Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Just reached Chapter 3, Stunning world, great characters, great gameplay.
Controls were an issue initially, I think my issue now is that theres so many it's hard to remember some of those not constantly used.

Bounties haven't been too bad either, haven't paid off any yet. Have walked past Law with a bounty and not had any issues, I have changed clothes from what I commited most crimes in though..
Plenty of bounty hunters but they seem to turn up a while after gun shots and most of the time I've been engaging them rather than them finding me.
Haven't tried running away yet, so I wonder if they can be lost?
May become a problem when I put some time into hunting though..

The inventory is the only thing that confuses me, is there any way to store say a tonic on your horse so you can pick another up?
And is there a way to store extra guns of the same type? If I upgrade one and then pick up another, is the initial one left on the ground?
Is there a camp storage? you can store pelts, weapons or stuff you've nicked?
Just reached Chapter 3, Stunning world, great characters, great gameplay.
Controls were an issue initially, I think my issue now is that theres so many it's hard to remember some of those not constantly used.

Bounties haven't been too bad either, haven't paid off any yet. Have walked past Law with a bounty and not had any issues, I have changed clothes from what I commited most crimes in though..
Plenty of bounty hunters but they seem to turn up a while after gun shots and most of the time I've been engaging them rather than them finding me.
Haven't tried running away yet, so I wonder if they can be lost?
May become a problem when I put some time into hunting though..

The inventory is the only thing that confuses me, is there any way to store say a tonic on your horse so you can pick another up?
And is there a way to store extra guns of the same type? If I upgrade one and then pick up another, is the initial one left on the ground?
Is there a camp storage? you can store pelts, weapons or stuff you've nicked?
What system do you use when you change your clothes? Let's say you kill someone, you loot them, you get on the horse and change your clothes at that moment?
and if you're going to steal again you dress again the clothes to commit crimes?
Is COWboy, not CARboy. You’re looking for GTA or smth.
Technically we don't drive cows either...

Yeah I know man, but there was a car in RDR, you just couldn't drive it. I just want the option. Still make it all horses, but have a mission or two where you can drive the very first cars.. personal preference
The opening reminds me of the Hateful Eight a lot. I'm still stuck in the snow, hopefully it doesn't last long, a bit boring so far haha. I'm sure it'll get much better. Only played for an hour or so. Not quite the all action opening of GTA 5 is it.
The opening reminds me of the Hateful Eight a lot. I'm still stuck in the snow, hopefully it doesn't last long, a bit boring so far haha. I'm sure it'll get much better. Only played for an hour or so. Not quite the all action opening of GTA 5 is it.
Yeah it takes time for it to really get going. Just a lot of much needed tutorial to get through.
I pay off all my bounties. Sold a shitload of my stuff to a fence the other day and ended up with a tidy $1600.
For those complaining about the controls, what would you change about them?
For those complaining about the controls, what would you change about them?
To change from guns to rifles, rope or knife without having to use L1 + the wheel
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To change from guns to rifles, rope or knife without having to use L1 + the wheel

And how would you implement that? What would be your cycle button?

The wheel gives you quick access to many different options a lot quicker than cycling would, in my opinion.
And how would you implement that? What would be your cycle button?

The wheel gives you quick access to many different options a lot quicker than cycling would, in my opinion.

I am not sure, I do not play too much to be able to compare it to the controls in other games.
The wheel seems realistic to me if they are objects stored in the horse, food or things like that. Even as it is now, so that only one weapon can be carried on the shoulder, but it is unrealistic that you have to stop and look at the wheel for a knife, something that a cowboy can always carry with him.
R1 is used to cover, which I have hardly used, could be an option.
I am not sure, I do not play too much to be able to compare it to the controls in other games.
The wheel seems realistic to me if they are objects stored in the horse, food or things like that. Even as it is now, so that only one weapon can be carried on the shoulder, but it is unrealistic that you have to stop and look at the wheel for a knife, something that a cowboy can always carry with him.
R1 is used to cover, which I have hardly used, could be an option.
It's impossible to implement a realistic weapon switch system without the option to select which one you want though, as it stands the weapon wheel is a lot more realistic than weapon cycling.
I am not sure, I do not play too much to be able to compare it to the controls in other games.
The wheel seems realistic to me if they are objects stored in the horse, food or things like that. Even as it is now, so that only one weapon can be carried on the shoulder, but it is unrealistic that you have to stop and look at the wheel for a knife, something that a cowboy can always carry with him.
R1 is used to cover, which I have hardly used, could be an option.

