Film RedCafe's Favourite Movies Of All Time Contest (ROUND 3)

Crazy talk. No Country for Old Men is a much better movie than Bastards although the novel is even better.

I watched it when it came out and again recently and didn't enjoy it much either time. Farvfrom their best work. And Inglorious Basterds is a great film. It shouldn't work but it does.
Yeah. I really enjoyed that. It's like the western take on The Raid, which was in my action top 5.
I think because it’s so similar to The Raid(Which I think is a accident as both films were made at the same time)it gets missed or underrated by people.

The slow mo drug was a really cool gimmick.
I think because it’s so similar to The Raid(Which I think is a accident as both films were made at the same time)it gets missed or underrated by people.

The slow mo drug was a really cool gimmick.
Yes agreed. If I remember correctly, Dredd was written before The Raid.
1000000%. No Country as a body of work / story is head and shoulders above Basterds. Anyone that doesn’t agree obviously needs to be ostracised from society and preferably beaten in public by the dregs of society before being ostracised.

This is a top-quality take and one I fully support. You, sir, have good taste.

I watched it when it came out and again recently and didn't enjoy it much either time. Farvfrom their best work. And Inglorious Basterds is a great film. It shouldn't work but it does.

Bastards doesn't work for me for the reasons stated. I'm glad I watched it once but it's not worth a rewatch for me. Shame you didn't like No Country, but not every movie is for everyone (and I know McCarthy can be divisive as a writer too). But it's one of only about 20-25 movies that I can rewatch multiple times and get some new enjoyment from each time.
This is a top-quality take and one I fully support. You, sir, have good taste.

Bastards doesn't work for me for the reasons stated. I'm glad I watched it once but it's not worth a rewatch for me. Shame you didn't like No Country, but not every movie is for everyone (and I know McCarthy can be divisive as a writer too). But it's one of only about 20-25 movies that I can rewatch multiple times and get some new enjoyment from each time.

I haven't read the book largely because it isn't meant to be much like his other stuff, as it was originally written as a screenplay and not a novel. I do like his books so I should probably give it a go. My problem with the film is that it doesn't make you care about any of the characters and TLJ is wasted IMO.
I'd love to see people embrace films like Gattaca, Children of Men, and Moon for the SF category. Bonus points if anyone votes for Metropolis. But outside 2001 (of which I'm not a great fan) edit: and Bladerunner, I expect more space opera stuff. So much good SF though - just a perfect genre for social commentary and experimental stories.

Children of Men Sci-fi? Straightforward (dystopian) thriller I would have thought.
2001 will be a interesting one as while I think it will get mentioned, imo Interstellar has overtook its place as the most mainstream original sci fi film(Although personally I think 2001 is in different league compare to Nolan movie).

I hated Interstellar but still better than 2001.
Children of Men Sci-fi? Straightforward (dystopian) thriller I would have thought.
As I said previously:
Well, it's set in the future and there's some limited future tech - so I suppose it qualifies.

The thing is that many films fit many genres, and that most films that I would consider really good would only properly fit the drama category. So at least for myself (for what little it's worth), I'm trying to insert some of my favorites in other geners that they could kinda fit into.

(Even so I'm still forgetting to mention a ton of films. But anyway.)
I hated Interstellar but still better than 2001.
Certainly the better weird ending. I wouldn't include either in my top whatever though.
Shame superheroes and fantasy have been lumped together. A bit like putting Starbucks and coffee in the same category.
I haven't read the book largely because it isn't meant to be much like his other stuff, as it was originally written as a screenplay and not a novel. I do like his books so I should probably give it a go. My problem with the film is that it doesn't make you care about any of the characters and TLJ is wasted IMO.

I definitely don't feel that way. I cared lot for Llewellyn and his wife, certainly more than I cared about any character in Bastards for example. I also found Chigurh quite compelling as an evolution of The Judge and a continuation of McCarthy's PoV on human nature and chance. I agree a little on TLJ but that doesn't matter to me that much although I do think Jeff Bridges in Hell or High Water or Michael Shannon in Nocturnal Animals are more stellar examples in similar supporting roles.
Shame superheroes and fantasy have been lumped together. A bit like putting Starbucks and coffee in the same category.
Give us your top 5 fantasies (films I mean films) Wibble. I love LOTR but that's about it for me. Haven't seen any others unless my definition is incorrect
Give us your top 5 fantasies (films I mean films) Wibble. I love LOTR but that's about it for me. Haven't seen any others unless my definition is incorrect

It is often hard thing is to separate fantasy and horror (and horror from sci-fi with films like Alien)
Not sure about a top 5 but ones that come to mind as a good watch are,

LOTR trilogy
Pan's Labyrinth
Brazil (but could be sci-fi I guess)
Edward Scissorhands (not seen in decades so may not have aged well)
Beetlejuice (as above and could even be more of a comedy/horror)
Spirited Away
Truly Madly Deeply
Legend (surprisingly good despite Tom Cruise)
The Green Mile
And all sorts of good animated stuff like Monsters Inc, UP, Toy Story and Shrek are fantasy.
Quite a bit of sci-fi is also fantasy I guess.
1. LOTR Fellowship of the ring
2. LOTR Return of the King
3. Batman Begins
4. LOTR Two Towers
5. Neverending Story
Oh didn’t think of Star Wars. Yeah agree you with that it’s really more of a fantasy film.

