RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

I actually responded with a sarcy comment about it being hypocritical which was met with him genuinely seeming to not know what I was talking about, of course in the usual Liverpool fan arrogant tone. When I explained to him what I was referring to, I added a nice 'bantery' comment on the end about their huddle the other week, to try and stop it all sounding so serious. His reply totally ignored the actual point and instead focussed on my huddle comment.

He deleted the status soon after.

I honestly don't blame them. It's hard to come out with an excuse after excuse for 26 years. If any this years taught me that if 26 years of Moyes is what happened, I think I can safely raised my hands that I'll become like RAWK
Liverpool fans are mental. One on my Facebook wrote a status saying how all the United fans are acting like they've won some kind of trophy :lol:
They're unbelievably deluded. I probably have an even number Liverpool fans on my Facebook as I do United fans and the shite they constantly spout about United is never ending as opposed to our fans who hardly ever mention them. This was from an otherwise intelligent lad who is funnily enough a journo for the MEN.
It's like they turn into utter morons when Liverpool is concerned.

Another classic was someone I lived with used to try to give us stick for all our fans being from London. He himself was a Liverpool supporter from just outside London.

They're such a weird lot.

It's the same everywhere, even here in Norway :lol:. They have no problem with calling out United fans with no geographical ties to Manchester, but obviously being a Liverpool fan and never have set foot there, well that's just fine.

Yesterday, most of them did their usual "Top of the league YAWN" routine, but two of them instead started posting screenshots of their victory at OT
It's the same everywhere, even here in Norway :lol:. They have no problem with calling out United fans with no geographical ties to Manchester, but obviously being a Liverpool fan and never have set foot there, well that's just fine.

Yesterday, most of them did their usual "Top of the league YAWN" routine, but two of them instead started posting screenshots of their victory at OT

Yeah i know what you mean, i get it all the time. I live in the midlands but no matter where i go they all come out with the same old rubbish. They like to take the moral high ground but dont see the irony in what they are saying. They always like to bring up that United fans are not from Manchester, yet there is 8 of them just in the same estate at work. I dont know where they think all them fans that turned up at their pre-season friendlies in the USA and Austrailia are from either. And they wonder why i just laugh at them :)
Why would anyone lie about spitting on a memorial ? It's almost as bad as spitting on it themselves, the use of tragedy as an excuse for violence is not really acceptable. An absolute world of their own.

I won't put any lie beyond Liverpool fans.
Liverpool fans playing victim to park the bus defensive football saying that's not the way to play football. Do they forget the football they played under Benitez and back in the 80's when they used to pass the ball round the back line. Just because they don't have a defense this year, they are hammering the audacity of Mourinho to play to their strengths... Apparently teams should rock up and give them two goals in the first 10 mins.

And they say we're spoiled fans, they've been top for 10 mins and have the god given right to turn teams over. Jokers.

They talk of fairness, where was the fairness in Flanagan handling in the area, not giving the ball back after injuries, and sterling and Suarez diving around at the first hint of contact
They are deluded beyond belief. This is the first time I've been in here this season but it's nice to see the RAWKians haven't changed
They are deluded beyond belief. This is the first time I've been in here this season but it's nice to see the RAWKians haven't changed

Hmmm, I wonder why that is? I must say, it's been a very quiet thread this season.


No idea who has done these but it is awful taking the piss out of the man who is the heart of Liverpool, and may have cost them the title :lol:
Hmmm, I wonder why that is? I must say, it's been a very quiet thread this season.
It only took a defeat to Chelsea for them to revert back to type, accusing the FA of being corrupt, SAF of colluding with other managers to 'get' Liverpool, refs of being biased, etc, etc.

High comedy, I'm sure you'll agree.
I like how they've done two circles over the one Chelsea player just inside the box towards the right of the D.

Absolute bollocks, Liverpool fans have a history of making up this exact rumour. They did it to us after an FA Cup tie, the lie was started before United fans had even left the ground and spread via a Dublin Liverpool fan posing as a United fan posting about his "shame" all over the place but was later exposed. It's a weird phenomenon.

I always knew Liverpool fans enjoy playing the role of the victim but I didn't realise it was that bad. Considering the result yesterday chances are this was completely made up. Do they not realise it is disrespectful to the Hillsborough victims if they go around using their deaths as an excuse to batter the s***e out of opposition fans??
Cheer up scousers, as Stevie G would say

'We go again…..possibly with longer studs….'
That slippers thing is about as funny as aids.

First time I've been in this thread all season as we've had nothing to laugh about really. Mourinho is such an unlikable prick but he's done us a service here.
Is the rumour about Gerrard true? I heard he was buying everyone drinks last week (celebrating a league title) at a pub.
:lol:I somehow can't imagine woman using this turn of phrase. She probably said she didn't care and sent him to do the shopping. Poor fellow, putting words into his missus's mouth to comfort himself.

:lol::lol::lol: "Man the feck up, marine!"

Jesus Christ.
This deserves to be here:

That was absolutely bizarre. Who on earth put him as their corner-taker? That wasn't even the first bad one, if memory serves.

This made me laugh

They love using "Whiskey Nose" and "Bacon Face" to describe Sir Alex.

Wonder if "Prolapsed Arsehole Face" could catch on?

i seen that tweet but i'm not sure i believe it