I just don’t see that as efficient as using the wheel once you know the layout of where everything is on that wheel you can equip anything you’re carrying so quickly that way. The knife is with him and the animation is present. Why would you want to cycle through everything one by one when the wheel gives you a visual representation of everything you carry and can select within a second or two?

I see a lot of complaints about the controls but I see them as pretty logical in their implementation and don’t see a lot of alternatives to what else they could have done.
Nothing wrong with the weapon wheel. I can keep my left index finger pressed down whilst my right thumb manipulates around the wheel...I have a right index finger too for pressing R2 to cycle through the various sections I've selected. Totally not an issue and quick once you get used to it.

I just watched a guy attempt to rob a train, he says "lets try and rob the train" and then proceeds to smash his horse into a building. He continues with the idea and has a big shoot out on the train, failing to get any loot and forgets to use a mask. He gets a massive bounty on his head. He then flees the scene and murders 3 people to steal a stage coach, crashes the coach into an npc horse which cripples one of the horses pulling the coach. Then goes to the Fence at day time so he couldn't drive it in the barn, stage coach got stuck on the barn wall, horses kept tripping over some crates. Bounty hunters then attacked, he killed them all, still day light so he camps to change to night and then the stage coach has disappeared. He screams a bit.

Perfect game. So fun to watch it. :lol:
Caught a huge 17lb Longnose Gar after doing two whole minutes of reeling the thing in, whilst in the camp canoe.

There’s an option to return to shore with it since that size of fish requires you to physically hold it... so after spending a good 15 minutes of fishing which included reeling that one in, I thought I’d stop there and return to camp with it

So I take the Return to Shore option, which causes me to reappear on shore next to two fecking alligators in a pincer formation and get killed within 5 seconds and I lose my big catch. :mad:

Legitimately had to turn the game off after that point.. I was that annoyed. I’m gonna get my revenge though. Every alligator I see in game is getting a bullet to the cranium this weekend. :devil:

I still can't help but feel that in many ways its too much of a simulator rather than a game. Like having to constantly monitor your stamina and the cumulative time spent in painfully slow cut scenes and animations to maintain it. How is that supposed to be an addition to the game?
I just wanted to go into a shop in St Denis to get my guns cleaned. I got pickpocketed on my way in the door, in the resulting chase I bumped into someone. He told the law and half the fecking city decided to shoot me. In my escape and consequent $100 bounty I went through the Grays farm, who loaded up their guns and decided to shoot at me. They chased me for ages and I couldn't shoot back as per Dutch's orders. So I lured them out into the arsehole of nowhere where I could pull guns and kill them.

All good now, I'll just use gun oil to clean my god damn guns. No! There's witnesses, two of the feckers. I intimidate one and the other runs off on horseback. While I'm chasing him the one I'd intimidated inexplicably finds a cop in the middle of fecking nowhere and now decides to report me, so I'm being hunted while I'm chasing the other witness. Who I then shot in his upper hip and he took an age to die, I eventually had to put him out of his misery. By that point I was just knackered with it all and couldn't be arsed. I only wanted to clean my fecking guns. I was the victim in all this, I got pickpocketed and shot at. Yet I'm the one with the bounty!
I still can't help but feel that in many ways its too much of a simulator rather than a game. Like having to constantly monitor your stamina and the cumulative time spent in painfully slow cut scenes and animations to maintain it. How is that supposed to be an addition to the game?
I approach it as more of a Western simulator than action/adventure game, which suits me right down to the ground .

But I can see how others wouldn't enjoy it as much .
I still can't help but feel that in many ways its too much of a simulator rather than a game. Like having to constantly monitor your stamina and the cumulative time spent in painfully slow cut scenes and animations to maintain it. How is that supposed to be an addition to the game?
I don't know about you but I think most of this tedious shite that annoys me would be easier to handle if the days were longer than 24 minutes.
Is it me or is Dutch’s appearance and even voice possibly modelled after Ted DiBiase? It just suddenly dawned on me after spending the past few days wondering who it reminded me of. Dutch is essentially the Million Dollar Man with darker hair.

