RAWK Goes into Meltdown 2014/2015 - The "We go again" Edition

No joke, in the office the most deluded of Liverpool supporters sits in front of me, the convo's can become a bit heated and the shit he comes out with is pure RAWKish, but during the transfer window he made 'a list' of transfer targets, yes a list right there in the office.

His list comprised of the names...Falcao, Reus, Barkley,Vidal, Di Maria, Higuain and Sanchez. He was so sure that Liverpool were going to get at least three of his targets as they had money to burn, were back with the big boys and playing the most exciting football in Europe with one of Europe's best managers...His words not mine!

When they ended up with a few Southampton players and Balotelli, he tried to big up all the signings as improving the squad and that Balotelli was 'worldclass' and was really happy with the signing. As the weeks have went on he has started complaining about Can, Markovic, Lovern not being good enough, and especially Balotelli who he now claims is just shit!!

Needless to say I came in on Thursday morning and the first thing I asked him was, "are you making a new list?"
No joke, in the office the most deluded of Liverpool supporters sits in front of me, the convo's can become a bit heated and the shit he comes out with is pure RAWKish, but during the transfer window he made 'a list' of transfer targets, yes a list right there in the office.

His list comprised of the names...Falcao, Reus, Barkley,Vidal, Di Maria, Higuain and Sanchez. He was so sure that Liverpool were going to get at least three of his targets as they had money to burn, were back with the big boys and playing the most exciting football in Europe with one of Europe's best managers...His words not mine!

When they ended up with a few Southampton players and Balotelli, he tried to big up all the signings as improving the squad and that Balotelli was 'worldclass' and was really happy with the signing. As the weeks have went on he has started complaining about Can, Markovic, Lovern not being good enough, and especially Balotelli who he now claims is just shit!!

Needless to say I came in on Thursday morning and the first thing I asked him was, "are you making a new list?"
:lol: The drop back to reality just be soul crushing
Not another wholesale purge of all but the most hopelessly devoted, they'll be no RAWK-ite posters left soon. It'll end with the mods at RAWK Towers sat around eyeing each other suspiciously for the first sign of possible insurrection. Not being in full kit on a matchday and that kind of thing.

This guy must be on borrowed time.

What thread is this?

It genuinely surprises me that the posters put up with that kind of nonsense.
It's all Alfonso Alves's fault. Well, partly Kezman of course, but mostly Alves.

You're right though, they do tend to adapt quite well.
Did adapt well. See Drente, van Wolfswinkel, van der Merwe, Babel, Zenden et al.

I swear I didn't just make this :lol:. Ta RAWK.

I normally keep it RAWK but LFC's official twitter did something similar...

Again with the fell walking!

What the feck is it with their obsession with "the hill" and their need to keep "marching up it"
As a team they were excellent, if not particularly easy on the eye.

Very true as far as I'm concerned. I've debated this with Scousers many times and they tend to glorify their great vintages of the 70s and 80s with respect to this. Nobody in his right mind would deny they were great teams - but they weren't brilliant to watch as a rule. And certainly not flashy - obviously not the bad kind of flashy, but not the good kind either. If I were to sum them up I'd say they were machine like more than anything - the sort of team that keep coming and coming, relentless, efficient, etc.

Impressive - but not heart warming.

Mind you, I'm not a model of objectivity when it comes to assessing Liverpool in the golden years.

Anyway, RAWK - yes. Carry on.
I think Liverpool are deflated after nearly winning it last year. Its hard to resummon that sort of energy in a side, especially after they lose their best player.

The modern sports fan expects everything now, no excuses. It is extremely difficult to regather that energy, especially when other clubs have improved and your club has essentially slid back with the loss of Suarez.
When you think about it - all the conditions are ripe for Liverpool to take a significant step backwards, or at a minimum to return to their normal 5-8 position in the table. Suarez gone, Gerrard aging, and a gaggle of mediocre players coming in. Good times ahead.

I said this in the summer much to the mirth of the resident dippers
Wait, what?

There was a story in papers how he was shagging this new girl her ex lover came round and smashed his car in and caused a ruckus so someone called police. Rodgers apparently pulled a few favours at the paper that reported it, he couldn't get the story pulled but he managed to get the paper to not mention the surname of the other man.

couple of fanzines picked it up strongly intimating it was his son
Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #767 on: Today at 05:52:25 PM »

feck off.

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #768 on: Today at 05:52:25 PM »

Oh feck off

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #769 on: Today at 05:52:30 PM »

feck off dirty c*nts.

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #771 on: Today at 05:52:32 PM »

fecks sake

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #775 on: Today at 05:52:47 PM »


Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #776 on: Today at 05:52:49 PM »

feck OFF
Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #779 on: Today at 05:52:55 PM »

Corruption helps yet again.

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #784 on: Today at 05:53:12 PM »

So obvious that Phil would sort it.

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #786 on: Today at 05:53:16 PM »

feck off you 71 yr old grey haired judas c*nt!!!

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #787 on: Today at 05:53:25 PM »

They think they've won the league haha.

Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #788 on: Today at 05:53:27 PM »


Re: Premier League Fixtures 25-27 October 2014
« Reply #790 on: Today at 05:53:33 PM »

feck this weekend of football​

There was a story in papers how he was shagging this new girl her ex lover came round and smashed his car in and caused a ruckus so someone called police. Rodgers apparently pulled a few favours at the paper that reported it, he couldn't get the story pulled but he managed to get the paper to not mention the surname of the other man.

couple of fanzines picked it up strongly intimating it was his son

How old is his son?

He's 41 and she's 31 right?
The thing which strikes me again and again with RAWK is that the format they're using - the basic layout of the forum as such - is clearly not right for them. What's the point of having umpteen threads which you lock absurdly often whenever there's a sign of anyone not playing by the cultish rules they enforce? Why not simply opt for a different format altogether - one which doesn't allow for the sort of debate they are so eager to extinguish all the time?