Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

I just found the legendary big horned ram and killed it. Had to mercy kill after I shot it once and it fell down a small cliff. Where’s the best place to take its pelt and body?

Always the trapper isn't it? You'll get a wedge for the carcass and some for the pelt, and he can craft it into stuff
Always the trapper isn't it? You'll get a wedge for the carcass and some for the pelt, and he can craft it into stuff

Yeah realised I’d not utilised the trapped at all and now I’m walking around with a Fox hat and ram chaps like a Davy Crockett. Also I’ve just discovered there’s a whole area west of Strawberry. And north west of it.
Been ambushed a fair few times by Lemoyne raiders who made it clear it was a revenge ambush because I killed a few of their buddies.
One was on a bridge, 5 at the front 5 at the back, died straight away. Another one was where they blew up a carriage in the road in front of me, my horse bucked me off and ran, luckily there were rocks nearby I could take cover behind and take them out.
Yeah realised I’d not utilised the trapped at all and now I’m walking around with a Fox hat and ram chaps like a Davy Crockett. Also I’ve just discovered there’s a whole area west of Strawberry. And north west of it.

:lol: I've got some chaps but I'm an outlaw, not a lowly cowboy (actual cowboys must've been pretty boring).

Yeah I've done some hunting around there.
I've still not uncovered north of the Grizzlies East text.
Doing some of the gunslinger side missions now to get myself some cool looking guns. Done one earlier where i had to shovel shit into a barrow for some fecker. Of course he had to die after that


Meet the Watsons :lol:

I stole the shotgun in her basement and she kept going on about her sons. Tried to ride off on her donkey to go get them but I shot the donkey, hogtied her and left her in her basement. Came back a while later and here her and her sons arguing in the cabin so I shot the door open and threw in a Molotov. They fire out but basically all burned to death gradually except ginger here in the middle. I lassoo’d him out of the house and surrounded him with the charred corpses of his family. Not sure what to do with him now.
You haven’t lived if you haven’t wandered around the bayou/marsh at night in the fog. Either cinematic with lantern out or close view is brilliant stuff.
Hate when you put a marker to travel to, go in cinematic mode so your horse just takes you there without you paying attention and you end up running someone over on the way and get the whole town after you
Feck. Just lost my first horse. Stunning reddy brown thoroughbred I tamed in chapter 2. Was dead tall too. Most of the other horses look like donkeys when you get on them.

Ambushed by Lemoyne Raiders on the way to collect a debt, I jumped off as quick as I could so it didn't get hit but it was too late. I saw it go down then got killed myself seconds later.

Riding my tiny dalmation horse doesn't look quite the same.
I don't have this game (and probably won't ever buy it because it sounds like a massive time sink) but I'm strangely drawn to this thread.

Some of the stuff people can do seems really interesting.
I just found the legendary big horned ram and killed it. Had to mercy kill after I shot it once and it fell down a small cliff. Where’s the best place to take its pelt and body?
You take the legendary pelts to the trapper and sell them to him and he can craft you unique outfits with those pelts and others.

1 is up by Elysian pool which you should have been to as part of a story mission.
2nd is up beside Strawberry near Riggs station, just to the right of that.
3rd is up beside Big Valley which again is close to strawberry.

In the message I posted to Carvajal a few posts up there is a photo of where the 3rd one is.

Edit: I must have had some sort of CAF delay as I could have sworn there weren’t any responses to you when I wrote this.
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Thank you very much,very helpful.I will try it tonight
No probs, I’m trying to track down 4 more which I’m guessing are a wolf, gator and cougar and something else but can’t find them anywhere.

Whilst hunting I came across some hicks who were looting some people, they took a shot at me and ran off and I had my sniper rifle armed. Killed them then 4 guys (family members) came out from quite far off so I killed them but on one of them oooooooft.

I had the express ammo on my rolling block and this one shot blew this guy’s head clean off and it looked amazing through my scope. I think his head actually exploded so ran over to check his body out and it was gruesome. He still had a lower jaw attached to his neck, but the rest was missing.
No probs, I’m trying to track down 4 more which I’m guessing are a wolf, gator and cougar and something else but can’t find them anywhere.

