Film RedCafe's Favourite Movies Of All Time Contest (ROUND 2)

Seven Samurai is an Action/Adventure Samurai Drama with some War and Western elements. Closer to the previous category I’d say.

Tombstone is a Western for casuals. Get some Ford and Leone in your life.
Ford and Leone are Westerns for casuals.

Go watch El Topo! :D
Last of the Mohicans
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The Hunt For Red October
Apocalypse Now
It's ok, you're in love with Nic Cage, we know your brain is broken
I know this is the most random story ever, but about 10-15 years ago, there was this dude walking around the festival grounds of a metal festival I used to attend religiously over here. He had, I shit you not, an enormous cardboard cutout of Nicolas Cage's head, about 5 times as large as a normal head, that he was holding up above his own head with straightened arms.

It was a three day festival and every time I saw him, he was standing there with Nicolas Cage's head held high. It was utterly bizarre and this dude had the most serious look on his face, like he was on a mission or something. To this day I still don't know why, I didn't ask him (what a missed opportunity) and I'm still amazed that his arms just didn't seem to tire.

Just goes to show, Nicolas Cage means something to people.

1. No Country for Old Men
2. Hell or High Water
3. El Topo (I know almost no one will have seen this psychedelic western from 1970s Mexico but it deserves a mention and I reserve the right to switch this vote to a bubble film near the end)
4.Ballad of Buster Scruggs
5. Ran
El Topo just missed the cut for me. It’s awesome. There is no movie I know that could be compared to it.
1. Come And See
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. Inglorious Basterds
5. 3:10 To Yuma

Films like Black Hawk Down, Full Metal Jacket, etc... all seem to blend into one for me so I can't remember how much I liked them. Plus I'm a WWII nerd really.
Was just explaining Come And See at the office, such a great piece of art.

1. No Country For Old Men
2. Come And See
3. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
4. Dunkirk
5. Schindler's List
Will break slightly from my 'not english language' rule as I want to include The Thin Red Line and Apocalypse Now.

1. Ran
2. The Battle of Algiers
3. Apocalypse Now
4. The Thin Red Line
5. The Ascent
That's an odd rule
Good to see Ran getting a run. Got to get Kurosawa in somewhere.
The intense colours during the battle scenes are something else. Kurosawa‘s storyboards are worth checking out.
I recall some cracking sillouettes as well.
I don't think anyone who's seen it wouldn't put it in his list, and quite high towards the top.
I agree, I edited my list and added it.
El Topo just missed the cut for me. It’s awesome. There is no movie I know that could be compared to it.

Cheers. Now, I can return to my work day in peace.
1. Dr. Strangelove
2. The Wild Bunch
3. The Battle of Algiers
4. Once Upon a Time in the West
5. Apocalypse Now
I feel so embarrassed by my film taste. I literally majored in film and make short films as a hobby (and hopefully one day a career) and also I watch so many movies every week... Then it gets too my favourites and they're things like Face/Off :lol:
I feel so embarrassed by my film taste. I literally majored in film and make short films as a hobby (and hopefully one day a career) and also I watch so many movies every week... Then it gets too my favourites and they're things like Face/Off :lol:

What genre are the short films you make?
I know this is the most random story ever, but about 10-15 years ago, there was this dude walking around the festival grounds of a metal festival I used to attend religiously over here. He had, I shit you not, an enormous cardboard cutout of Nicolas Cage's head, about 5 times as large as a normal head, that he was holding up above his own head with straightened arms.

It was a three day festival and every time I saw him, he was standing there with Nicolas Cage's head held high. It was utterly bizarre and this dude had the most serious look on his face, like he was on a mission or something. To this day I still don't know why, I didn't ask him (what a missed opportunity) and I'm still amazed that his arms just didn't seem to tire.

Just goes to show, Nicolas Cage means something to people.
I just wanted people to know how much I loved him.