Rashford considering his future...

Hot take. Directly or indirectly the subject of players mental health has come up in regards to Rashford. Today Pogba has given an interview where he talks about depression, think it’s mostly about United being trophyless for 5 season and the recent burglary.

Last generation players judging todays players. Eg Gary Neville talking about the United players being out on holiday after getting beaten by AM. It is cheap as many pointed out to him his generation were hardly an example of honour and brotherhood and were arguably worse.

I don't understand the discussion in general. What evidence do we have that there are any mental health issues involved at all? Is it just being used as justification for his poor performances? Secondly, this obsession that because someone is well off, that they are immune from suffering from mental health is such an outdated and misguided stance.
Yeah but those ex players were delivering at the time while these current ones don't. Already said it numerous times as long as a player plays well for the club I really don't care what they do in their free time.

But when they aren't playing well you care deeply about what they're getting up to in their free time?

Out of interest when a player is going through a period of bad form what should they be getting up to in their free time that you would find acceptable?
If this is fashionable I'd rather go back to being a caveman and wear bamboo leaves to hide my private parts

Lingaard has the worst facial hair i have seen in a footballer.

If you can't even grow a decent goatee, just clean shave man, better than having 10 pubic hairs hanging from the chin.
I completely got your point. Ronaldo and Rashford are miles apart in their accomplishments in the game. Ronaldo has a proven method and we know that when he does what Rashford did, there's no reason to doubt him.

I'm just choosing not to believe that a professional athlete who looks as in shape as Rashford does slacks off with his training.
Personally I don't think many people are saying he's slacking off in training but more because he's so low in confidence then he should be training night and day to get that confidence back. Of course everyone needs a break once in a while but you have to find that happy medium if you're 100% committed to being the best you can and a lot of people are questioning Rashfords commitment which I don't think is too outrageous.
To be a professional football player. Fans even produce a thesis on your dress code.
Hot take. Directly or indirectly the subject of players mental health has come up in regards to Rashford. Today Pogba has given an interview where he talks about depression, think it’s mostly about United being trophyless for 5 season and the recent burglary.

Last generation players judging todays players. Eg Gary Neville talking about the United players being out on holiday after getting beaten by AM. It is cheap as many pointed out to him his generation were hardly an example of honour and brotherhood and were arguably worse.
Hot Take. Whilst mental health is obviously a major issue and a serious concern, sometimes general "life" can be conflated into mental health issues.

Everyone gets depressed now and then, and that should not be conflated with real depression (actually struggling, genuinely feeling suicidal etc.).

I do struggle to believe that Pogba, Rashford etc. suffer with genuine clinical depression and not just the usual travails that everyone has to deal with, this tends to hit sportspeople on retirement.
Although the likes of Rashford and Lingard do annoy me with how they portray themselves online, it is a whole new world now and I need to remind myself not to compare apples and oranges. With that I mean, if there was Social Media and mobile phones in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, we’d probably have a very different view of some ex players we look back on as heroes or with great affinity.

Can you imagine Bruce, Pallister etc live streaming their drinking sessions after games :lol:
Hot Take. Whilst mental health is obviously a major issue and a serious concern, sometimes general "life" can be conflated into mental health issues.

Everyone gets depressed now and then, and that should not be conflated with real depression (actually struggling, genuinely feeling suicidal etc.).

I do struggle to believe that Pogba, Rashford etc. suffer with genuine clinical depression and not just the usual travails that everyone has to deal with, this tends to hit sportspeople on retirement.

Completely agree here, there is a sort of white knighting and commodifying that goes around mental health, which undoubtedly comes from a good place but now means it's become almost taboo to suggest that there is an increasing conflating of completely normal life challenges and 'low spells' with mental health in the sense of illness. Im an advocate for improving the terrible services and especially encouraging men to be more open about their struggles, but by the measure of some rhetoric everybody alive has mental health problems and even the mildest form of analysis or questioning amounts to some sort of toxic neanderthal throwback.

On Rashford - i see he has a second book out soon and is new face of Natwest campaign. These are all commendable endeavors but he seems to have a million things on and is clearly struggling. Being a professional footballer is a full time job with lots of pressure and scrutiny, his relentless social presence can't help
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Hot Take. Whilst mental health is obviously a major issue and a serious concern, sometimes general "life" can be conflated into mental health issues.

Everyone gets depressed now and then, and that should not be conflated with real depression (actually struggling, genuinely feeling suicidal etc.).

I do struggle to believe that Pogba, Rashford etc. suffer with genuine clinical depression and not just the usual travails that everyone has to deal with, this tends to hit sportspeople on retirement.

Completely agree. Feeling depressed and clinical depression have become muddied over time.

If things aren't going well at work, you've got things going on at home etc it's perfectly natural to feel depressed. From the NHS website:

Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days.

