RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

Look at Arsenal's fixture list, mate. Today - apart from the usual insipid Spurs performance in the North London derby - was the first real test that they've had, and that came another team in Liverpool who've benefited from a rather easy opening ten fixtures.

If Arsenal are still there come February, then I'll begin to take them seriously, but as of now, no.

Well, we've been telling that to ourselves and they are still there. I've also been pointing out to myself how we've played four out of the teams currently top four, dropped points against them all and still have them within sight. It does all feel very RAWKish/loss-is-a-win though, but I expect this season to be a bit like that.

Let's see next weekend, shall we? :devil: / :nervous: / :confused:
I have though that myself,but there is no chance he could get himself promoted into the mains twice :lol:

I reckon I could, especially with some of the twonks being promoted nowadays. But the effort to proxy and regularly post on the board would just be to much.

Also, feck right off. RAWK thread. Knobbers.
Yeah, they're so fecking good that they don't pass the ball to one another (see last five minutes of today's game v Arsenal).
Suarez and Sturridge have been the best strike force. Just because they are greedy doesnt mean they can't play well together. Rooney and Rvp have not played well together all that much.
In fairness, there's nothing wrong with that argument. You look very cocky telling Barney they won't make top four ahead of Arsenal and/or Spurs when, last time I checked, Arsenal were top and we are eighth.

Right now I sure would take Top 4, CL place secured and a season under Moyes' belt.

4th definitely not, 3rd is acceptable.
4th definitely not, 3rd is acceptable.

Being in the CL places is a requirement, which spot precisely and how acceptable it is will be down to how we go about getting there. I would love for us to challenge, but will take less than that for a year of transition, learning curve, youngsters like Januzaj breaking through, etc.
4th definitely not, 3rd is acceptable.
Bugger all difference between 2nd and 4th. 4th means the CL qualifying round. But if you can't get through that then what's the point.
After such a poor start I'd gladly take 4th if offered right now. Next season will be better. Just need to get into the CL again, and finally do the right things in the transfer window.
4th means Moyes will have done worse than Sir Alex has done in 20years, doesn't bode well at all for the future.

Also having to qualify for the CL means we might leave our spending till that's confirmed, also could have disastrous consequences.
Bugger all difference between 2nd and 4th. 4th means the CL qualifying round. But if you can't get through that then what's the point.
After such a poor start I'd gladly take 4th if offered right now. Next season will be better. Just need to get into the CL again, and finally do the right things in the transfer window.

City and Chelsea have started poor too but I highly doubt that their fans are saying stuff like this. I seriously believe that a lot of these posts are going to look highly stupid come May. Just my opinion though.
4th means Moyes will have done worse than Sir Alex has done in 20years, doesn't bode well at all for the future.

Also having to qualify for the CL means we might leave our spending till that's confirmed, also could have disastrous consequences.

Its better than 1986 surely? Besides, this team is much better than the 04/05 team who finished 3rd, with Sir Alex.
4th means Moyes will have done worse than Sir Alex has done in 20years, doesn't bode well at all for the future.

Apples and bananas. It took him years to get that level of consistent performance. I'm not expecting Moyes to take as long, he starts from a strong base, but a bit of a post-SAF wobble was always in the cards.

City and Chelsea have started poor too but I highly doubt that their fans are saying stuff like this. I seriously believe that a lot of these posts are going to look highly stupid come May. Just my opinion though.

I hope so. As I said, I would love to be challenging and think we could if we get closer after next weekend. The Christmas period usually has an impact and we have far kinder fixtures then. Our run in is not bad at all either if we finish strong and in form (which is anyone's guess, mind).

The thing with City and Chelsea is they are underperforming, while with us it is more about still not having the first clue what exactly we are playing at. They have the certainty of home form to build on, we just don't have the faintest idea what will happen going into any game. Who will play in midfield? Will it work? What Valencia/Nani/Kagawa will show up? Will Rooney and RvP link up well or add up to much of a muchness? The only certainties we have are DDG (but he still doesn't get clean sheets), Evans and Rafael (now both injured) and Januzaj (an 18-year-old). It's all a bit precarious right now. It's the sort of unease that you get when you occasionally find Alexander Buttner on your teamsheet.

Its better than 1986 surely? Besides, this team is much better than the 04/05 team who finished 3rd, with Sir Alex.