2001 will be a interesting one as while I think it will get mentioned, imo Interstellar has overtook its place as the most mainstream original sci fi film(Although personally I think 2001 is in different league compare to Nolan movie).

Sci fi will be the most difficult one as there is a ton of big hitters. So far I’ve got pretty popular picks and Ridley Scott Alien hasn’t made the cut.
Star Wars is pure Sci-Fi for me.
2001 I though was good in parts but not good in most, I really did not like it. 2010: The Year We Make Contact is better , well I think so.
Alien is horror in my book.
I agree with you, I know 2001 is lauded has a classic, but I just dont see it.
I hated 2001. Absolutely hated it.
Far point, more horror than Sci-fi for me.
Yeah true but my horror films are all booked. No space for Alien (no pun intended), whereas I'm struggling with sci-fi so it's near the top of that list!
I hated 2001. Absolutely hated it.

Yeah true but my horror films are all booked. No space for Alien (no pun intended), whereas I'm struggling with sci-fi so it's near the top of that list!
Horror is going to be hard for me, I have so many, going to be hard to whittle it down.
I think Aliens is better than Alien.
Glad its not just me about 2001.
I hated Interstellar but still better than 2001.

What do you hate about 2001 ? Tbh the fact Tarkovsky hated 2001 is for me a positive. 2001 ''cold and sterile'' feel is a good counter to Tarkovsky more human(Although very reactionary) Sci - fi films.

Star Wars is pure Sci-Fi for me.
2001 I though was good in parts but not good in most, I really did not like it. 2010: The Year We Make Contact is better , well I think so.
Alien is horror in my book.
Oh didn't know about this. Will have to check it out.
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What do you hate about 2001 ? Tbh the fact Tarkovsky hated 2001 is for me a positive. 2001 ''cold and sterile'' feel is a good counter to Tarkovsky more human(Although very reactionary) Sci - fi films.

Agree. 2001 is a unique experience and has a good section about advancing AI (HAL) but it's quite indulgent and I'm not convinced anybody should take it as seriously as FMJ or A Clockwork Orange.

Solaris is a more well-rounded movie in the sense it's actually about the human experience, which Kubrick is remiss to actually pass comment on in 2001 (hence I think the 'cold and sterile' claims).
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1. Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance (does this count? it's magical realism).
2. Captain America: Civil War
3. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
4. The Wizard of Oz
5. (need to think longer about it so will update this post later).

Strange I can't include the Dark Knight as that would be there.
What category to Lynch's surrealist neo-noirs fit into? Drama doesn't seem right and nor does thriller.

If you mean Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet, I'm putting them as thrillers just to move some picks out of the overcrowded Drama and Crime categories. I think most of my crime/noir are going to be Asian films so thriller is where Lynch will go.
Agree. 2001 is a unique experience and has a good section about advancing AI (HAL) but it's quite indulgent and I'm not convinced anybody should take it as seriously as FMJ or A Clockwork Orange.

Solaris is a more well-rounded movie in the sense it's actually about the human experience, which Kubrick is remiss to actually pass comment on in 2001 (hence I think the 'cold and sterile' claims).

That always annoyed me about 2001. Kubrick took Marvin Minsky as his AI advisor which probably made sense in 1968 but Minsky was wrong about a lot of his views which was pointed out by Hubert Dreyfus a few years later in What Computers Can't Do and his subsequent papers and books.
Solaris is a more well-rounded movie in the sense it's actually about the human experience, which Kubrick is remiss to actually pass comment on in 2001 (hence I think the 'cold and sterile' claims).
Yeah thats seems to the criticism I see of the film but I think thats unfair on Kubrick as his goal wasn't to make a film about the human experience. I mean correct opinion on Solaris and 2001 is that Bladerunner is a better film than both.
Star Wars is pure Sci-Fi for me.
2001 I though was good in parts but not good in most, I really did not like it. 2010: The Year We Make Contact is better , well I think so.
Alien is horror in my book.

Star Wars is more of an old-fashioned quest (boy becomes a man by overcoming obstacles to rescue a princess from a dark tower). I regard Sci-Fi as films addressing the big questions of human existence (or at least questions of the day) in an unfamiliar setting. So, in no particular order:

- Blade Runner
- 2001
- Solaris (Soderbergh version - yes, I fully expect “Wings were the band the Beatles could have become” type comments)
- Planet of the Apes
- Metropolis
This one fairly easy for me.

1: LOTR: Fellowship
3. LOTR: Two Towers
4. Hobbit: Part 2
5. Hobbit: Part 3
I 100 % agree with this as best 5 ever. But i would go
2. Fellowship
3. Two towers
4. Hobbit 3
5. Hobbit 2
1. LOTR Two Towers
2. LOTR Fellowship of the Ring
3. LOTR Return of the King
4. Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows
5. Debbie Does Dallas 9
Just spitballing here, but would it be worth adding 'mystery' into the thriller category @Dirty Schwein? I'm thinking it might be a good catchall for movies like Donnie Darko, The Prestige, Shutter Island, etc.
I 100 % agree with this as best 5 ever. But i would go
2. Fellowship
3. Two towers
4. Hobbit 3
5. Hobbit 2

Blasphemy!!! It's all about the fellowship.

In all seriousness though it's very hard to split them.