Most people go through periods of feeling down, but when you're depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days.

Some people think depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They're wrong – it is a real illness with real symptoms. Depression is not a sign of weakness or something you can "snap out of" by "pulling yourself together".
Yeah but those ex players were delivering at the time while these current ones don't. Already said it numerous times as long as a player plays well for the club I really don't care what they do in their free time.

Ex players never had bad form ever? I feel free time is free time unless they are doing something that is impacting their performance.
Anyway fans will be irrational about it and feel they own the player fulltime. They should not attend any event, not be seen in public , no restaurant, no social activities etc. Just basically disappear from sight till they get good again.
Can you imagine Bruce, Pallister etc live streaming their drinking sessions after games :lol:
sharpe and giggs would have got themselves into a lot of trouble
But when they aren't playing well you care deeply about what they're getting up to in their free time?

Out of interest when a player is going through a period of bad form what should they be getting up to in their free time that you would find acceptable?
Keep his fuking head down for starters. No excuses. These guys are media trained out the door. They are not idiots. They milk social media when it suits to flog brands and raise their profile which I am sure comes into negotiations for new contracts. It’s modern fame/football. They know the game.

If the game starts getting the better of you...You vanish. No bullshit posts pulling at heartstrings or trying to promote stuff or flash your lifestyle. The short term nature of modern news finds new targets very quickly. When is the last time anyone mentioned Greenwood and he is “allegedly” a horrific son of a b*tch. Why? Because he has vanished.

So if Rashford or Jesse or Pogba or any of the other celebs/footballers (not the other way round seemingly)want space and peace...it’s there for them. Just vanish. Shut up. Train. Play. And you will be surprised how quickly people move on.
"Soon as Milan like Zanetti" ??? What does that mean?
Maybe he is going to Milan in the summer. Poor Milan.
He is trying to replicate Lukaku's success in Italy. Serie A beware. Meanwhile regarding those japanese characters written on his back, they could have written "I am the super bellend" and he wouldnt know.

He's putting in the work

This is why it doesnt work in an actual match. Here we see a 24 y.o Rashford jogging past 45 y.o Matic and 67 y.o Fletcher as defensive midfielders that were supposed to mark him. Dont blame him if he doesnt run in the next game.
But when they aren't playing well you care deeply about what they're getting up to in their free time?

Out of interest when a player is going through a period of bad form what should they be getting up to in their free time that you would find acceptable?

I used to work in investment banking, when things went wrong people pulled all-nighters, worked weekends, cancelled holidays and plans. I had nights I got a taxi home at 4am, had a shower and 90 minutes sleep and got in a taxi back to the office. I know people who went 50+ hours awake just to try unfeck deals that had gone wrong. This was earning in a year what these guys earn in a week.

Sure, you can't just train and train or your body is going to give out. But I expect them to be head deep in analysis, theory, technique etc
Completely agree. Feeling depressed and clinical depression have become muddied over time.

If things aren't going well at work, you've got things going on at home etc it's perfectly natural to feel depressed. From the NHS website:
I feel like a lot of people know the difference, and it's not unusual for a lot of normal people to go through prolonged periods of depression. We are still very hesitant to even let on that we may be depressed or worst some can't even tell when they are. So let's be fair, I'm sure there are quite a few properly depressed celebrities, footballers, etc...
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I feel like a lot of people know the difference, and it's not unusual for a lot of normal people to go through prolonged periods of depression. We are still very hesitant to even let on that we may be depressed it worst some can't even tell when they are. So let's be fair, I'm sure there are quite a few properly depressed celebrities, footballers, etc...

Oh, I'm not doubting that for the record, statistically considering the number of professional footballers you'd expect quite a number to go through mental illness at some point.
I used to work in investment banking, when things went wrong people pulled all-nighters, worked weekends, cancelled holidays and plans. I had nights I got a taxi home at 4am, had a shower and 90 minutes sleep and got in a taxi back to the office. I know people who went 50+ hours awake just to try unfeck deals that had gone wrong. This was earning in a year what these guys earn in a week.

Sure, you can't just train and train or your body is going to give out. But I expect them to be head deep in analysis, theory, technique etc
I'm a lawyer and I've gone to the office at mid night because applications had to be filed in court first thing in the morning. I was expected to put in the day shift aswell then.

I don't think these players have it in them, they were complaining about rangnick because he made them train till 5pm :lol:
Keep his fuking head down for starters. No excuses. These guys are media trained out the door. They are not idiots. They milk social media when it suits to flog brands and raise their profile which I am sure comes into negotiations for new contracts. It’s modern fame/football. They know the game.

