RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

2012 still pisses me off as a United fan. That title was in our hands and we bolloxed it up. Winning it the following year, nor taking into account the 12 titles we'd won in the previous 19 years, softened the blow. Losing league championships in that fashion is a bastard.

I refuse to believe that deep down they're not destroyed by what's happened in the last two weeks. There's no way that they can justifiably claim they're content with second place. Draw at home to an ultra-defensive Chelsea side who were pre-occupied with the small matter of a European Cup semi-final, see out a routine 0-3 win against an already-safe Crystal Palace side and the title was theirs.

I still cannot quite believe that they managed to feck it up so spectacularly. It's been a monumental bottle job, make no mistake about it. Claims of being satisfied with 2nd place and European Cup football next season are complete folly.

2012 was devastating. Our bad season this year is nothing compared to those few minutes of horror. David Moyes has contributed to us losing 2 Premier league titles. Had we held on to the 4-2 lead against Everton we would have won the title.

P.S I hope QPR never sees the Premier League again.
I refuse to believe that deep down they're not destroyed by what's happened in the last two weeks. There's no way that they can justifiably claim they're content with second place. Draw at home to an ultra-defensive Chelsea side who were pre-occupied with the small matter of a European Cup semi-final, see out a routine 0-3 win against an already-safe Crystal Palace side and the title was theirs.

Not true.. Assuming City still won their remaining 2 games they'd have won on goal difference anyway.

Unless you're Barney.
Not true.. Assuming City still won their remaining 2 games they'd have won on goal difference anyway.

Unless you're Barney.

When Man United announced that Moyes had been sacked, a dark cloud literally covered Anfield. It was the end for them at that point. Had we sacked Moyes in October, they might not have finished in the top 4
Was this the greatest bottle-job of all (PL) time?

Newcastle in 1996 was an appalling collapse; ours in '97/98 wasn't our finest moment either. As others have said, and what I alluded to earlier, the fashion in which we lost the title in 2011/12 still haunts.

However, Liverpool's this season is difficult to beat. The premature celebrations, the unmerited hysteria, the lack of self-awareness from practically EVERYONE at Liverpool when discussing the title race... it's just one massive nightmare from them that they'll likely never get over. I have the distinct feeling that this meltdown won't hit them properly until next March when they're nowhere near the title and they'll realise how close they were this season but bolloxed it up.
2012 was devastating. Our bad season this year is nothing compared to those few minutes of horror. David Moyes has contributed to us losing 2 Premier league titles. Had we held on to the 4-2 lead against Everton we would have won the title.

P.S I hope QPR never sees the Premier League again.
Don't mind QPR, It's the Sunderland supporters I hate. feckers were celebrating like they had won the league. Agree about the other bit, as bad as this season was it doesn't even compare to that day.
Just before the Chelsea game:

concerned RAWKite said:
The reason I share my disappointment is that it was a nice thing to do against Sunderland. City and Chelsea are pushing it in my opinion.

concerned RAWKite said:
"Why should we have to go out for great efforts when you 'Make us dream' for 35 matches and feck up at the final hurdle!!!"

Nostradamus said:
We aren't going to feck it up

We're certainly not going to feck it up by cheering the players in

Get a pint down yer!
When Man United announced that Moyes had been sacked, a dark cloud literally covered Anfield. It was the end for them at that point. Had we sacked Moyes in October, they might not have finished in the top 4
The mans cursed, down hill since Paddy Power stuck that statue there.

We need an alternative PL Roll of Honour for all those 'better' teams.
I don't know what I should do to understand the scouse logic. Where does the better team notion come from? City accumulated more points, bettered 'pool on GD, had the better head-to-head stats, played in more competitions, won a trophy other than the PL. What were Liverpool better at?
I don't know what I should do to understand the scouse logic. Where does the better team notion come from? City accumulated more points, bettered 'pool on GD, had the better head-to-head stats, played in more competitions, won a trophy other than the PL. What were Liverpool better at?

fecking up
slipping up
screwing up
bolloxing up
ballsing up

to name but a few.......
Slip sliding away,
slip sliding away,
You know the nearer your premiership medal,
the more it's slip sliding away.

I think my favourite thing about it all is these new words they have adopted:

"We go again"

It's fantastic :lol: I can't wait to do it all again :D
I think my favourite thing about it all is these new words they have adopted:

"We go again"

It's fantastic :lol: I can't wait to do it all again :D

It's embarrassing for them for three reasons.

1 - It's not even a proper sentence.
2 - It's shit.
3 - It's really, really, really shit.
If anything, all this nonsense coming from rival supporters right about now, confirms one thing to me and one thing only.....and its the most important thing and all I need to know.

They are worried.

We are Liverpool.

They. ARE. Worried.


The thing is that I'm really not. They just don't feel like a team that were unlucky to be pipped to the post when they took their eye off the ball. It feels much much more like relief that they didn't fluke it after all their players hit a purple patch at the right time before fading away and really lacking the mental toughness to get over the line.

Next year is going to be really tough for them IMO. They'll be lucky to get anything other than a tough CL group and the added games is going to cause problems in the league as they will have to rotate much, much more than they did this season. They're going to really struggle to get into anything like the same rythum as they got into this season.

After a poor season where I think they'll drop out the top 4 once again, Suarez will leave and it'll be back to square one.

You can fecking quote me on it.
I think my favourite thing about it all is these new words they have adopted:

"We go again"

It's fantastic :lol: I can't wait to do it all again :D

It's embarrassing for them for three reasons.

1 - It's not even a proper sentence.
2 - It's shit.
3 - It's really, really, really shit.

The best thing about it was that they were all quoting it as if it were some brilliant, inspired line from their heroic captain that would go down in history once he had lifted the trophy.


And they wonder why they're an object of ridicule for the rest of the country,
I saw this from Apr 20 :lol:

Just got back from holiday in Morocco,

Was watching the Man City match in Marrakech.

5 seconds after our 3rd goal went in the call to pray started blasting out over the whole city.

Allah wanted everyone to give thanks - he is a red.

It is written.
By that "logic", Liverpool also spent hundreds of millions, and therefore 'bought' second place. Maybe Everton are technically champions?

Well, if RAWK decrees it...
I didn't get the whole "Make Us Dream" thing. Surely they want their dreams to become reality? Surely that's the idea behind it? They can dream on their own. It doesn't work. It's just a meaningless pseudo poetic phrase.

Typical over dramatic bollocks.
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I presume this doesn't account for the goals set up by English players, or Liverpool's number probably drop quite a few more with assists by Coutinho and Suarez. Bizarre.
They're simply tweaking statistics to fit their agenda.