RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

Irrational Scouser #3456885647366547 said:
Webb went into that game determined to give nothing that might affect his chances of going to Brazil. His thinking is that not giving anything will be forgotten more quickly than giving something in error. We need to make damned sure it isn't.
He has put his own ambition in front of the safety of the players. He is a disgrace.

They are simply barmy.
This is 1,000,000% not the time, nor the place, for this but I feel the need to mention it anyway (Mods, feel free to move/delete if necessary). I've followed the news of Michael Schumacher's predicament on Twitter and I've noticed a lot of 'YAWN' tweets from Liverpool supporters on the subject. Even in their thread about it on RAWK, it's the very same.

They are weird, weird people.
I dont see anything wrong with that.
They show support the way they know how to.
Check United facebook page (or now probably tweets @manutd) and count how many GGMUs you see.
"you'll never walk alone" is a great phrase to use in tough circumstances. It's unfortunate that in this part of the world the phrase has been co-opted so completely by one football club because of a especially crappy version of the original song. But I don't see why it can't be used by anyone in any context.
It's a bit wrong if Man Utd fans start tweeting GGMU for wishing Michael Schumacher though.
You know what I meant.

Yes, they use YAWN too much, almost everywhere, but really, do we need to laugh and ask why they're doing it now? I don't think so. It's more appropiate now than when Suarez was banned, or something.
You know what I meant.

Yes, they use YAWN too much, almost everywhere, but really, do we need to laugh and ask why they're doing it now? I don't think so. It's more appropiate now than when Suarez was banned, or something.

I was just making a joke and it seems I'm not that good at it.
Speaking about being nasty. I would of loved Rodgers to bring off the whole team mid match after suarez' blatant penalty shout got denied, then show howard webb video footage to prove he got it wrong infront of everyone then come back onto the pitch. Too much professionalism in the game its about time people showed and proved.

:lol: I actually think it was a penalty, mate, but that's (the post I quoted) going a bit too far. :D
I remember Lille did something similar to that a few years ago after we scored a quick free kick against them. T'was funny.

Gary Neville tried to talk to the Lille captain and received an absolute mouthful from Fergie and got dropped for the next match against Bolton or Blackburn I think. We somehow managed to win that one :D
"Everton are just the valets of the Premier League.

They get to drive the Ferrari for a short while as they park it for the owner, all the while fantasizing that they've made it.

But at the end of the day they have to give the keys back and take the bus home."
wherve they finished last few seasons?...
I'd be shocked if we don't make top 4 now. Only a serious Suarez injury can change that. United? Eh, I scratch my head trying to figure out who they'll edge out to get 4th while playing the horrid football they now play. It won't be us, it won't be City and I doubt they can edge Arsenal or Chelsea either.
("Danger zone" = the areas closest to goal that most often turn into goals, "SiBoT" = shot in box on target)
Those projections, which I and a number of others have been following for a while, have the top 4 chances as:
MCFC: 97%
AFC: 87%
LFC: 82%
CFC: 70%
EFC: 31%
MUFC: 17%
THFC: 9%
It really just thinks MUFC's underlying numbers are very poor. I'd probably have your chances as a bit higher than that, but it looks pretty accurate to me eyeballing the quality of your performances against Hull and Norwich in particular.
("Danger zone" = the areas closest to goal that most often turn into goals, "SiBoT" = shot in box on target)
Those projections, which I and a number of others have been following for a while, have the top 4 chances as:
MCFC: 97%
AFC: 87%
LFC: 82%
CFC: 70%
EFC: 31%
MUFC: 17%
THFC: 9%
It really just thinks MUFC's underlying numbers are very poor. I'd probably have your chances as a bit higher than that, but it looks pretty accurate to me eyeballing the quality of your performances against Hull and Norwich in particular.

Highway to the..?

In May 2012 Angel prophesied that Chelsea would beat Liverpool to win the FA Cup a few hours before kickoff.

Chelsea went on to win 2-1 after he had correctly spelt the scoreline and gave exact goal descriptions.

He was again on point when he foretold Manchester United’s league glory last season.

Early this month Angel also correctly prophesised the exact day, date and time former South African President Nelson Mandela would die.

