In a well-ordered universe...
If Curiosity manages to stumble on something amazing I wonder how that would go down with the religious. Keplar's findings of hundreds of universes in one dark patch of sky has given me much hope for future exploration. Surely an all-knowing god would have mentioned all these universes, let alone how our very own solar system works.
Hopefully within the next 50-100 years of planet and space exploration mankind will discover something that completely alters our thinking of our existence. Then the bullshit Genesis story would surely lose all credibility (to the religious only as science and non-religious already reject it) and along with it religion itself.
Hopefully within the next 50-100 years of planet and space exploration mankind will discover something that completely alters our thinking of our existence. Then the bullshit Genesis story would surely lose all credibility (to the religious only as science and non-religious already reject it) and along with it religion itself.