RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14


Speaking of which, why do Scousers feel the need to use "Y N W A" as a post script to every event? Fair enough when it relates to them (Hillsborough is definitely a fair use of the word), but I've seen a load of them yesterday doing it while paying tribute to Vilanova, it just strikes me as blatant shoehorning in of their club.
Speaking of which, why do Scousers feel the need to use "Y N W A" as a post script to every event? Fair enough when it relates to them (Hillsborough is definitely a fair use of the word), but I've seen a load of them yesterday doing it while paying tribute to Vilanova, it just strikes me as blatant shoehorning in of their club.

It is utter stupidity.
Speaking of which, why do Scousers feel the need to use "Y N W A" as a post script to every event? Fair enough when it relates to them (Hillsborough is definitely a fair use of the word), but I've seen a load of them yesterday doing it while paying tribute to Vilanova, it just strikes me as blatant shoehorning in of their club.

Their conversations would be ridiculous...

"Alright Dave? YAWN."
"Not bad YAWN."
"How are the kids? YAWN."
"Good thanks - wife OK? YAWN."


Edit: Just seen it changes Y N W A to Yawn...ha, how appropriate.
My favourite part is where he says Stevie G has lost his 'muscle memory'. What the feck is muscle memory?! :lol:
Muscle memory is a type of movement that muscles gradually become familiar with.
E.g. typing a PIN without having to think about the movement of your fingers, or riding a bike.
I've got a great idea lads, we've just in al likely hood fecked the scallies best chance of the title in 20 years, at their home ground, after a mistake by their inbred folk hero captain on near enough the 25th anniversary to the day of the hills borough disaster, why don't i hoike up a great big load of hockle and spit it on the memorial of said disaster right after the final whistle?

It's hard to tell who's the most retarded in that situation, the bloke who spat or the grown men who want to put the boot in to someone as mentally subnormal as that.
I'd take that news of an alleged Chelsea fan spitting on the memorial with a pinch of salt. Liverpool is infested with scum and I wouldn't put it past them to do it for no reason other than being bitter over the result.
I'd take that news of an alleged Chelsea fan spitting on the memorial with a pinch of salt. Liverpool is infested with scum and I wouldn't put it past them to do it for no reason other than being bitter over the result.
This. They usually come out with some sort of sob story to justify their behaviour. Even saw someone on twitter justifying it by saying 'you sang murderers and always the victims so you were mocking Hillsborough what did you expect'. That sort of utter delusion and ignorance has come to signify their fanbase nowadays. Self pity city.
I've got a great idea lads, we've just in al likely hood fecked the scallies best chance of the title in 20 years, at their home ground, after a mistake by their inbred folk hero captain on near enough the 25th anniversary to the day of the hills borough disaster, why don't i hoike up a great big load of hockle and spit it on the memorial of said disaster right after the final whistle?

It's hard to tell who's the most retarded in that situation, the bloke who spat or the grown men who want to put the boot in to someone as mentally subnormal as that.
Won't be the first time someone has allegedly "spat at the memorial".
Sure in 2012 cup tie at Anfield they blatantly lied about United fans spitting on the memorial despite our fans being held back after kick off and the times not matching up.

Liverpool fans are all a bunch of absolute cnuts. Fcuk every one of them.
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Apparently a Chelsea fan spat at the Hillsborough memorial. I don't condone violence but if that's true it's only natural that they would react like that.

Only natural they would, sure. Getting a bit tired of football thugs being allowed to work to a different set of rules by the moral consensus. Emotionally balanced normal people don't get to kick the shit out of people for doing something offensive, however bad it is.

Plus, to be brutally cynical, they've made that shit up in the past. They know the allegation can't be questioned by anyone in the media.
It's really not hard to believe that a Chelsea supporter spat on the memorial. They're not exactly the most respectful set of supporters and generally boo or sing during the silences that remember them.
It's really not hard to believe that a Chelsea supporter spat on the memorial. They're not exactly the most respectful set of supporters and generally boo or sing during the silences that remember them.

Some Chelsea are utter scum.. but so are some Liverpool fans who chant and mock Munich but that never gets the media attention. To balance the argument there are also those who let us Man Utd fans down as well.
Yeah in all honesty it's not hard to imagine both sides of the argument.

Chelsea fans do seem to have a chip on their shoulder regarding Liverpool fans and especially Hillsborough. Seemingly stemming from the 2005 Semi but who knows. When I went down to Stamford Bridge for the league cup game last night it was amazing to see just how many Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime they have in their fanbase.

However Liverpool fans are scum and scousers in general are complete rats so not surprising they'd want a fight. Losing the match is a perfect excuse to attack for no reason.