If the game starts getting the better of you...You vanish. No bullshit posts pulling at heartstrings or trying to promote stuff or flash your lifestyle. The short term nature of modern news finds new targets very quickly. When is the last time anyone mentioned Greenwood and he is “allegedly” a horrific son of a b*tch. Why? Because he has vanished.

So if Rashford or Jesse or Pogba or any of the other celebs/footballers (not the other way round seemingly)want space and peace...it’s there for them. Just vanish. Shut up. Train. Play. And you will be surprised how quickly people move on.

So you're saying a player is playing badly they shouldn't ever go out in public (where people will take pictures of them) again until they're playing well again?
I used to work in investment banking, when things went wrong people pulled all-nighters, worked weekends, cancelled holidays and plans. I had nights I got a taxi home at 4am, had a shower and 90 minutes sleep and got in a taxi back to the office. I know people who went 50+ hours awake just to try unfeck deals that had gone wrong. This was earning in a year what these guys earn in a week.

Sure, you can't just train and train or your body is going to give out. But I expect them to be head deep in analysis, theory, technique etc

How do you know any player playing badly isn't doing that with 90% of their free time just because you see a picture of them at a public event?

Having said that I don't even see how that would actually help in every case.
If this is fashionable I'd rather go back to being a caveman and wear bamboo leaves to hide my private parts

who the feck are the 200, 000+ people liking this photo? He actually has fans? :eek:

For the record, before anyone has a go at me, i don't hate the guy or have that level of vitriol that some other fans do (he did score an FA cup final winner after all) but I do wish he had left a fair while ago and I think he thinks that he's a much better player than he is. Also he seems really immature and obnoxious at times. Guy must be nearing 30 soon too.
If Ten Hag is coming. I am sure the United collective will improve a lot. Then naturally it will affect invidual performances too.

Unite back to pre Bruno arriving and LVG time where United attacking players were struggling. Rooney, Rashford, Martial, Falcao and Di Maria.

Even one of the GOAT in Ronaldo is struggling due the biggest reason it is poor collective. The team ability to creates chances and to win.

Against Watfor, plus some others bottoms teams and A Madrid. To much big chances to write down for statistic peoples.

Be patience and have right focus boy.

Lesser negative and uneccessary focus. With a pro football and dedicate football players. Just avoid and lock it out. Just focus on posistive things.

A 0,010 of negative focus in a glas of water with that negative and poison focus. Is enough to poison the full glas and mind. And it might affect your peformances in somehow.

Collective = biggest reason of a invidiual performance + your own focus and match day form. Are reason that will lead to the end and match day perfomance.

Like Volleyball and Handball. The collective are most important. How the team is playing as a strong dominate unit. It will create a winning team. A world class players will not change much for a bottom team.

Imagine how much Lewandoski will help a team like Burnlye?Maybe just a bit, but not much. A lonely swan in team will do not much, against a much stronger collective.

So again. If United can get Ten Hag. I am 100 % sure and convince the collective will be better and improve a lot.
I'm a lawyer and I've gone to the office at mid night because applications had to be filed in court first thing in the morning. I was expected to put in the day shift aswell then.

I don't think these players have it in them, they were complaining about rangnick because he made them train till 5pm :lol:
In every other walk of life if your job performance drops to a degree that you're no longer any use to the company then you'll rightfully be out on your ear but multimillionaire footballers seem to be given a free pass by some. Using any excuse to justify the indefensible.

I feel for players like James who tried his hardest but just wasn't good enough for us but for players like Pogba and Martiall they can basically go feck themselves. Stealing a living the lot of them. Rasfhord is starring to enter into that group.
If Ten Hag is coming. I am sure the United collective will improve a lot. Then naturally it will affect invidual performances too.

Unite back to pre Bruno arriving and LVG time where United attacking players were struggling. Rooney, Rashford, Martial, Falcao and Di Maria.

Even one of the GOAT in Ronaldo is struggling due the biggest reason it is poor collective. The team ability to creates chances and to win.

Against Watfor, plus some others bottoms teams and A Madrid. To much big chances to write down for statistic peoples.

Be patience and have right focus boy.

Lesser negative and uneccessary focus. With a pro football and dedicate football players. Just avoid and lock it out. Just focus on posistive things.

A 0,010 of negative focus in a glas of water with that negative and poison focus. Is enough to poison the full glas and mind. And it might affect your peformances in somehow.

Collective = biggest reason of a invidiual performance + your own focus and match day form. Are reason that will lead to the end and match day perfomance.

Like Volleyball and Handball. The collective are most important. How the team is playing as a strong dominate unit. It will create a winning team. A world class players will not change much for a bottom team.

Imagine how much Lewandoski will help a team like Burnlye?Maybe just a bit, but not much. A lonely swan in team will do not much, against a much stronger collective.

