Redcafe Drafting League Game Thread

Was on holiday, then got sick, and now swamped with work

This is @P-Nut 's draft so he should make the call, but since he didn't, I think I am good to decide

It started as a new concept that is worth trying. As it goes on, I don't think it really works, for few reasons:
  1. There is no plan in place if any manager drops out (due to ban, no submission, etc.)
  2. Entire draft takes too long to complete. Not everyone can commit throughout (including committee)
  3. Managers got bored and started putting less effort, especially when result is not as expected
So, I think it is right choice to stop this draft, at least with this pool of managers

We could restart this draft with less participating managers, maybe keep the same team, and add new rules

Open to suggestion
There is no plan in place if any manager drops out (due to ban, no submission, etc.)
Made a suggestion on that a few posts ago: If a manager fails to respond, a designated neutral fills in to field 11 players for that matchday. No write ups, no fuss, just a simple formation that ensures that the game can take place. I also volunteered for that role (I think I'd have the time at night to do it reliably), but it could be any neutral poster, or several ones.
Entire draft takes too long to complete. Not everyone can commit throughout (including committee)
Same basic idea: simplify the process where necessary. The longer write ups were fabulous and are much welcomed, but if a committee member has little time, a score sheet with a line of text would suffice.

Fewer, more dedicated managers (= fewer games each MD) seems like a good idea too.
Was on holiday, then got sick, and now swamped with work

This is @P-Nut 's draft so he should make the call, but since he didn't, I think I am good to decide

It started as a new concept that is worth trying. As it goes on, I don't think it really works, for few reasons:
  1. There is no plan in place if any manager drops out (due to ban, no submission, etc.)
  2. Entire draft takes too long to complete. Not everyone can commit throughout (including committee)
  3. Managers got bored and started putting less effort, especially when result is not as expected
So, I think it is right choice to stop this draft, at least with this pool of managers

We could restart this draft with less participating managers, maybe keep the same team, and add new rules

Open to suggestion

Carry on.

Who all are still ready to play every week? We can have a smaller set of managers, open a transfer window to reallocate players and start the league again?
Who all are still ready to play every week? We can have a smaller set of managers, open a transfer window to reallocate players and start the league again?
I think the format needs to change a little more too.

After a few game weeks, I got bored of seeing roughly the same teams as before.

There is also one other problem. Once someone has a weak team after initial drafting and start losing games, they start to lose interest and they are anyways unlikely to win a lot of games with the same weak team.

If there is a way to freshen up the squads quickly every couple of game weeks, that might make it interesting.

15/30 game weeks is too long as green smiley said to keep it interesting with the same teams.
I think the format needs to change a little more too.

After a few game weeks, I got bored of seeing roughly the same teams as before.

There is also one other problem. Once someone has a weak team after initial drafting and start losing games, they start to lose interest and they are anyways unlikely to win a lot of games with the same weak team.

If there is a way to freshen up the squads quickly every couple of game weeks, that might make it interesting.

15/30 game weeks is too long as green smiley said to keep it interesting with the same teams.

Transfer window every two games maybe?
This draft format might actually be best for @Edgar Allan Pillow 's 6 a side draft with sheep drafting.

Everyone gets 6 new players every 2 game weeks.

All selected players go to block list after every 2 game weeks. Since it's sheep, it should be quick.

After we reach the half way mark in draft, the block list is cleared again for the 2nd half of the season.

We will start from the top and reach the reserve draft level by the end.

If someone leaves the draft in the middle, no one needs to inherit an old team and can build his own team every 2 weeks.
Yeah sorry guys I fell out of love with this draft and have got no motivation to start it back up again.

Like @green_smiley said it was an experimental draft and has highlighted a few problems with it.

It's far too long with the same teams each week, and as well as manager commitment throughout you also need commitment from the ones running it and I've been nowhere near on it enough.

I'm not going to start running a slightly different version just yet, as I've not been on here as often as I usually am, but if anyone else wants to then I'll just sit out.
Whilst the 6 a side idea interesting it's not something I'd like to play
This was comfortably the best draft in recent time, such a shame my game against beam was to big for this league :(
I'll gladly keep going with the format as is, since it suits both my time and knowledge constraints :lol: If you want to change it up to be more interactive please count me out because I really shouldn't invest a lot of time into it right now. That said I generally like being able to for example bring in a new guy every week, so I would generally be up for that maybe come next year.

TLDR: Would keep going as is, can't do more research for something with more interactivity.
Yeah, I’m in for the XI, not for a 6-a-side, which can be fun as a stand-alone draft, but not as a league-based one.
Continue the league in the same format

1) Indnyc
2) harms
3) Physiocrat
4) Jim Beam
6) Michaelf
7) Sjor Bepo
8) 2mufc0
9) Swarm

My view is that we continue with our current squads and open up a transfer window to refresh the teams. Happy to take the lead in running the draft and use the neutral committee for the matches
Continue the league in the same format

1) Indnyc
2) harms
3) Physiocrat
4) Jim Beam
6) Michaelf
7) Sjor Bepo
8) 2mufc0
9) Swarm

My view is that we continue with our current squads and open up a transfer window to refresh the teams. Happy to take the lead in running the draft and use the neutral committee for the matches
I'm fine with or without that.

It's not time consuming and even if not winning (which as United fans, we should be used to), you can experiment... even if only to gauge opinion for future drafts.
Continue the league in the same format

1) Indnyc
2) harms
3) Physiocrat
4) Jim Beam
6) Michaelf
7) Sjor Bepo
8) 2mufc0
9) Swarm

My view is that we continue with our current squads and open up a transfer window to refresh the teams. Happy to take the lead in running the draft and use the neutral committee for the matches
Should open transfers at the half way point
I'm fine with or without that.

It's not time consuming and even if not winning (which as United fans, we should be used to), you can experiment... even if only to gauge opinion for future drafts.

I think people wanted transfer window given we’ve had pretty much similar teams for a while now

Should open transfers at the half way point

That was the original idea but with the drop off in numbers, we can consider this as halfway point and start again
we can consider this as halfway point and start again

Yeah, sounds about right.

Suggestion: the manager can add a maximum of three (or whatever is deemed appropriate) players to his squad. If he adds 3, he ditches 3, and so forth. Squad size remains the same.

Pool: blocked players + all players from teams who have resigned from the draft (and all unpicked players).

Style: same as the star player rounds, but without the position specific rounds. All managers submit 3 picks, some get through, some get blocked (again). Keep going until everyone's done.

Then (I suggest, as a bonus round of sorts): the manager is allowed to replace a player/players from his squad with a player/players ditched by other (current) managers.

Should give everyone a decent chance to either upgrade their best XI, or at the very least add depth to their squad.
Continue the league in the same format

1) Indnyc
2) harms
3) Physiocrat
4) Jim Beam
6) Michaelf
7) Sjor Bepo
8) 2mufc0
9) Swarm
10) Chester

@cubemine @Skizzo @Stobzilla please let us know if you want to continue