RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

Shameless, random, disgustingly personal - that's Durham for you. Why this? Why now? It's the middle of November. If there was a realistic chance they might win it a couple of rounds before the finish - well, alright. Still a load of drivel - but at least somewhat relevant.

It is playing to the galleries somewhat. Sod winning anything on merit.

So if Liverpool don't win the title they will have betrayed the victims? Any team that beats Liverpool into second place will have disrespected the victims?
Just awful stuff. What a cretin.
The world would be a better place if the Daily Nazi was erased from the face of the earth.

If he wasn't writing in the Mail he would find another conduit- he is on talksport after all.
Will be interesting to see where they are in the new year. They're away to Everton next and they have away games against Spurs, City and Chelsea in December. If they're still near top in January, they'll be doing brilliantly.
Bullishness has gone off the scale. They keep saying they don't think they can win it but you can see that lie in their eyes. With us having been struggling they really thought/think this is the year.

We definitely don't deserve to win it because of Hillsborough, but the rest of the article about how Liverpool were treated is spot on.

Sorry, didn't know!


Gerrard: "I voted for him[Suarez] in my top three,"

"I think everyone knows how much I rate him, I think we are very lucky to have him and we have to enjoy him while he's here.

"For me he is one of the top four or five players in the world, for sure."


Nothing wrong with that. You could easily make a case for him being one of the top 4-5 players in the world.
We definitely don't deserve to win it because of Hillsborough, but the rest of the article about how Liverpool were treated is spot on.

Nothing wrong with that. You could easily make a case for him being one of the top 4-5 players in the world.

He's playing superbly at the moment, no way of denying it sadly. Still a cnut though.
'Liverpool fans were blamed for Hillsborough when it wasn't their fault. If there is any justice left in football, they will finish as champions this season'.

It makes perfect sense when you think about it really...
It makes some sense...

Er, if you're a Liverpool fan without a functioning brain it might make sense.[/quote]
Durham's a massive cnut, pay no mind to it. Wonder if he thinks we should retrospectively be awarded the European Cup(s) that we probably would have won if it weren't for the Munich air disaster.
Based on season ending in May: Ronaldo, Messi, Ribery, Iniesta, Lahm. Then the likes of Ibra, Rvp et al.

But Gerrard plays with Suarez, he's bound to bit a bit biased and rate him higher than other players. It's not like he suggested Jonjo Shelvey or Andre Wisdom were one of the best 3 players in the world.
Will be interesting to see where they are in the new year. They're away to Everton next and they have away games against Spurs, City and Chelsea in December. If they're still near top in January, they'll be doing brilliantly.

they are a confidence side (always have been) so few good results helped them build momentum. IMO the fixture list you provided will give them 3 points max.
they will drop to 5-6 place come Jnauary.
'Liverpool fans were blamed for Hillsborough when it wasn't their fault. If there is any justice left in football, they will finish as champions this season'.

Jesus Christ.

:lol: Now that's delusion.
Amid the general shower of appalling shite that article was, there was this gem that's gone largely unnoticed in this thread.

The Reds put England on the European football map in the 1970s and 1980s.

fecking hell, it's like 1968 never happened. Even Arsenal won a European trophy before Liverpool.

RAWK is an interesting place, in this thread they rightly diagnose, like most have for years, that Gerrard is a liability in a central midfield role, even if they do it in a roundabout way: http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=309828.0.

Then in their Scholes vs. Gerrard thread, most are saying that if he played the same role as Scholes he would have been better at it, and thus Gerrard is obviously the superior player etc. etc. Its 2+2=5 every day of the week.
But Gerrard plays with Suarez, he's bound to bit a bit biased and rate him higher than other players. It's not like he suggested Jonjo Shelvey or Andre Wisdom were one of the best 3 players in the world.
He once said Joe Cole had better technique (or the better player in general?) than Messi, The guy has less brain-cells than an average anus.
Gerrard punched out a DJ for refusing to play Phil Collins. He's not exactly a Mensa member.
He once said Joe Cole had better technique (or the better player in general?) than Messi, The guy has less brain-cells than an average anus.

Well he's wrong about Cole but he's probably got a point about Suarez who despite his faults as a person is a very very good footballer. Fergie says in his book Bebe is capable of 20 goals a season which is very debatable.

Gerrard will always have some biased towards Suarez, players will be more fond of players who they play alongside I'd imagine. I don't agree with Gerrard's assessment he's one of the best 3 in the world but he's definitely not far off it so it's not an outlandish statement to make.
Scholes' peers were Giggs, Keane, Beckham and the Nevilles. Not bad company to be in. Gerrard's peers will be Zidane, Platini, Pirlo and Alonso.

Shocking!! I don't know where to start.
Strange with Scholes, he was underrated during his peak years, but when it came towards the end of his career, he was, I think, overrated. He's a very different specimen to Gerrard. Stevie was/is all about action - the explosive, spectacular, game-defining moments, whereas Scholes was always quieter, dictating from the peripheries of your vision. In terms of ability to control a game, Scholes was far better than Stevie has ever been - his game intelligence and patience exceeds Gerrard's, but in terms of ability to determine the outcome of a match through sheer force of will, Stevie in his prime will go down as one of the most explosive players of all time. I think that's why Scholes was able to exert his influence consistently for so long, whereas it's difficult to imagine Gerrard playing for us when he's 37-38. This isn't a slight on either player - they're a cut above any other midfield talents that England has produced in the premier league era, but as to who was the better player - that all depends on which type of player you prefer, and whether you support Liverpool or United.

This one wasn't so bad. I agree with this to an extent.
So we've established from that that Gerrard is a firework?

But seriously, that post does make sense, and that is probably one of the most sensible and accurate posts I've seen on this thread.
Well he's wrong about Cole but he's probably got a point about Suarez who despite his faults as a person is a very very good footballer. Fergie says in his book Bebe is capable of 20 goals a season which is very debatable.

Gerrard will always have some biased towards Suarez, players will be more fond of players who they play alongside I'd imagine. I don't agree with Gerrard's assessment he's one of the best 3 in the world but he's definitely not far off it so it's not an outlandish statement to make.
Suarez one isn't the most ridiculous statements you will see. I was only talking about Gerrard's brain impairment and how we have to take what he says with a pinch of salt. The way I see it we agree, then, Gerrard's simply biased. Suarez is about third tier of world's best right now, which is a great level to be playing at.
Would you belshafts feck off to either the Suarez, Gerard or the Liverpool thread with this bollocks. I get a notification every time there's a post in here and I gleefully click on it expecting more RAWK themed hilarity only to find this shite.
Would you belshafts feck off to either the Suarez, Gerard or the Liverpool thread with this bollocks. I get a notification every time there's a post in here and I gleefully click on it expecting more RAWK themed hilarity only to find this shite.

That's nuts! The majority of posts in here are never about RAWK

All you need is https://twitter.com/RAWK_Meltdown
Wasnt too sure where to put this fecking thing :eek:
