RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

Liverpool winning the league and us finishing 3rd; having Champions league. I'd much rather finish 7th and have them lose it like they have.
From yesterday, answering someone who said "if City win tomorrow, they will have deserved it".

I don't think they will have deserved it.

Put it this way...if we played City in a one off game...say at Wembley or even over two legs...who would you bet on to prevail???

We are the best team in this country.
The Skrtel thread on there is something else... Some of the more sensible sounding posters on there are pointing out that Skrtel needs replacing and he has a handful of mistakes in him every game. Then the nutters have popped up and are giving them a hard time for being negative after their best season since sliced bread. It's like anyone who says anything negative about their players gets a hard time :wenger:

Swear some people are just trying to find something wrong in every fecking player. For once you should just shut your mouth and enjoy our best season in recent years.
The Skrtel thread on there is something else... Some of the more sensible sounding posters on there are pointing out that Skrtel needs replacing and he has a handful of mistakes in him every game. Then the nutters have popped up and are giving them a hard time for being negative after their best season since sliced bread. It's like anyone who says anything negative about their players gets a hard time :wenger:

They're right though.

I for one hope Skrtl plays for them forever.

Although it'd be nice if he didn't turn invisible to refs during his 100 fouls in the box per game.
Really? Phil Dowd did everything today to ensure they win. If he was capable of, he could as well have ruined the Citeh game. Refs against them, my arse.

He bought every single foul today and was heavily influenced by the crowd. No wonder Ameobi flipped.

'Pool watered the right wing heavily at half time. They won countless fouls in that position in the second half with the slips and trips looking pretty spectacular.
He bought every single foul today and was heavily influenced by the crowd. No wonder Ameobi flipped.
Exactly. I'd never know how a 'pool fan would have the guts to say the refs were against them this year. Or any year for that matter.
Its funny, they are trying really hard to convince themselves that they didn't slip up and that they should appreciate the fact that they were 7th last year and are in the top 4 now. All of them are in denial, they had the chance to win the title and they fecked it up
Its funny, they are trying really hard to convince themselves that they didn't slip up and that they should appreciate the fact that they were 7th last year and are in the top 4 now. All of them are in denial, they had the chance to win the title and they fecked it up

If this season happens to us next year you will, of course, not see the Liverpool fans claiming that we were "unlucky".
2012 still pisses me off as a United fan. That title was in our hands and we bolloxed it up. Winning it the following year, nor taking into account the 12 titles we'd won in the previous 19 years, hasn't really softened the blow. Losing league championships in that fashion is a bastard.

I refuse to believe that deep down they're not destroyed by what's happened in the last two weeks. There's no way that they can justifiably claim they're content with second place. Draw at home to an ultra-defensive Chelsea side who were pre-occupied with the small matter of a European Cup semi-final, see out a routine 0-3 win against an already-safe Crystal Palace side and the title was theirs.

I still cannot quite believe that they managed to feck it up so spectacularly. It's been a monumental bottle job, make no mistake about it. Claims of being satisfied with 2nd place and European Cup football next season are complete folly.
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