Film RedCafe's Favourite Movies Of All Time Contest (ROUND 3)

Blasphemy!!! It's all about the fellowship.

In all seriousness though it's very hard to split them.
Agree. I change my mind often about those 3 films. (BUT Rotk has Theoden's glorious charge (best scene ever) so it must be no1 :D ).
That always annoyed me about 2001. Kubrick took Marvin Minsky as his AI advisor which probably made sense in 1968 but Minsky was wrong about a lot of his views which was pointed out by Hubert Dreyfus a few years later in What Computers Can't Do and his subsequent papers and books.

Will trust you on this as no way I'm reading a 313 page PDF :lol:

Yeah thats seems to the criticism I see of the film but I think thats unfair on Kubrick as his goal wasn't to make a film about the human experience. I mean correct opinion on Solaris and 2001 is that Bladerunner is a better film than both.

Definitely and it helps that Blade Runner is an infinitely rewatchable movie (much as with Ghost in the Shell).

Star Wars is more of an old-fashioned quest (boy becomes a man by overcoming obstacles to rescue a princess from a dark tower). I regard Sci-Fi as films addressing the big questions of human existence (or at least questions of the day) in an unfamiliar setting. So, in no particular order:

- Blade Runner
- 2001
- Solaris (Soderbergh version - yes, I fully expect “Wings were the band the Beatles could have become” type comments)
- Planet of the Apes
- Metropolis

Totally agree and a very good way of putting it.
Agree. I change my mind often about those 3 films. (BUT Rotk has Theoden's glorious charge (best scene ever) so it must be no1 :D ).

I know what you mean. However for me it comes down to the Council of Elrond and Balrog / Gandalf in Khazad-dum.
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I 100 % agree with this as best 5 ever. But i would go
2. Fellowship
3. Two towers
4. Hobbit 3
5. Hobbit 2
If this your list bud?
Just spitballing here, but would it be worth adding 'mystery' into the thriller category @Dirty Schwein? I'm thinking it might be a good catchall for movies like Donnie Darko, The Prestige, Shutter Island, etc.
Good shout, I'll do that.
1. Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance (does this count? it's magical realism).
2. Captain America: Civil War
3. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
4. The Wizard of Oz
5. (need to think longer about it so will update this post later).

Strange I can't include the Dark Knight as that would be there.
@Dirty Schwein does it ?? As I adore this film and it HAS go into some category of mine.
Star Wars is more of an old-fashioned quest (boy becomes a man by overcoming obstacles to rescue a princess from a dark tower). I regard Sci-Fi as films addressing the big questions of human existence (or at least questions of the day) in an unfamiliar setting. So, in no particular order:

- Blade Runner
- 2001
- Solaris (Soderbergh version - yes, I fully expect “Wings were the band the Beatles could have become” type comments)
- Planet of the Apes
- Metropolis
Planet of the Aps, I agree is top 5 worthy.
The rest would not be in mine, not even top 10.
Cant ague about Star Wars, still goes in Sci-fi for me, but nice description.
  1. LOTR: Return of the King
  2. LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
  3. LOTR: Two Towers
  4. Stardust
  5. Labyrinth
1. Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance (does this count? it's magical realism).
2. Captain America: Civil War
3. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
4. The Wizard of Oz
5. (need to think longer about it so will update this post later).

Strange I can't include the Dark Knight as that would be there.
@Dirty Schwein -

1. Birdman
2. Donnie Darko
3. Captain America: Civil War
4. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
5. The Wizard of Oz

Donnie Darko is a very unconventional superhero story, so it counts.
1. Watchmen
2. The Dark Knight
3. Endgame
4. Return of the King
5. Willow
The first one is a genuinely good film that can judged on it own, the other two are pretty poor(Skateboarding on shields and elephants). The achievement of making the trilogy is far more impressive than the actual films imo.

The action sequences have more weight to them certainly, but can it really? There is no story - the film just halts, with no sense of completion. The hobbits grate, and I found the first half of the film overly episodic and unengaging.

No Country was specifically written as a neo-western by Cormac McCarthy so I don't think it really fits as a thriller, which tends to be stuff more like Gone Girl. One of my favorite thrillers is Burning which I think has a very different set-up than No Country which highlights main differences between those genres. The Coen movie definitely captures that neo-western feel. I felt it was just superior as a film to Bastards, which was fun but a bit shallow and felt like it was written to give A-list actors set-piece moments.

Blade Runner is the most essential sci-fi for me.

'Neo-western' doesn't really mean anything to me - it felt like one of the Coen brother's more serious films, and featured an ordinary man on the run from an unstoppable killing machine dispatched by a powerful, shady organisation, so crime/ thriller I would say.

I find that to be a very harsh criticism of Inglourious Basterds. While it does provide the actors - as Tarantino typically does - ample material to showcase their talents, this particular film has no (or very little) waste. It builds really well and everything pays off. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, in stark contrast, appears to have plenty of inconsequential moments/ sequences/ scenes and is a film that I feel your description would more accurately describe.

As an aside, I liked Blade Runner but thought the sequel was superior, and is a terrific film that I'll likely include in my sci-fi list.
1. Ghostbusters
2. Pan's Labyrinth
3. LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring
4. Birdman
5. Unbreakable

Not sure about the list or order, but then I think few of my picks or my alternatives will make it through anyway.
Edited mine as well, @Dirty Schwein.
Btw every time someone calls Birdman a superhero film, Alejandro González start crying.

So hope your happy, bunch of sickos.
Btw every time someone calls Birdman a superhero film, Alejandro González start crying.

So hope your happy, bunch of sickos.
I thought you of all people should be happy we're finding ways to (maybe) get a non-blockbuster through this round! :D
1) LOTR Return of the King
2) LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring
3) LOTR Twin Towers
4) Iron Man
5) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Ok - my final picks in the right order... @Dirty Schwein

1. Birdman
2. Watchmen
3. Captain America: Civil War
4. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
5. Donnie Darko
1. Pans Labyrinth
2. LOTR Fellowship
3. Who framed Roger Rabbit
4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Updating mine to
1. LOTR 3
2. Birdman
3. LOTR 1
4. Logan
5. Batman Begins
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. Who Framed Rodger Rabbit
3. Birdman
4. Sin City
5. Infinity War