Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Mother fecker, the delivery guy delivered it to my wife at work even though it has my name and home address, now I have to wait before I can even begin the installation, i'm so fecked off now.
Will be interested to hear people's thoughts on this vs. The Witcher 3. Have the latter installed and never really gotten into it but if they're similar in terms of style and quality, maybe I should put the effort into Witcher 3 rather than buying RDR2

Having played 3 hrs it’s too early to tell with regards to story and such, but even if RDR2 is some next level shit, TW3 is definitely worth playing. I had a hard time getting into it, but once the world opens up a bit more and you get into more interesting quest lines it really comes into its own. It has the best side quests I’ve ever played, and the world is so gorgeous that I tended to take my time getting around.
I’ve only played a bit over an hour but my impressions so far is it’s simply mind blowing. Doesn’t actually feel like a typical Rockstar open world game either which isn’t a negative but a huge plus, feels sort of like TW3 at times in terms of the way you can interact with the world. Everything feels absolutely top notch so far.
This will def come out on PC right? I sold my PS4 as I barely ever play it compared to PC now. Wish I kept it for this. :(
I’ve only played a bit over an hour but my impressions so far is it’s simply mind blowing. Doesn’t actually feel like a typical Rockstar open world game either which isn’t a negative but a huge plus, feels sort of like TW3 at times in terms of the way you can interact with the world. Everything feels absolutely top notch so far.

Disagree to be honest. It definitely feels like a very improved Rockstar world to me.
The depth is another level. Almost overwhelming. Seems like it's going to keep it from getting stale.
Anyway, I just finished finding all the sharpshooters for the guy in the bar who's writing a book (side mission). It's taken ages. I'm sure he said just go back to the bar but there's no sign of him and nothing on the map now :confused:

I need the cash after spending all my money on clothes, not realising how long it takes to get money at the moment.
It is very slow going, even the movement seems slow, but I'm at the start so that may have something to do. Confusing at times too with the buttons, press , hold this, hold this and press this. I'll get used to it I suppose.
Mother fecker, the delivery guy delivered it to my wife at work even though it has my name and home address, now I have to wait before I can even begin the installation, i'm so fecked off now.

I dont think he wanted to deliver the other bulging package to you.....
I’ve only played a bit over an hour but my impressions so far is it’s simply mind blowing. Doesn’t actually feel like a typical Rockstar open world game either which isn’t a negative but a huge plus, feels sort of like TW3 at times in terms of the way you can interact with the world. Everything feels absolutely top notch so far.
Yeah I wasn't expecting it to have so much depth. Really impressed so far

Anyone know how to get rid of a bounty? I accidentally started a fight with a guy in valentine and it resulted in a blood bath
I’ve only played a bit over an hour but my impressions so far is it’s simply mind blowing. Doesn’t actually feel like a typical Rockstar open world game either which isn’t a negative but a huge plus, feels sort of like TW3 at times in terms of the way you can interact with the world. Everything feels absolutely top notch so far.
Oooh, really? That was actually the only thing kinda holding me back. I'm not a big Rockstar fan, but TW3 is amazing so if it's like that I'm running to the store.

Ok fine, I will anyway, but still.
That depends on the subject matter ofcourse. There is a reason that metacritic generates more traffic than Kotaku does though. Let me put it this way, would you be happy if from here on out, no one would score their reviews? I think that would be fecking terrible. I'm a big fan of artistic writing, but a game review is not the place for it in my opinion.

Perhaps I'm just a dour old cnut though.
I agree.

I ignore any review in the redcafe movie review thread that doesn't have a score attached to it.
First RDR had a pretty solid online, basically had the full world with most of the side activties I think.
Could posse up with friends in a private lobby or go in a open lobby

Do recall spending ages trying to get an achievement with some friends think it was survive 10minutes with a $10000 bounty at a specific castle in an open lobby . Had a gatling gun so the ai was easy to handle. It just always attracted every player in the lobby. Pain in the fecking ass.

Did also have matched multiplayer lobbies, Team death etc, some cool modes from what I recall, each match started off with a shoot off
Hopefully an improved version of the above.