So again. If United can get Ten Hag. I am 100 % sure and convince the collective will be better and improve a lot.
I like this post. Be patience and have right focus boy.
How do you know any player playing badly isn't doing that with 90% of their free time just because you see a picture of them at a public event?

Having said that I don't even see how that would actually help in every case.

I don't in fairness, and if that is the case it's a failure on the media department and not the players. If you're earning more than CEOs of FTSE 100 companies, it's a bad look when it's going horribly wrong and you're posting this kind of stuff on SM. If the head of P&O uploaded a pic of him chilling on a beach after the past week, he'd quite rightly get torn a new asshole... This isn't a football exclusive thing, it's fundamental corporate crisis management.
Ex players never had bad form ever? I feel free time is free time unless they are doing something that is impacting their performance.
Anyway fans will be irrational about it and feel they own the player fulltime. They should not attend any event, not be seen in public , no restaurant, no social activities etc. Just basically disappear from sight till they get good again.
Which ex utd player was out of form for 15months?
But when they aren't playing well you care deeply about what they're getting up to in their free time?

Out of interest when a player is going through a period of bad form what should they be getting up to in their free time that you would find acceptable?
-15 months out of form
-his PR team posting annoying shit to the media
-He's acting like he's doing nothing wrong when you can literally see during matches he's a lazy bum

Fergie wouldn't tolerate this shit
I knew you would get hung up on that and ignore the rest of the post, the actual point.
How can some of you defend somebody who's been so out of form for over a year and doesn't even show any hunger on the pitch?
I mean ffs Elanga who i had doubts he'd ever make it at this club is showing more than Rashford has in a long time now
I really wish he would make up his mind and feck off somewhere. He can't make up his mind when to pass and when to shoot and now cannot make up his mind if he wants to stay or go or be a politician or whatever else he wants to be. He is worse than dithering Dave now.
How can some of you defend somebody who's been so out of form for over a year and doesn't even show any hunger on the pitch?
I mean ffs Elanga who i had doubts he'd ever make it at this club is showing more than Rashford has in a long time now

I am not at all defending him, just his right to have a life despite being shit. He is seriously bad and doesn't add any value to this team, but surely he is allowed to go out.
Media doing too much. It's so easy for them because they don't have to endure building around duds. The jury is still out on Rashford as a future undisputed starting striker for United. We're talking about a very very limited striker with terrible decision making. Rashford's general play as a lone central striker starts to really dip when he has to do anything other than run and shoot.

Has weak fundamentals and decisionmaking so trying harder in his case means running into 5 defenders instead of the usual 3. He has a ways to go to truly shine as a lone striker in a team that doesn't set up like a glorified Stoke. It's also a shame this is actually the first time since Rashford broke through we're no longer relying on pragmatic setups. He was made to learn his trade under negative managers. .
If Ten Hag is coming. I am sure the United collective will improve a lot. Then naturally it will affect invidual performances too.

Unite back to pre Bruno arriving and LVG time where United attacking players were struggling. Rooney, Rashford, Martial, Falcao and Di Maria.

Even one of the GOAT in Ronaldo is struggling due the biggest reason it is poor collective. The team ability to creates chances and to win.

Against Watfor, plus some others bottoms teams and A Madrid. To much big chances to write down for statistic peoples.

Be patience and have right focus boy.

Lesser negative and uneccessary focus. With a pro football and dedicate football players. Just avoid and lock it out. Just focus on posistive things.

A 0,010 of negative focus in a glas of water with that negative and poison focus. Is enough to poison the full glas and mind. And it might affect your peformances in somehow.

Collective = biggest reason of a invidiual performance + your own focus and match day form. Are reason that will lead to the end and match day perfomance.

Like Volleyball and Handball. The collective are most important. How the team is playing as a strong dominate unit. It will create a winning team. A world class players will not change much for a bottom team.

Imagine how much Lewandoski will help a team like Burnlye?Maybe just a bit, but not much. A lonely swan in team will do not much, against a much stronger collective.

So again. If United can get Ten Hag. I am 100 % sure and convince the collective will be better and improve a lot.
Don't agree. Outside of our strikers and Bruno our individuals aren't actually struggling like that. Fred, Mctominay, Sancho, Elanga did masssive U-turns when RR joined. They still lack in class and some aren't United quality but form hasn't been a problem for them. A lot of the team have pleasantly surprised even.

Rashford's struggles are on a whole different level of unprecedented garbage. We can't put it on the collective because the collective still play good halves and good games every other week.. Rashford can't even make the team sheet in positions with zero competition. Rashford isn't just suffering a crisis of form he also looks like a massive misfit in a side trying to play organised football. He looks like he plain doesn't understand where the next pass goes in patterned football. I weep thinking of what is going to happen under ETH if he can't even figure out RR's simpler one touch football.
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