Film RedCafe's Favourite Movies Of All Time Contest (ROUND 3)

Also, I love me some Tarantino, but it's shocking that Basterds got in ahead of No Country for Old Men. :wenger:
Also, I love me some Tarantino, but it's shocking that Basterds got in ahead of No Country for Old Men. :wenger:
THANK YOU. Basterds as a ‘of all time’ war movie is ridiculous. No Country not being in the top 5 is a travesty.
1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Avengers: Infinity War
3. Batman Begins
4. Thor: Ragnarok
5. Watchmen

Struggled with 5th place. Watchmen, V For Vendetta, Blade and Sin City are all of a similar quality, and it would have been nice to include any of The Princess Bride, Jumanji or even Dragonheart too.

Star Wars I would definitely class as fantasy rather than sci-fi. New Hope edges The Last Jedi as the best one for me (because of the awful subplot with Finn and the girl bringing the latter down).

Knew I'd forgotten something. Watchmen. Updated @Dirty Schwein.

What category would people put The Prestige in?

Thriller? Hard to categorise but certainly sci-fi would feel like cheating.

Also, I love me some Tarantino, but it's shocking that Basterds got in ahead of No Country for Old Men. :wenger:

Shhh... it makes sense, it's a better film...
I guess enough people didn’t consider it a Western. It’s a shame as Tarantino will surely have an entry of a better movie in Crime.
It’s not a typical western, but it has all the hallmarks of one. I think most people would put it under a ‘neo-Western’ like El Mariachi.
Knew I'd forgotten something. Watchmen. Updated @Dirty Schwein.

What category would people put The Prestige in?
Thanks. I would consider The Prestige as a thriller personally.
There should be a foreign film round. I've no idea which category to put City of God and La Haine in. Drama or Crime? I guess crime.
I did want to include one but couldn't get rid of any of the current ones and technically the foreign films fall into these I guess. I just hope more people vote for them. I expect a few to go through in either the horror or thriller rounds.
Also, I love me some Tarantino, but it's shocking that Basterds got in ahead of No Country for Old Men. :wenger:
THANK YOU. Basterds as a ‘of all time’ war movie is ridiculous. No Country not being in the top 5 is a travesty.
No Country was 5th the whole time until the very last person to vote, who had Inglorious high up on their list and that swung it.
Difficult genre.
1. Prospero's Books
2. The Seventh Seal
3. Wings of Desire
4. Orpheus
5. Faust - Eine Deutsche Volkssage

Letterboxd ranks all of these as Fantasy so I don't care what anybody says.
0 Soviet and 2 Steven Spielberg films in the top 5, really does confirm my long held view that the bad guys won the Cold War.
0 Soviet and 2 Steven Spielberg films in the top 5, really does confirm my long held view that the bad guys won the Cold War.
If neither Stalker or Solyaris make the SciFi list, we might as well burn the whole place down.
If neither Stalker or Solyaris make the SciFi list, we might as well burn the whole place down.
Oh both are going to lose to ET or War Of The Worlds.

Tarkovsky use of time and images to examine the human soul has got nothing on sad face Tom Cruise.
Fellowship of the Ring (or the whole trilogy if we're sensibly considering it as a single film)
Pan's Labyrinth
Wings of Desire
The Green Knight
Jason and the Argonauts

...and that final War and Western list is a travesty.

Edit: Is A Clockwork Orange a fantasy? This categorisation stuff is tough. How is The Dark Knight in any conceivable sense not a Superhero film and instead an Action movie?
Further Edit: Coraline should be in animation. Swapping it out.
Further Further Edit: Is there anything I think that I don't type in this post?
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Oh both are going to lose to ET or War Of The Worlds.

Tarkovsky use of time and images to examine the human soul has got nothing on sad face Tom Cruise.
Star Wars will appear in Sci Fi despite it demonstrably being fantasy. 2001 will be on almost every list.
Fellowship of the Ring (or the whole trilogy if we're sensibly considering it as a single film)
Pan's Labyrinth
The Green Knight
Jason and the Argonauts

...and that final War and Western list is a travesty.