And this is a far more competitive league than back then.
This Januzaj is going to be a star. Hope he will show some ambition to win things and move away to some big clubs.
Manchester United FC = Small Club.
All subs used at half time. The sort of thing that bites an unlucky manager. An injury here would at least add some interest...
Aah, the old wishing injury has returned.
They're getting an easy win today but Moyes is a fool for making 3 half-time subs. Utterly absurd. What happens if you get an injury or someone gets sent off? You can make double and triple substitutions early when chasing a match but why do it when the game is being won easily? Make a double substitution and keep one in hand just in case. He got away with it today but it was a strange move IMO.
Or, as was the case we had 3/4 players injured and had to make the changes.
PhaseofPlay said:
Don't be so ridiculous. They are always going to be up for the big games. It's the draws and 1-goal losses that will undo them. Arsenal at Old Trafford is easy to motivate for, and easy to sit back and defend for. It's when they are 1-0 up with 15 minutes to go against Newcastle, and should be pushing forward but instead sit off and play for the 1-0 that will get them in trouble. 3 losses already. 2/3's of the season to go.

If that PoP fellow posted here he'd get laughed out. At RAWK they swallow it all up the like the roadside whore
Deluded Scouser #35796548974943786 said:
Looking how shite are playing the mancs, Arsenal, City, Spurs and Chelsea thinking about winning the title is not so far-fetched.

Trying to decipher this mess of a sentence is a challenge in itself, but you can see barmy point he's trying to get across.


Deluded Scouser #35796548974943787 said:
Well this weekend has convinced me of 1 thing. We are in the title race. Don't care what anyone says it's absolutely fecking anybody's.

I thought the resident Scousers here said last week that nobody is silly enough to suggest that Liverpool can win the title?

#35796548974943788 said:
Nah we're no title contenders Rich we're only second 2 points off but no sir we're not contenders but United god knows where they are back in the race.

You want cheese with that whine, sir?
PoP said we'd be great in our first 10 games and then crap from then on when Moyes' coaching kicked in.

Its pretty much been the opposite so far.
Lmao, easy to beat the league leaders at home.

I'd say it's easy to whip some of the shite they've been fortunate to play at home so far. First decent side they played was Southampton and they lost to them at home.
This was in response to the assertion that teams sitting a little deeper when defending a slender lead is something that all teams do and was nothing wrong.

]PhaseofPlay said:
Moyes does it as a matter of course, is the point. Rodgers doesn't. Other managers don't. It's not as clear cut as that. Ferguson would press the advantage for the second goal, which he would inevitably get. Why? Because anyone in football for a long time knows that 2-0 late on is a game-killer for the opposition. 1-0 gives them hope right up until the whistle. Which is what happened in the United-Southampton game. The only reason Arsenal are nursing their wounds about yesterday's game is because none of their players can head a ball effectively in the opposition box. Had they done that, they might have won 2-1. If they didn't want to usher the ball into the net like a relative gently ushers the loud, drunken uncle at the Christmas party out to the back garden to get some air, they might have got a draw at least. Credit goes to Moyes for the win, but Wenger really didn't have an answer to the two banks of four. A lesson to be learned for us when Arsenal come to Anfield later.

So in that post he calls Moyes a fool and also says Rodgers should copy his tactics.

He also says that Rodgers doesn't defend a one goal lead deep. erm.....
PhaseOfPlay said:
If they didn't want to usher the ball into the net like a relative gently ushers the loud, drunken uncle at the Christmas party out to the back garden to get some air...

*yawns* He's a natural contemporary football journalist. And I don't mean that as a compliment.
On that page someone calls him out on his coaching and he can't give an answer. The guy is a fraud and a clown and they still lap it up over there.
This was in response to the assertion that teams sitting a little deeper when defending a slender lead is something that all teams do and was nothing wrong.

So in that post he calls Moyes a fool and also says Rodgers should copy his tactics.

He also says that Rodgers doesn't defend a one goal lead deep. erm.....
:lol: fecking master tactician on our hands here, Liverpool should hire the cnut.
This was in response to the assertion that teams sitting a little deeper when defending a slender lead is something that all teams do and was nothing wrong.

So in that post he calls Moyes a fool and also says Rodgers should copy his tactics.

He also says that Rodgers doesn't defend a one goal lead deep. erm.....


SAF's obviously an amazing manager, but RAWK and other sites have now started creating myths in order to slate Moyes even more. Namely that we played free flowing, attacking football over the past two years. Anyone that watched us even half-heartedly could tell you that our football was largely shite, and now Moyes is getting the blame for pretty much the same football that we played under SAF! 4 of our first five wins in our 07/08 season were 1-0 wins and we also beat Liverpool 1-0 away -

Liverpool pressed, but lacked any ideas going forward and United's defensive resilience earned the three points.
He's probably my favourite thing on the internet. Something of a one man meme over there.

It's probably the same bloke who has the made-up United-supporting mates. RAWK only has about three posters, in truth.