Rashford considering his future...

Those quotes are from another reality. I'd say the article must be paid for, but there were several people in this thread spinning just the same yarn.

I think cult is probably the right word.
The perfect word.
What came first, the clickbait headline or the article that doesn’t back it up?
Anyone suffering from mental health issues should be afforded some leeway, yes. But as far as I am aware, it's only Rashford who is struggling in that department. According to reports, he's been seeing a psychologist, has spent days in bed at a time, mopes around the pitch, makes subtle hints that he isn't himself via blogs/Twitter etc. He hasn't been right since the Euros.

I don't know how much of that is true as everything I know about Rashford has come from less than reliable media outlets. Either way, I feel he has earned the benefit of the doubt for his charity work alone, not to mention we all know how dangerous a player he can be when on top form.

Would it be so devastating to the club to give him the summer to work with the new manager to rediscover his best form? I don't think it would, personally.
Has this actually been reported? Genuinely asking because it’s worrying if so.
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We desperately need to get rid of him, not just for the leaks and briefs, but for the cult that follows him. That doesn't mean people who think he's talented, or who like him...but people who write nonsense like this about a fan having the audacity to say 'after that performance, come on guys' to a hyper-privileged athlete.
We desperately need to get rid of him, not just for the leaks and briefs, but for the cult that follows him. That doesn't mean people who think he's talented, or who like him...but people who write nonsense like this about a fan having the audacity to say 'after that performance, come on guys' to a hyper-privileged athlete.
The third one down is the best, it’s penned in the style of a paragraph taken from a hard hitting fable of justice like Of Mice and Men.

Think we can even make it more dramatic.

‘Come over and say it to my face!’ Rashford said, a slight quiver in his voice as he mustered the courage to confront his nameless, shrouded oppressor. At once a clap of thunder resounded around the car park. His nemesis threw back his head in delight, emitting a gleeful, tormenting cackle into the emptiness of night, in full knowledge of the mortal blow his wicked deeds had dealt. Our hero surveilled the gathered braying mob, pale deathly hands with autograph books held aloft, jeering, demanding signatures for their devil children, to be signed in his own blood’.
The odd thing is that Rashford is in no position to dictate anything - his talent and performances are vastly lower than his profile suggests.

Lost his England place, should he desperate to stay at United, practically begging the fans to give him a chance…the whole ‘feeling sorry for him’ narrative is woefully misjudged IMO.
The links to Arsenal and Liverpool at the end of the article. This piece must be through his PR, and as if he’d get anywhere near Liverpool‘s starting line-up.
I read the title as Rangnick considering his future for a second and got worried.

Rashford? Who cares. It would be different if he was working even harder than before, but it's like he's given up instead. I look at Elanga and see how Rashford was exactly like that too before his fame. But his attitide now couldn't be any further from that. So zero sympathy from me.
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I would gladly stake my life that Oliver Holt hasn't bothered to watch a single match of Rashford this season.

Marginalised? Rashford's had soft treatment. After the performances he's put in, he doesn't even deserve the minutes he's currently getting.

'Worst mistake this decade' is a ludicrous take. :lol:
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He’s never been a world class talent. His technique just isn’t up to snuff. It is baffling the following he has because it just isn’t remotely rooted in reality.

That said we (the club) have ruined any chance he had of even being a squad player by treating him like he’d made it before he’d accomplished anything of note.
We need a cultural reboot.

It should start from our academy. Watch our academy graduates in the recent years. Januzaj, James Wilson, Rashford, Pogba, Lingard, Greenwood, Pereira, Brandon Williams, Chong they are all not type of "stay low profile and work hard" type of players.
McTominay and Elanga (so far) are just rare cases.
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It should start from our academy. Watch our academy graduates in the recent years. Januzaj, James Wilson, Rashford, Pogba, Lingard, Greenwood, Pereira, Brandon Williams, Chong they are all not type of "stay low profile and work hard" type of players.
McTominay and Elanga (so far) are just rare cases.
Wait a minute, a player has to be low profile for what reason? All of those players work hard except current Rashford , Januzaj and Wilson. Even then, Wilson I think had injury issues.

There's a lot of projection there. Who cares if a player is low profile? What the hell does that prove?
Wait a minute, a player has to be low profile for what reason? All of those players work hard except current Rashford , Januzaj and Wilson. Even then, Wilson I think had injury issues.

