RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

Giggs, Gerrard, Scholes and Beckham have, between them, won 30 Premier League medals.


not in pic: Gerrard
He could be on the pic and it'd still be 30:cool:
They think the league and every other trophy is rightfully theirs. :lol:

The Gods gave us a big flash of the promised land and then stuck us with the dagger of failure in the most cruel of manners. That is written now but there is yet another chapter to write and who says they are finished with their entertainment.

Haven't done this in a while.....

RAWK posters during and after the game :

Ross Barkley scores 1-0 to Everton :

Rawkbola Sufferer said:
f*ck me Barkley I love you
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Rawkbola Sufferer said:

Aguero equalizes, 1-1.....

Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Should have had a pen then concede, f*cking hell
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
The crowd are dead and the Everton players are one paced
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Knew that would happen. One minute a pen shout, the next an equaliser. F*ck off Probert.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Not watching this pathetic shower of c*nts. Just f*ck off both clubs.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Everton are treating this like a training session. None of them look arsed.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
seem like they would rather finish 5th on the chance we might win the league
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
All part of the plan. Score early goal, make everyone believe you're putting in the effort, then let City back into it and say you tried
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Coleman is a proper c*nt.. seems like he wants City to win

Dzeko heads in for 1-2......

Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Useless useless f*ckwits
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Tim Howard's been paid off here
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Can we complain to the FA that they're not trying? Serious question.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
When you think Everton are going for 4th place and this is what they produce. Disgusting.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
This Everton performance is a disgrace.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
We knew the twats would bend over in fairness and there it is.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Hope Martinez leaves them in the summer and they get Moyes back and relegated these c*nts
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
If the Everton fans only had to win this to get Champions League they'd probably still want to lose
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
I can't believe there were a few who believed they could get something here.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Everton seeing to it that they will forever be known as a bitter, nothing club.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Pathetic small time club.... I knew they would throw this one.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Everton fans are just embarrassing themselves. What was the point in them going to match. Shameful.

Dzeko taps in for 1-3.....

Rawkbola Sufferer said:
feck off Everton.. hope you go down next season...And Dzeko is a f*cking c*nt
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
How easy was that...this is worst than fixing...
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
For those who expected more from that club and it's fans ...... hold your head in shame ....
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Anyone who thinks they aren't throwing this game needs to wake the f*ck up
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Thought they had atleast an iota of sportsmanship but again its proved that they are pathetic bitter blues..
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Ah the Everton fans finally decide to sing. Aaaaaaaand it's a song about Gerrard. c*nts.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
F*ck off Everton, fecking pathetic from them. Hope they won't play in Europe next season, smalltime c*nts.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
We should request an investigation of match fixing into this. Try and permanently damage their club, manager and players by making them go through an investigation thereby tarnishing their reputation. Lukaku's performance especially is clear cheating. He's not trying a jot, and purposely being called offside to end every pathetic Everton attack. Not the only player either.
Suddenly Lukaku scores to make it 2-3

Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Lukaku > Pele
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
He tried to miss that then. Look how gutted he was when it went in.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Their supporters didn't even celebrate.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
come on you bitter twats
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Bobby is going for it. 4-3 Everton?
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
God please let ManCity score a own goal and make this game end 3-3...

Final whistle goes....

Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Really hope this game is investigated by FIFA, laughable the amount of bollocks going on. I'm holding the ref culpable in this too.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
6 minutes stoppages in a game where a player lay down for 4 minutes. Yeah, good one ref
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Everton should be absolutely disgraced at this showing. Literally sitting back and watching City score goals. No effort at all on defence. Just disgusting.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
F*ck off Everton and f*ck off City and Pelligrini...
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Pathetic from the fans most of all. Everton, definition of small time club.
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
Useless c*nts. This is why no one ever takes Everton seriously
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
That referee must really, really hate the whole of Liverpool. What a goddamned motherf*cker !
Rawkbola Sufferer said:
F*ck off Martínez ya Spanish waiter
fecking hell that is insane.

I hate people using Hillsborough as justification for why we deserve something. There was a journalist who earlier in the season wrote an article saying that he believed we deserved to win because of the 96. A paid journalist. Can't remember who, I think it was one from one of the southern rags.
They think the league and every other trophy is rightfully theirs. :lol:

Is that going to happen on here? Say we have a few years of utter crap like this year, is everyone going to start writing philosophical bollocks about faith and destiny and the Gods and we'll all sign off our posts with "BELIEVE"?

I hope so, it will be great craic.
Oh man if they don't win it now it will be utterly glorious. They had it in the bag... Hope City don't bottle it but think they will.
How great would it be for Liverpool to finish 3rd in their group in the CL next season, and then see them get eliminated by Everton in the Europa League. lol
Haven't done this in a while.....

RAWK posters during and after the game :

Ross Barkley scores 1-0 to Everton :

Aguero equalizes, 1-1.....

Dzeko heads in for 1-2......

Dzeko taps in for 1-3.....

Suddenly Lukaku scores to make it 2-3

Final whistle goes....

If I had a giant printer I'd make a poster of that and stick it on my wall. Give me a good chuckle every day. Great post!
they still have hope...City still have to beat...erm Villa and West Ham at home :lol:
I would've loved to see RAWK's reaction to us winning number 19 in this fashion:

I had read the reaction on RAWK about it. It was beautiful. Not as much as in 2008-09 season for our games vs Villa and Spurs, but still, gold. You will need to read yourself to enjoy it.
I loved their 2009 threads for our games. 10 pages of "lads, why do you even bother doing it to yourselves" and "I've just put £50 on United to win 3-1, so obvious what's coming".... then Ronaldo scores and it's 10 pages of "cnut!", "scum!" and "die die die!"... rounded up with a few pages of "it's not over yet" and "we can still win this lads". Lovely.
Haven't done this in a while.....

RAWK posters during and after the game :

Ross Barkley scores 1-0 to Everton :

Aguero equalizes, 1-1.....

Dzeko heads in for 1-2......

Dzeko taps in for 1-3.....

Suddenly Lukaku scores to make it 2-3

Final whistle goes....

:lol:Wow, so pathetic and these were all posted by one person: Rawkbola Sufferer! Was he there on his own talking to himself? hahaha
Is that Andy Allerton still on there? He was comedy gold.

No idea. Probably our worst season in eternity broke him. The guy lived on hating United and calling all our achievements a conspiracy. I feel for him more than our fans.