Funnelly enough, there is a correlation between 'dislike of rafa' and 'slating lucas'
Pre madonna
This made me laugh far more than it should have:Funnelly enough
This made me laugh far more than it should have:
No "L" and "N" to be found anywhere in the club stores..
I had a dream last night that we went to Anfield and beat Liverpool 1-7. Kagawa scored two of the goals, and I'm sure RvP may have gotten a few as well
When do we play them?
Changing tack, there's a thread about shirt printing at the club shop and someone has just made a shocking discovery:
You' ever wak aoe, it appears.
United will be overwhelmed in midfield as Liverpool play their Cup Final while United players treat it as just another game. Same as all the recent matches there.
I'm not so sure of that.
I agree they will raise their game and give us a hard time, and we'll likely share the points, but not the midfield stuff.
Stevie me has got noticeably worse over the summer, he was gassed after half an hour last night against Moldova, I think his legs have gone to be honest, and I dont think he could overwhelm much any more.
I'm fairly certain suarez will score though, all the same, its kind of inevitable.
United will be overwhelmed in midfield as Liverpool play their Cup Final while United players treat it as just another game. Same as all the recent matches there.
Think he may retire if he has another failed season this season.
Last season was a failure. They didn't win anything and were humiliated on the cl
Man Utd fans will start to get on his back if he continues the slide. He will finish third thus season, can't see him doing much in the cl either. FA cup will be tough for him as well especially considering we will strengthen in jan in time for FA cup action. League cup is something Man Utd fans don't rate so I doubt Mr Alex Ferguson will win it either
Failed season means Mr Alex Ferguson leaves on his own accord. Watch this space. also rooney could be a problem for Mr Alex Ferguson this season. Mr Alex Ferguson is losing his ability to control players as he is no longer at the top club in England. They are third or fourth best in the league now so their players do have other options than Man Utd. This all means Mr Alex Ferguson will find it difficult to control and keep players.
I think I'm going to enjoy this season watching Man Utd flounder and slide.
Say good bye to Mr Alex Ferguson and hello to a European manager. I just hope sir rafa tells them where to go if they come in for him to replace Mr Alex Ferguson. There's not many decent European big name managers available at the moment. They may resort to Roy Keane or Steve Bruce, hope so !
Enjoy the season guys. This is a historical one. Enjoy it.
Manchester United have spent big once again - £48M NET. I doubt with that massive outlay they will fail. I expect them to win the league and 'Champions' League at a canter this season.
Yeah, a few very respectful comments mixed in with a sprinkling of bitterness. A lot of them saying what the truth is, that if he had been at Liverpool instead of United they would love him.
They really don't like him as a person tough do they??![]()
like they're being objective about it
Part of me wants us to hire Benitez when fergie retires just to wind them up. Their heads would explode.
Part of me wants us to hire Benitez when fergie retires just to wind them up. Their heads would explode.
Funny thing is I think Rafa was actually a decent manager who had a head explosion of his own in that poison cauldron after a few years of playing up to the fans delusions.
Without a doubt Mr. Ferguson is a force in football but ultimately its a corrupting force, it is often said he buy's titles so when he bought his knighthood for £750,000 it came as no surprise. Money well spent just for the "favours" it brings on and off the pitch.
His hold over the FA, is plain to see, it comes fron having plenty of England players in the squad and his recent comments about the FA treating them "like shit",and the ludicrous comments about developing the most England players is more of a shot across the bow to the FA and a will result in more "favours". If all that fails David Gill will remind them.
Football will be better off without him.
PS I also think he's a C*nt of the highest order (way behind Thatcher though)
Alex Ferguson is successful. There can be no doubt about it. He's not successful in the old-fashioned way. He lived through the 80s and before and seemed to embrace the 'me me me' of the Tories. Truth be told, although he proclaims himself as a staunch fan of Labour (Even being knighted by the then labour Prime Minister) he has much about him that reminds one of a Tory.
He is, we are told by many, a very nice man. Congenial, inviting and graceful. It's interesting that many of those that tell us he's a nice person are also the ones to tell us he isn't when they cross him in some way - as everyone appears to do over time. He comes across to me as those you meet in work that are highly ambitious and gain their goals regardless of those around them. They use whoever is present to their ends and then discard them when they are no longer useful.
So, he's certainly successful. Nice? Well he doesn't have to be.
Margaret Thatcher seems driven in exactly the same way when she was in power and if I could think of one person that reminds me of her then it would be Alex Ferguson. The mannerisms, the controlling and restriction of information, the power that is flaunted in the faces of those that compete with the man, those that run the game and those that report the game can be seen week in, week out.
Losing isn't seen as an option. The lack of interviews or the graceless slurs that usually follow a defeat are also all there for those to that wish to peruse them. Again this wouldn't have been seen as 'good' in bygone eras but in the 80s and the legacy of the 80s where support and commitment to the group are shunned over personal power and personal gain - it's a fantastic example of the 'ME society'.
It is interesting given the huge amount of time at Manchester United how those fans see him. They respect what he has done, of course, who wouldn't? But he doesn't seem to have massive support. You'd think a man that turned around the fortunes of that club would have his name sung to the rafters every single week. That those fans would be queing to throw verses of delight and wonder at him. But it doesn't happen. That too is interesting.
It's the same with the media. There is a lot of (enforced) respect there. Journalists routinely get banished for asking questions that 'Sir' doesn't like. But is there any genuine love for the man that has brought English football so much over the years?
Then you look at opposing fans. And not just those directly opposing. I have worked the length and breadth of the country and in places as far as Scotland, Wales, London and beyond there can be no doubt about it. Pretty much every single fan in every single place you visit hates the man with an absolute vengeance.
But am I being unfair? Is there more to this man than a lack of grace, a Tory ideal, a backstabber that uses friends like others use toilet paper? Does he have more to his side than the obvious? This thread seeks to find the positives in the man. He's done a lot for the game of football. Maybe not in ways that any of us would choose for our club - but there can be no doubting his success. But what will his legacy be like?
I ask again. Please no slagging or swearing. Don't hammer the man with one liners. Plenty of opportunity for that elsewhere. Just a discussion as to what makes the man tick, an analysis of his achievements and a look at what his legacy will be when he's gone from the game.