There's a lot of projection there. Who cares if a player is low profile? What the hell does that prove?

It affects their attitude and the will to work harder and improve their footballing skills? If you have a slightly sense of management in an organization you will know a company's culture affects productivity. Of course every club has high profile players (like we used to have ronaldo, beckham, rooney, rio who were very commercial and high profile) but they only did so after they were recognized as world class players. It is in contrast to like of Brandon Williams and Januzaj who think that they are Hollywood celebrities attending those boxing and NBA events even though they are still nobody in the football world.

PSG has all the stars in the world and it is their "made it" "celebrity" "arrogant" culture that make them a laughing stock in the champions league.
Should I be embarrassed for still liking and hoping for Rashford?
It affects their attitude and the will to work harder and improve their footballing skills? If you have a slightly sense of management in an organization you will know a company's culture affects productivity. Of course every club has high profile players (like we used to have ronaldo, beckham, rooney, rio who were very commercial and high profile) but they only did so after they were recognized as world class players. It is in contrast to like of Brandon Williams and Januzaj who think that they are Hollywood celebrities attending those boxing and NBA events even though they are still nobody in the football world.

PSG has all the stars in the world and it is their "made it" "celebrity" "arrogant" culture that make them a laughing stock in the champions league.
Did they forget one of the reasons Fergie sold Beckham to Madrid ?
I'm massively disappointed. People kept going about him as our own and the club has to protect him. Well, now let's reverse the situation so we get the entire picture, what if our own decides to deflect his responsibility back to the club where he thinks the recent performances are acceptable and the everyone HAS to respect him. How can you? firstly respect is earned. Secondly, he has the audacity to flirt with other clubs as well. That ruins his good image for me. Fine, off the field you are doing a gods work helping school kids. But inside the club that considers you as one of their own, like a family, this is how you behave. Traitorous act. Is this what family do to each other? I'm pretty sure the club has done nothing that caused the drop off in his performances. It's all his own doing.
Feeding a couple of million hungry kids only buys you so much time when people decide you turned your back on a half-chance against Aston Villa.

Ah yes, against one missed chance against Aston Villa months ago. It couldn't possibly be because he has been absolute shit for 2 years, while collecting 250k every week.

For a little while, Rashford ignored what was being shouted at him and then something was said that made him stop abruptly and turn towards his tormentor.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It's DailyMail, so no doubt this was paid for by his PR team. My God, we need to get rid of him as soon as possible. Just wow.
Has this actually been reported? Genuinely asking because it’s worrying if so.

There are multiple reports online about it, plus he's hinted at it in his blogs. But it's also been reported that he's a lazy player who thinks he's bigger than the club, and many suspect him as the leaker dressing room.

I guess it all comes down to what you choose to believe.
:lol: :lol: Has he been watching his performance?
His off the field work has earned him the goodwill. British media will back him as long as they could.

Should I be embarrassed for still liking and hoping for Rashford?
Why should you feel embarrassed? We all hope he finds his form if he stays here. We are disappointed with the effort he has put in and his constant PR but its not a lost cause. He has time and skill to still recover from this
His off the field work has earned him the goodwill. British media will back him as long as they could.

Why should you feel embarrassed? We all hope he finds his form if he stays here. We are disappointed with the effort he has put in and his constant PR but its not a lost cause. He has time and skill to still recover from this

Certainly not sure that's true anymore. Just like with many of our other players, people make up their mind on here and want nothing more than to be right, to the point of taking absolute glee in the players they don't like failing, even if its bad for the team they claim to support.
Another article defending him, most likely paid for by his people.

Remember when Manchester United players were hated by the general media in the 90s?
I'm massively disappointed. People kept going about him as our own and the club has to protect him. Well, now let's reverse the situation so we get the entire picture, what if our own decides to deflect his responsibility back to the club where he thinks the recent performances are acceptable and the everyone HAS to respect him. How can you? firstly respect is earned. Secondly, he has the audacity to flirt with other clubs as well. That ruins his good image for me. Fine, off the field you are doing a gods work helping school kids. But inside the club that considers you as one of their own, like a family, this is how you behave. Traitorous act. Is this what family do to each other? I'm pretty sure the club has done nothing that caused the drop off in his performances. It's all his own doing.

All he does is carefully managed PR work. The moment form dropped, excuses galore.