Hey there. Hey there big man, do you need holding? Close your eyes. Go on, close them. I don't know how tall you are relative to Rafa, but imagine yourself in his manly arms. [You may need to be crouched down/standing on a box to make this role play work]. Rafa's pressing you into his ample tum, and he's got one arm around your neck, and the other across the small of your back. Are you feeling that? He's wearing a lovely cologne, you can't place it, but it's really manly and reassuring, and it briefly reminds you how you used to feel when you got a cuddle from your Grandad when you were a little kid. As you sink into that relaxed and loved state of being, you become aware that Rafa is whispering in your ear. He's saying 'it's okay, it's okay, I've gone, I've gone, but I'm still here in your dreams". You can almost feel the bristles of his goatee tickling your earlobe. It's like the first time you kissed a girl. Remember how excited and thrilling that felt. You felt unbeatable. You felt the anticipation and you felt loved. It made you a man. But listen; the soft Spanish mannerisms of his accent envelope you in a warm fuzzy moment of joy, and for a moment you're transported back to the feeling you and when you climbed up the ropes in primary school. You forget about Roy, and FSG, and Kenny Dalglish and you breathe deeply and easily.