Whilst hunting I came across some hicks who were looting some people, they took a shot at me and ran off and I had my sniper rifle armed. Killed them then 4 guys (family members) came out from quite far off so I killed them but on one of them oooooooft.

I had the express ammo on my rolling block and this one shot blew this guy’s head clean off and it looked amazing through my scope. I think his head actually exploded so ran over to check his body out and it was gruesome. He still had a lower jaw attached to his neck, but the rest was missing.
Use an internet map with the exact location to find them, it's a mini clue, not even a cheat :D
Busting heads with the dead eye, or with the shotgun a meter away is very addictive :lol:
I did it one night at Valentine, with a girl who was a bit rude in our three-sentence conversation.
I blew up her head and left her on the main street so that people would know who is the boss in town.
Now I have two things that I want to experience(after hunting the buck). Derail a train with dynamite and tie and kidnap a group of people and leave them in some isolated cabin, to use them later as bait for bears.
I wonder what happens if I leave them tied and come back after a few hours?
I also wanna do a special hunting so I would appreciate any tips on how to not ruin any pelts :lol: I used the lasso on a bison and finished him with the knife, the damage to his pelt was minimal but I wanna get perfect pelts for crafting. I'm reading about poisoned darts, where to get them ? Or are they storyline based ?
I also wanna do a special hunting so I would appreciate any tips on how to not ruin any pelts :lol: I used the lasso on a bison and finished him with the knife, the damage to his pelt was minimal but I wanna get perfect pelts for crafting. I'm reading about poisoned darts, where to get them ? Or are they storyline based ?
You can craft poison arrows, not sure about darts though. From the fence you can buy special instructions to craft items so I think I got it from that. As for pelt quality, for legendary animals I think you can feck them up however and you still get the pelt, while other ones just use your binoculars on the animals and study them and it'll say their pelt quality before you shoot them. After that you want to try and get a head shot usually, though when you study the animal it'll tell you how to effectively kill it. Using a sniper with dead eye is easiest and gets them one shot and keeps the pelt perfect.
I also wanna do a special hunting so I would appreciate any tips on how to not ruin any pelts :lol: I used the lasso on a bison and finished him with the knife, the damage to his pelt was minimal but I wanna get perfect pelts for crafting. I'm reading about poisoned darts, where to get them ? Or are they storyline based ?
For the legendary creature it doesn’t matter, you could riddle it with shotgun pellets and it’ll be fine and the other large/medium creatures just use the binoculars till you find one with a pristine pelt then headshot (use express bullets) it or use the lasoo technique.

The ones I’m finding the hardest are things like rabbits, raccoons, squirrels and snakes. Finding a pristine condition one is hard and keeping it that way even harder. I’ve head shot a few raccoons with a bow and they went from pristine to good.

Using the cover scent and baits tend to work well. I’ve just been using the generic bait you buy but for bigger better game I think if you craft bait it works a lot better.

You can get poisoned throwing knives, I’m sure I saw a window pop up with that suggestion, I would say the fence is your best bet for that.
For the legendary creature it doesn’t matter, you could riddle it with shotgun pellets and it’ll be fine and the other large/medium creatures just use the binoculars till you find one with a pristine pelt then headshot (use express bullets) it or use the lasoo technique.

The ones I’m finding the hardest are things like rabbits, raccoons, squirrels and snakes. Finding a pristine condition one is hard and keeping it that way even harder. I’ve head shot a few raccoons with a bow and they went from pristine to good.

Using the cover scent and baits tend to work well. I’ve just been using the generic bait you buy but for bigger better game I think if you craft bait it works a lot better.

You can get poisoned throwing knives, I’m sure I saw a window pop up with that suggestion, I would say the fence is your best bet for that.
With raccoons it has to be the varmint rifle.
You can craft poison arrows, not sure about darts though. From the fence you can buy special instructions to craft items so I think I got it from that. As for pelt quality, for legendary animals I think you can feck them up however and you still get the pelt, while other ones just use your binoculars on the animals and study them and it'll say their pelt quality before you shoot them. After that you want to try and get a head shot usually, though when you study the animal it'll tell you how to effectively kill it. Using a sniper with dead eye is easiest and gets them one shot and keeps the pelt perfect.