Caption “spend and hour and a half tracking the rarest horse in the game then this happens”
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The only control I’d change is LT (Xbox). I’ve accidentally scared off a few people I’ve tried to save from the O’Driscolls.

I forget to holster my gun after clearing them, then press LT to engage with the person I’ve saved and end up aiming my weapon at them and they just run off and I lose honor....whoops
So is it worth getting? From what little I’ve read it’s a beautiful game but the controls are horrific. Gameplay trumps graphics so I’m really tentative to buy it
So is it worth getting? From what little I’ve read it’s a beautiful game but the controls are horrific. Gameplay trumps graphics so I’m really tentative to buy it
It’s like any other recent R* game in that regard. Floaty controls and crap fonts.

But it’s wonderful.
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Is it me or is Dutch’s appearance and even voice possibly modelled after Ted DiBiase? It just suddenly dawned on me after spending the past few days wondering who it reminded me of. Dutch is essentially the Million Dollar Man with darker hair.
Deadwood’s Al Swearengen to me.
So is it worth getting? From what little I’ve read it’s a beautiful game but the controls are horrific. Gameplay trumps graphics so I’m really tentative to buy it

Controls are clunky but wouldn't say they're horrific. Gameplays really solid overall.
The start is a little slow mind but once you get to chapter 2 it opens up and I don't think any game comes close in attention to detail.
Any tips for taming wild horses? There is a thoroughbred I am trying to get but keep failing. Mounting it is fine, but they just keep bucking me off despite my best efforts to counter the movement with the L-stick. It’s infuriating!
I've heard it's better to hunt perfect pelts in chapter 5 cause you unlock something after a mission, anyone confirm?

I find hunting a bit of a chore, aside from the legendary animals it takes way too much patience for my liking to get perfect pelts
Any tips for taming wild horses? There is a thoroughbred I am trying to get but keep failing. Mounting it is fine, but they just keep bucking me off despite my best efforts to counter the movement with the L-stick. It’s infuriating!
You need to move the L stick the opposite direction to where the horse is going, and keep pressing L3 to calm it.

It's also easier to calm them and approach than lasso them, I find.
I've heard it's better to hunt perfect pelts in chapter 5 cause you unlock something after a mission, anyone confirm?

I find hunting a bit of a chore, aside from the legendary animals it takes way too much patience for my liking to get perfect pelts

Gave hunting a good go yesterday for the first time, was enjoyable once I figured out what I was doing!
Only issue I had was some animals seem to require a certain type of arrow that I don't have. (small hunting arrow I think)

The way I've done it is using binos to study & seeing what I need to use, then using scope or binos to find 3* animals, then killing with deadeye.
Do keep near or on my horse otherwise it's a piss take.
I spent some time trying to find the Arabian white horse beside lake isabella but couldn't. Does it only appear after completing certain chapters? I'm already at chapter 3 now.
Just do a save at the spot it appears and reload. I lost it the first time, left and came back and camped and everything and it wouldn't reappear but as soon as I did the save and reload it was right there.
I've heard it's better to hunt perfect pelts in chapter 5 cause you unlock something after a mission, anyone confirm?

I find hunting a bit of a chore, aside from the legendary animals it takes way too much patience for my liking to get perfect pelts

Dead eye and head shots always seem to work for me, now i have manual tagging its i lot easier.
A few hours in now where the game starts opening up. Early observations.

The game and the world look gorgeous.

Controls are clunky.

Story has started off well.

The detail into which they've gone is great.

The getting drunk side mission was absolutely terrible. I mean, it's not often that a side mission in a game pissed me off but this did. Really really poor.

I need a bath.
Don't get why people struggle to tame horses. Just chase them on horseback until theyre cornered, lasso, jump off your horse and press calm a couple of times, mount the lassoed horse and wiggle the left stick a bit whilst repeatedly pressing calm.

I've never failed to tame a horse first time in less than a minute, including the white arabian.