RAWK Goes into Meltdown 2014/2015 - The "We go again" Edition

The thing which strikes me again and again with RAWK is that the format they're using - the basic layout of the forum as such - is clearly not right for them. What's the point of having umpteen threads which you lock absurdly often whenever there's a sign of anyone not playing by the cultish rules they enforce? Why not simply opt for a different format altogether - one which doesn't allow for the sort of debate they are so eager to extinguish all the time?
Indeed. All player threads should have just been renamed to "The praise and ridiculously overrate (X Player) thread" rather than do away with player threads.
The thing which strikes me again and again with RAWK is that the format they're using - the basic layout of the forum as such - is clearly not right for them. What's the point of having umpteen threads which you lock absurdly often whenever there's a sign of anyone not playing by the cultish rules they enforce? Why not simply opt for a different format altogether - one which doesn't allow for the sort of debate they are so eager to extinguish all the time?

Its like north Korea over there.
Suarez was ran out of this country by the media, who of course were under the command of Ferguson. Now he's left Liverpool Football Club his media coverage will become universally positive. Soon the world will see what Liverpool Football Club fans knew all along, Suarez was the one who was wronged in this shabby affair with the evra disgrace.

Ferguson's role in this typically Machiavellian and Kenny's full of humanity.

so it all went down exactly as most of us crazed linguists thought, according to suarez.
Wasnt the phrase to which Suarez's (much-modified) testimony admitted in the official enquiry actually closer to a translation of 'because you are black' rather than 'why Negro?' ?
The thing which strikes me again and again with RAWK is that the format they're using - the basic layout of the forum as such - is clearly not right for them. What's the point of having umpteen threads which you lock absurdly often whenever there's a sign of anyone not playing by the cultish rules they enforce? Why not simply opt for a different format altogether - one which doesn't allow for the sort of debate they are so eager to extinguish all the time?
I'm amused by the fact they don't allow a thread dedicated to a player, but they do have one dedicated to their beloved Mighty Red :lol:
How many different versions of ''Gnasher is Innocent'' have we reached now?

It was all an 'orrible misunderstanding of linguistic interpretation but Evra is still a liar.
Their United thread is a fun read. 'Cantona' is on the cusp of the ban-hammer.
I just took a look in that thread and found this:

According to my manc mate they are "defo improving" Top four this season and champions next is his prediction. When I pointed out the fact they are a point worse off this season than last he didn't want to hear it saying "yeah but we have had a rough start with the fixtures" Bless.

Their United thread is a fun read. 'Cantona' is on the cusp of the ban-hammer.
Never mind a ban, he deserves a medal for engaging that lot in conversation on a regular basis. I get infuriated just reading their United thread. Fair play to his level of patience.
Tbf, I see quite a bit of "My Scouse mate" on here sometimes.
Very true as far as I'm concerned. I've debated this with Scousers many times and they tend to glorify their great vintages of the 70s and 80s with respect to this. Nobody in his right mind would deny they were great teams - but they weren't brilliant to watch as a rule. And certainly not flashy - obviously not the bad kind of flashy, but not the good kind either. If I were to sum them up I'd say they were machine like more than anything - the sort of team that keep coming and coming, relentless, efficient, etc.

Impressive - but not heart warming.

Mind you, I'm not a model of objectivity when it comes to assessing Liverpool in the golden years.

Anyway, RAWK - yes. Carry on.

I think this is right. They were predictable and ground teams down. Rarely were they inspiring. Even the media back then referred to them as a "machine."
All stems back to the 3-0 at Anfield when Luis ran circles round them.

Demento couldn't stand the fact we had such a great player.

As Evra talked about the incident in the dressing room after the following season's 1-1 draw, fergies ears will have pricked up when he heard the Negro word and you can bet the rest was HIS doing. "Get to that ref's room now, Patrice!" I bet he said.

The comment about him not being fit to ever play in this country again was another attempt at evicting him.

He HATED us having such a great player, top 3 in the world.

I just wish we could have won the title with him last year. It would have gone a long way to putting the biggest two fingers up to the bitter, twisted feck that was their then manager.
Not sure if calling someone bitter there was the best idea for this emotionally tormented RAWKite.
Tbf, I see quite a bit of "My Scouse mate" on here sometimes.