Uh oh :nervous:.
"I’m not one for conspiracy theories but I tend to agree with the principle behind the opening post in the other thread regarding Liverpool FC speaking up to defend themselves, though I feel more important principles are involved.

My own problem is no longer so much with the media and the bilge it peddles whether it be against my club or my city. The fact is over many years as a Liverpudlian you have little option but to develop some sort of extra skin against the anti-Liverpool prejudices within certain sections of it.

So regarding the media's most recent nonsense such as the Mourinho invoked lies and hypocrisy regarding Luis Suarez I am largely unperturbed.

Where I do have a massive problem is with what transpired in respect of the match officiating in the two recent consecutive huge and pivotal games we played against the very clubs who alone stand as the obscene wealth-polluted unacceptable face of the game as it exists today.

The fact is, what we witnessed in those two games was unprecedented.

Intriguingly, it stood in stark contrast to what had taken place a few weeks earlier in an equally pivotal game at White Hart Lane. On that occasion against a club which, whilst retaining an ownership many Liverpudlians might deem heinous, are nevertheless not of the ilk of Manchester City and Chelsea.

Away to Tottenham we had seen what I regard as an exemplary performance by the match officials. Their impartiality had shone like a beacon. As we watched, I'd commented on it several times before we'd even taken the lead. It was so refreshing to actually see such competence and such neutrality, so much did it jar with the usual fare on offer from the usual incumbents we are compelled to endure. Startling as it seemed, the officials were simply being fair in a domestic high profile match involving Liverpool Football Club. It was as if unpolluted European officials had been imported just for that one particular game.

What took place last week at Manchester and Stamford Bridge stood stark in contrast. In both those games what we saw from the match officials was an overall control of the match which in no way, shape or form could be said to be impartial. A plethora of inexplicable decisions – some crucial most minor – but the overwhelming majority of which happened to favour the home side punctuated each of the games.

It was to such an extent there can be no doubt the match officials were intent on favouring one side. What we had were incidents big or small, real or perceived being viewed by the match officials through a lens which so happened to be inclined in favour of the home side.

As stated above we as Liverpool supporters can rattle off many instances where we have perceived such favouritism against top domestic opposition. I dare say most clubs can do so. And a large proportion of it as we all know so painfully has taken place at Old Trafford under the tenure of Alex Ferguson.

Never, however, has it been implemented remotely approaching the degree to which it was in these two back-to-back matches.

I do not intend to list the incidents. The main ones have been referenced many times on these forums and in any case they are a matter of easily established fact for all to see who re-watch both games. What I do feel, however, is that something sinister happened in the match officiating in those two games and it needs to be highlighted and challenged because it is unacceptable and makes a complete and utter fecking mockery of everything that football and the football dominated lives of so many of us stand for.

I do not wish to speculate upon why it happened or how it came about. What I do know is that the unprecedented sham of match officiating that stained those two games demands to be forensically examined and scrutinised by Liverpool Football Club and the findings published. Mason and Webb and their assistants need to be held accountable and need to be made to explain the inexplicable to a public that deserves to know how such blatant favouritism came to pass. "
Could the public make a complaint?

For example, we as supporters (or just people really) pay money on the basis we watch our team and expect it to be officiated fairly. Surely if we as a group were to complain to the football club (hear me out....) saying were being charged for something which we feel is corrupt and unlawful something would have to be done?

Do you go to the police? Could thousands of people report something like that?
Even if it's unsuccessful that kind of thing wouldn't go unnoticed. Do you start a petition?

I'm Not sure but I think us as supporters (rather than the club, staff etc) need to bring this to the fore rather than let the club deal with it, or not in this case.

We have banners (not just us) criticising ticket prices, what about raising awareness for a fairer game?
The most paranoid fans in the land. Please let there be a petition!

There's posters on there who genuinely believe that the reason Liverpool haven't won a league in 20 plus years is because of the refs, the FA, Sky TV etc etc.

Nowt to do with signing the likes of Andy Carroll for £35m.

Long may it continue.

I'm only on page one and it's already a gold mine.

And we as the lifeblood of the game really do deserve to know why.

Perhaps we never will but I'm damn sure the club should make some effort to uncover why a top referee can display favouritism and not be accountable for doing so. What the feck have we got to lose?


A friendly advice mate, use the eraser at the top corner to remove any formatting and normalise the text you are quoting.