For the legendary creature it doesn’t matter, you could riddle it with shotgun pellets and it’ll be fine and the other large/medium creatures just use the binoculars till you find one with a pristine pelt then headshot (use express bullets) it or use the lasoo technique.

The ones I’m finding the hardest are things like rabbits, raccoons, squirrels and snakes. Finding a pristine condition one is hard and keeping it that way even harder. I’ve head shot a few raccoons with a bow and they went from pristine to good.

Using the cover scent and baits tend to work well. I’ve just been using the generic bait you buy but for bigger better game I think if you craft bait it works a lot better.

You can get poisoned throwing knives, I’m sure I saw a window pop up with that suggestion, I would say the fence is your best bet for that.

Cheers. Would you believe me if i told you I never even read once what it says when you study animals whereas I've done it all the time.
With raccoons it has to be the varmint rifle.
Varmint rifle is often useful for perfect pelts from small animals.

I’m having trouble with legendary hunts from the darn ‘too much activity in this area.’ I’m going to have to wander around, clear out every random thing, then leave and take a nap apparently...
If a sell pelts of legendary animals to two different trappers, can I still buy all upgrades and apparell from either of them?

Done most legendary animals now, elk, moose and jaguar remains.
I Blew Up My Horse. A short film by Anderson’s Dietician.

I had seen what many have said about this house and I wasn’t about to let that happen, but severe Dynamite toss fail.
If a sell pelts of legendary animals to two different trappers, can I still buy all upgrades and apparell from either of them?

Done most legendary animals now, elk, moose and jaguar remains.
It’s the same guy, he basically just stores every perfect or legendary pelt you bring him so that he can craft you stuff. He’s effectivly a pelt bank.

@Schmiznurf I’ll give that a bash.
If a sell pelts of legendary animals to two different trappers, can I still buy all upgrades and apparell from either of them?

Done most legendary animals now, elk, moose and jaguar remains.
You don’t even have to sell them when you take legendary animals. Once they’re skinned, those upgrades are automatically transferred to all trappers.

Only difference if you don’t sell them is a bit of cash.

Edit: this doesn’t apply to perfect pelts.
I Blew Up My Horse. A short film by Anderson’s Dietician.

I had seen what many have said about this house and I wasn’t about to let that happen, but severe Dynamite toss fail.

I lit some dynamite way too early trying to ambush a stagecoach to rob. Ended up running in the opposite direction and had no idea how long I could hold on to it for (possibly forever?) so just lobbed it hoping they wouldn't hear.
You don’t even have to sell them when you take legendary animals. Once they’re skinned, those upgrades are automatically transferred to all trappers.

Only difference if you don’t sell them is a bit of cash.

Edit: this doesn’t apply to perfect pelts.

Hmm already got 20k... won't bother with selling them then.

So I just skin them and bin the skin?
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Just finished chapter 6. Feeling a bit hollow inside.
Just bought the camp boat and took it out to the islands. Found a pirate hat and have been wearing it exclusively and rowing around to clear the lake on the map. Good fun.
Feck, got killed by the cougar.. I return and it says I need to wait for a while. I the meantime, I headed to the saloon in Tumbleweed to play poker but ended up in brawl with literally the whole town shooting at me so I had to escape. Fecking cougar.
@Schmiznurf quick update, still riding around looking for rabbits and now trying it with the varmint rifle and there is an issue. It’s crap :lol:

I deadeye shot a rabbit in the head and I thought great feckers dead.( I was on horseback) turned back around to see him get up and scamper so chased him down again and hit him again with another deadeye headshot and the fecker got back up and fled this time pulling a disappearing act.

Damn rabbits, seemingly you need to complete all these hunting challenges before you can unlock the final legendary beast. The legendary Gator I’ve been walking about the Bayou looking for being attacked by everyone and everything only to find out you can’t get it till chapter 4.
The wanted system is way too harsh. I walked outside from the saloon and accidentally got on someone else's horse. The thing is, as soon as i pressed triangle i realised and immediately pressed it again. I was on the horse for a split second, but some fecker seen it and ran off to dob me in. I caught him up and warned him against doing it, but someone seen me restrain this guy then they ran off and told the police . Now i'm wanted in that area. Feckers.