My boss is a cockney scouser.

As in, he is 43, born and raised in London, worked in London almost all his working life (bar a brief stint in Wales)

Yet supports liverpool, spouting exactly the same cultish deluded nonsense you get on RAWK.
Don't forget, a lot of Scousers live in Manchester, because Scousepool is such a dump and if they want to find work they have to go somewhere decent.

Therefore, it is quite likely that some have Manc mates.
Scousers working :lol::lol: I love it :)
I do like the idea of SAF deciding that Gnash was to be transferred out of the country but fear it had rather more to do with

a) Suarez not wanting to play for Liverpool
b) Liverpool not wanting him to play for Liverpool due to him having bitten someone for the 3rd time

Cantona is on fire though, and seems to be getting away with it.

You've been a top spender in the league before, only difference between yourselves and United, City, Chelsea and Blackburn is that you've done it and not won the fecker.
Di Maria but no Luis
As if DI Maria was the odd one on the list who got on instead of Suarez.
What's top 4 sides got to do with it? And if you do want to look at that, let's look at what's left, not what's gone. Liverpool have to play 2 more away games against top 4 clubs. Man Utd have 4.

Let's assume you want to get 4th place. That's normally going to be about 70 points. You have 13. So you probably need another 57 points on the table. That's 19 wins from 27 games. You can't beat Chelsea at home, so no chance are you winning at their place. You also still have to play City twice. Let's be optimistic and say you can get 3 points from those three games. I don't see how, but let's try it and see what happens.

You still need 18 wins, but now you only have 24 games. But you still need to visit Anfield. And the Emirates. And Goodison. And White Hart Lane. Think you can win two of those four? Great. That's title-winning form. Now you just need 16 wins from 20. And you still have to play Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs at home.

And in all of this, you need to avoid slipping up against the likes of Southampton, West Ham, Swansea, Hull, Stoke, real banana skin clubs, not to mention any more of the Leicester/Burnley/Sunderland cock-ups.

Thing is, none of it's impossible. There is still a chance on paper. But it would require this Manchester United side to go on a run that would be better than anything the club has ever done before. Personally, I don't think that is very likely at this point.

So we need to go on the best run in the clubs history to get top 4, despite only being 3 points behind? OK then...
Liverpool 2:1 Swansea City
(tremendously dull alternative premier league type content)

I've just divided the League into 3 parts.

A) the big teams - chelsea, city, utd, arse, liverpool, everton, spurs

B) the definitely crap teams - qpr & burnley

C) the rest

Target points

(b) you have to beat these home & away don't you, so 3 + 3 x 2 clubs = 12pts

(a) you need something from these to avoid falling behind but these are the toughest games, lets say a target of home 2pts, away 1pt, to break even, also a win/loss will do this, but let's stick with 2 + 1 for comparison purposes, you can't play yourselves so target = a haul of 6 x 3 = 18pts from these

(c) the bread & butter, a win is a win here, always a good result, draws & losses (surprisingly) not so much, difficult to work out what's what, opponents here are inconsistent but there's 11 of them, home or away you probably fancy a top top club to win though, the stronger team needs 4pts minimum from 6 really which will give 11 x 4 = 44pts. I used to split these (when I was keen) Home = 2.5 target, Away = 1.5 target but couldn't be bothered this morning so went H2pts A2pts for ease of adding up purposes. You can't really predict them anyway.

If my maths is correct that will take you to 74pts which far more often than not will obtain a champs lge place

This system is VASTLY superior to the pile of old bollocks RAWK has devised because it credits all wins relative to the target (except for Burnley/QPR) and it's accuracy is so great that it also tends to resemble the actual league table more often than not, but will illustrate any aberrations. Some of you may think Southampton look a bit high - and you'd be right. They haven't gained any surprising points at all really, but have done well enough and are scheduled (I think, only did a rough count) to finish on 74pts if their form persists, 3 in front of us and 1-2 in front of Liverpool, I think it is.

And there we are. There's nothing in it. Liverpool's home uselessness cancels out our 'bad' draw at Burnley. The Leicester debacle is our downfall, atm (regardless of targets & pars). But we knew that anyway. I therefore opine that the RAWK-ite APLT is gravely flawed and these fixture/result advantages they claim to have are proven to be a figment of deluded imagination.