that my particular version of Christianity trumped all others. It allowed me to look down on homosexuals, atheists, foreigners, etc, but forgive pastors that molested children and screwed prostitutes because they were "tempted by the devil."

Then you have this evil below (see video). While I did not endure such hatred speech from adults as these kids did, I was indeed indoctrinated with threats of eternal damnation and that (as mentioned before) others were wrong and I was morally above them. Religion teaches nothing but hatred IMO, thinly veiled as morals yet laden with subliminal messages.

FFS, warlocks?

So, right, think we've got this down to the nub, now. The difference between believers and non-believers is that non-believers annoy you more on the Internet.

And this is worse than believers if we exclude real life.

Yeah pretty much. You don't see many believers wandering round these threads trying to convert people, being utterly baffled at how one can be 'religion-less'.

In the real world though, I would say it's probably the other way around, I don't like that at all. It's nobody else's place to try and convert people into believing something, just because they do. If they wanted to be a Catholic or whatever, they'd probably do it of their own free will.
It’s all well and good having a go at the extreme religions and organisations. I totally agree.

But For the average person who goes to church the odd time and has some faith. There is not a thing wrong with that at all. They should not be slagged off or thrown into the same category as religious nuts.

I am not religious at all by the way. Not been to church since I was a kid. But I do live and hope there may be truth in God. So I would not call myself an atheist either.
I've just never understood how people can believe in a god. It's fecking mental and I'm sure most of them are lacking in common sense and intelligence.
Crikey I must be thick as pig shit then.
It's always worth pointing out the difference between "A God" - or an interpretation of the idea - and "this particular thing that's written about 2k years ago and wants us to do this that and the other"..From my POV, while we'll never be able to disprove the idea, it's pretty much as good as proven that the God of the Old Testament is as grounded in reality as Zeus or Wotan.

My main annoyance with theology is the desire to latch a modern interpretation of an idea of God onto this model out of convenience & comfort. It's so embedded in our culture as an Abrahamic society that people just blithely accept the two are compatible.

If you think the conceptual idea is plausible, you should follow the likes of Spinoza or Einstein, neither of whom had any time for the outdated idea of theology.
I went to a religious college and we studied Spinoza as part of our philosophy modules. I thought it was good of them to show the other side of the coin like that. But yeah, the Abrahamic God? Give me a break.