Cool, thanks for the intel. Since I've never played modern GTA, I have no clue what a shared open world online is about.

There is no ranking up or anything like Rocket League, Fifa and the like?
Cool, thanks for the intel. Since I've never played modern GTA, I have no clue what a shared open world online is about.

There is no ranking up or anything like Rocket League, Fifa and the like?
There was ranking up in GTA Online, but it only really served to unlock some weapons etc - and once you were past an relatively early level, you had unlocked everything. The main grind in the online was for cash to buy new vehicles, apartments, yachts, planes etc.

There are numerous ways to make money - from races, to missions, to challenges to heists to an assortment of game modes and businesses. Some of these could be done solo, whereas others required teams. There was also the opportunity to simply screw around adhoc in the open world with your crew.

So the levels themselves were never the motivation for the grind - it was making money that drove you on.
I bought Arthur a pocket watch, equipped it, and it still wont show the time as per item description. Please help as this is annoying me.
Having played 3 hrs it’s too early to tell with regards to story and such, but even if RDR2 is some next level shit, TW3 is definitely worth playing. I had a hard time getting into it, but once the world opens up a bit more and you get into more interesting quest lines it really comes into its own. It has the best side quests I’ve ever played, and the world is so gorgeous that I tended to take my time getting around.
Cheers. I've struggled to get into it too because it just seems so overwhelmingly big but I'm hoping to cross a point where I'll become totally immersed.
Mother fecker, the delivery guy delivered it to my wife at work even though it has my name and home address, now I have to wait before I can even begin the installation, i'm so fecked off now.

He's banging your wife.
There was ranking up in GTA Online, but it only really served to unlock some weapons etc - and once you were past an relatively early level, you had unlocked everything. The main grind in the online was for cash to buy new vehicles, apartments, yachts, planes etc.

There are numerous ways to make money - from races, to missions, to challenges to heists to an assortment of game modes and businesses. Some of these could be done solo, whereas others required teams. There was also the opportunity to simply screw around adhoc in the open world with your crew.

So the levels themselves were never the motivation for the grind - it was making money that drove you on.

That makes sense. Do you know if other people see your customizations, or is it only for yourself?
Accidently shot my gun in town, law is impossible to escape from ... There's way too many, and if you've left your horse, you're fecked
That depends on the subject matter ofcourse. There is a reason that metacritic generates more traffic than Kotaku does though. Let me put it this way, would you be happy if from here on out, no one would score their reviews? I think that would be fecking terrible. I'm a big fan of artistic writing, but a game review is not the place for it in my opinion.

Perhaps I'm just a dour old cnut though.
I would be delighted if review scores got eradicated entirely. They are useless. These days they are basically on a 7 to 10 scale and below 7 means your game is absolute garbage.

Review scores also enable situations such as the whole New Vegas debacle, whereas Obsidian missed out on royalties from the game because their aggregated metacritic score was 84 while the target was 85...

It's much better to actually read about the game. Tell me that the game has outdated graphics but it has excellent writing. Tell me that the story is mediocre but the controls are on point and the gameplay is addictive. Based on these I can decide if the game is for me or not. Even Steam's binary "Recommended/Not recommended" method is better than a points-based scoring system.
Jesus this is difficult!

Know how you could mow down 3-4 pedestrians in GTA before anyone would give a shit? That's not the case here. Trample one person to death in town and you've got the cops onto you.

Take your time with everything you do at the start, scour areas out, look about etc
Cheers. I've struggled to get into it too because it just seems so overwhelmingly big but I'm hoping to cross a point where I'll become totally immersed.

Yeah, same as me. Velen’s gray and drab, and didn’t exactly make me excited to play, and the map and points of interest are so many that when I have a 5 hour session I feel like I’m trying to empty the ocean with a bucket. That didn’t persist, even if the world still seems impossible to exhaust, even after 130 hours.
Two discs! Is this 2005?

Halfway through installing. Going quite fast :drool:
That makes sense. Do you know if other people see your customizations, or is it only for yourself?

Everyone else would see them too.

So in RDR2, am sure the same would apply to your appearance (hair and clothing), weapons and horse pimping.