This is deflection, in fact I'm reporting your post for spreading lies.... show me where I defended those players, Greenwood especially?
I'm not spreading lies, though. On Greenwood specifically, your stance has always been to introduce doubt which has the effect of minimizing the blame aimed at him. If that's not defending him, I don't know what is. Most of those threads are closed so can't be quoted but a few copy pastes:
It's been so long since it happened (or didn't happen) then yes, him changing his stance from "I didn't do it" to "I do it" would of course invite more scrutiny.
My view, for what little it is worth, is that if he didn't beat her up, she would've said so within 5 minutes of the pics going online and he would have been playing on whatever your next game was.
afrocentricity: Not if they were beefing at the time.... What is it with these "if he's really innocent s/he would do.... xyz" posts? Is it the next step down from believing he was guilty to having doubts but trying to make sense of it all?
You could claim that or you could claim what we factually know, that he agressively threatened to rape her. That's not getting into the images.
That is enough for me unless something came out which explained why it is acceptable. Those things are limited (roleplay and maybe a couple of other things) and it would be totally shocking that neither Utd or Greenwood leaked them considering the value in it for them both.
Thinking that what we know he did is excusable based on a vague statement from Arnold where he specifically said they had to rely on 3rd party cooperation and had very limited evidence is strange. Stinks of being desperate for Greenwood to be innocent.
afrocentricity: It's not acceptable/excusable, numpties that think that are pond scum. Nevertheless, it isn't proof (for either investigation) of any of the charges. If you can't accept this then I don't know what else to say.... and let's be clear, I have no problem with people feeling a way towards Greenwood. But things aren't black and white and it's quite obvious that there's shitloads we don't know.
I keep seeing people post that if there was anything it would have been leaked.... why? The alleged victims request for anonymity (prob just wants to move) get's brought up and brushed aside often... we don't know what it could be so we don't know the reasons or potential issues... so why even state it as certainty?
If he is as bad as some of you believe, I hope that someone in that group of people can help to bring a compelling case against him so that we can move past all the feeling. With the things that we have seen and heard and some compelling testimony from... someone?
Let's see what happens eh? Personally, I hope that you are wrong though, and that United are being truthful, and that the people in question get to move on with their lives with nothing like this happening in the future.
You have a terrible habbit of muddying the waters.
Mason Greenwood violently threatened to rape a woman. It's disgusting and inexcusible but there would be maybe 1 or 2 possible things that could provide context which changes that (mainly if it was consensual roleplay).
This has not even been insinuated and the investigation that you're clinging onto openly relied on 3rd party testimony, very little evidence and was overseen by a man with no experience with such matters with a vested interest.
As such he is scum as anyone who threatens to rape someone is. If it does magically come out that it was all consensual roleplay it would change my view on that but I am working with what I know factually.
afrocentricity: You believe that there is no possibility of a reason (in or outside your frame of reference).
You also discount the CPS investigation.
Just to be clear, am I correct? On another note, you say I am "muddying the waters" ........ I would say the waters are already muddy, I'm just pointing it ou