Edit: Is A Clockwork Orange a fantasy? This categorisation stuff is tough.
Science Fiction I’d say.
Star Wars will appear in Sci Fi despite it demonstrably being fantasy. 2001 will be on almost every list.

If we're being technical, Star Wars is space opera which is really a subgenre of sci-fi rather than fantasy.

Maybe, but why? If that's Science Fiction, why is V for Vendetta fantasy?

I had V for Vendetta here as a "super hero" movie.
Star Wars will appear in Sci Fi despite it demonstrably being fantasy. 2001 will be on almost every list.
Oh didn’t think of Star Wars. Yeah agree you with that it’s really more of a fantasy film.

2001 will be a interesting one as while I think it will get mentioned, imo Interstellar has overtook its place as the most mainstream original sci fi film(Although personally I think 2001 is in different league compare to Nolan movie).

Sci fi will be the most difficult one as there is a ton of big hitters. So far I’ve got pretty popular picks and Ridley Scott Alien hasn’t made the cut.
Oh didn’t think of Star Wars. Yeah agree you with that it’s really more of a fantasy film.

2001 will be a interesting one as while I think it will get mentioned, imo Interstellar has overtook its place as the most mainstream original sci fi film(Although personally I think 2001 is in different league compare to Nolan movie).

Sci fi will be the most difficult one as there is a ton of big hitters. So far I’ve got pretty popular picks and Ridley Scott Alien hasn’t made the cut.
Surely Alien is a straight up horror though? If it's not, is The Thing sci-fi? I can't handle this discontinuous categorisation damn it!
Surely Alien is a straight up horror though? If it's not, is The Thing sci-fi? I can't handle this discontinuous categorisation damn it!
It’s both. When it comes to cases like these, I usually choose the category I have less options in. Which basically explains my fantasy list.
There should be a foreign film round. I've no idea which category to put City of God and La Haine in. Drama or Crime? I guess crime.
Yeah, I've been thinking this. Although it's a slightly reductive take on foreign films and it would be so hard to narrow down.
  1. LOTR The Twin Towers
  2. LOTR Return of the King
  3. Batman Returns
  4. Watchmen
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy
  1. The Dark Knight Rises
  2. Captain America: The First Avenger
  3. Jurassic Park
  4. Deadpool
  5. Wolverine
not a massive fan of this genre tbh

I didnt put the Star Wars movies because I regard them as Sci-Fi..

1. Ghostbusters
2. Blade
3. Batman Returns (also one of my fave x-mas movies)
4. The Crow
5. Jurrasic Park
There should be a foreign film round. I've no idea which category to put City of God and La Haine in. Drama or Crime? I guess crime.
Either? It’s a dramatic crime film or a drama about a group of people who are involved in/impacted by crime?

Fantastic film which I only watched (a few years ago) because I was looking for films to watch and thought I’d check IMDBs all time list, work my way down and see what I’d missed.

Gave me City of God and 12 Angry Men (no idea why never watched before) which is probably in my top 10 all time (maybe top 5).
This isn't easy. Some films can be classed as fantasy but they just don't sit well in this genre.
1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. Dark Knight
3. Logan
4. X Men: Days of Future Past
5. Spiderman 2

Wouldn't be unfair to have the LOTR movies separately became they would be the top 3 and not leave enough space for the rest.
Either? It’s a dramatic crime film or a drama about a group of people who are involved in/impacted by crime?

Fantastic film which I only watched (a few years ago) because I was looking for films to watch and thought I’d check IMDBs all time list, work my way down and see what I’d missed.

Gave me City of God and 12 Angry Men (no idea why never watched before) which is probably in my top 10 all time (maybe top 5).

Yeah it’s one of my favourite films of all time. I just think certain films might get spread thin because they cover a few genres.