Rashford considering his future...

Except Fergie ALWAYS said the first thing he looked at when signing a player was their mentality- could they handle being a Man Utd player.

You think that isn’t to do with mental health? Obviously is never would have been directly mentioned or labelled at the time, but don’t think for a moment that Fergie didn’t take that into account.

I think it's hard to judge that. How do you judge that Scholes would last at highest level until he's 35/36 y.o.? or Carrick, not a fiery personality or look like a leader, could fill Keane's boot and some? or Rio, a gangly looking CB with some mistakes when young, would be one of our missing piece in defence for years?
A player that doesn't give effort on the pitch should not be allowed to continue at a club like UTD. There is a reason that the club is trophyless for almost half a decade.
People forget Fergie was ruthless as feck. He sold Beckham, Stam (which was a mistake), RVN, Ince (when he realised he had become Bigtime Charlie) ,etc when they did not meet his standard anymore. All which were 100x times the player Rashford is. The way his defenders talk about him here is like he is a messi incarnate on a few match slump and we are wrong to call out his crap performance
I love Rashford as a human being, I think he's got a strong mentality, I think he tries really hard in training and it's beyond doubt he has loyalty and nothing but love for the fans and the club.

I just don't think he'll be at the level required to carry either flank beyond an option off the bench or a purple patch for a few weeks here and there. I think he's a tier below Nani and we should reflect squad status in any new contract offering or else, we consider transfer offers for him.

If he wants to be one of the key players in the first team reflected in any new deal then we should wish him the best.
Whatever he means by top red. Perhaps some folk genuinely think there's something up with Rashford. I've said before that I've got a soft spot for any player born in Manchester who's come through the academy. I'm a Manchester boy and it feels a little extra special when a local United fan breaks through into the first 11. I feel the same for Zidane Iqbal. I'm clearly biased and won't be hurling abuse at him even on social media. But thinking there's something's wrong with Rashford's mindset is hardly a person putting a player above the club.

While I agree with your support Of Rashford on the basis of him being a local boy, I can't agree with the rest though. If a person try to raise a point about his mindset being a cause for the continued below par performances, I could only consider it as an excuse which is made for a favourite player of theirs. If that is a genuine concern, the same point can be made for a player like Martial, who many thinks has stopped caring. I don't think there's anybody in here giving him a pass, or considering his mental state as a reason for the dire performances. I don't want this be become a Rashford vs Martial debate.

And his PR work hasn't helped it either. There's always fluff pieces following an array of bad performances and the very recent talk of a move away from United also is a concern for the fans. A little less talk and a bit more urgency on the field, we won't be having this discussion, I believe. Most people would applaud a trier, even though that player isn't all that good. Right now, we aren't even seeing that from Rashford. He did start the last match well, but faded pretty quickly. May be Ole continuing with him durimg his back injury has fecked him up.
While I agree with your support Of Rashford on the basis of him being a local boy, I can't agree with the rest though. If a person try to raise a point about his mindset being a cause for the continued below par performances, I could only consider it as an excuse which is made for a favourite player of theirs. If that is a genuine concern, the same point can be made for a player like Martial, who many thinks has stopped caring. I don't think there's anybody in here giving him a pass, or considering his mental state as a reason for the dire performances. I don't want this be become a Rashford vs Martial debate.

And his PR work hasn't helped it either. There's always fluff pieces following an array of bad performances and the very recent talk of a move away from United also is a concern for the fans. A little less talk and a bit more urgency on the field, we won't be having this discussion, I believe. Most people would applaud a trier, even though that player isn't all that good. Right now, we aren't even seeing that from Rashford. He did start the last match well, but faded pretty quickly. May be Ole continuing with him durimg his back injury has fecked him up.

He shouldn't be anywhere near the first team but I wouldn't be too hasty to get rid of him because there's a decent player in there somewhere, perhaps the next manager will get a tune out of him. So he gets another season for me. And it's frustrating to see him playing like a zombie but like I said I wouldn't dump him just yet...he's still a good academy product.
So his wages are determined by his offers at that point, since he would just be leaving.

Yeh. Giving him next season before making decision is basically handing him that kind of power. Which is just so silly.
I apologise to both mods and posters for the comment I've made on this thread a few days back. It was a bit OTT
He has subtly alluded to mental health issues without making it clear one way or the other. You can't call it a fake diagnosis unless you're a qualified phycologist skilled enough to determine a person's mental state by reading their blogs.

The point is you don't know the truth, neither do I for what it's worth, so why not give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise?
Because then you set a precedence for any player that's not in form or just not good enough and if that's the case then we may as well ban football worldwide because many would fit that criteria. Why do we think Rashford could have mental health issues just because he doesn't track back? Does AWB have the same issues because he jogs everywhere? Does Pogba/Bruno for giving away the ball so much? Shaw/Maguire for being in terrible form?

Sometimes if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it's just that.....a duck.
Because then you set a precedence for any player that's not in form or just not good enough and if that's the case then we may as well ban football worldwide because many would fit that criteria. Why do we think Rashford could have mental health issues just because he doesn't track back? Does AWB have the same issues because he jogs everywhere? Does Pogba/Bruno for giving away the ball so much? Shaw/Maguire for being in terrible form?

Sometimes if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it's just that.....a duck.

I can't believe you just likened Rashford to a duck.

That's got to be a first for Redcafe.
I love Rashford as a human being, I think he's got a strong mentality, I think he tries really hard in training and it's beyond doubt he has loyalty and nothing but love for the fans and the club.

I just don't think he'll be at the level required to carry either flank beyond an option off the bench or a purple patch for a few weeks here and there. I think he's a tier below Nani and we should reflect squad status in any new contract offering or else, we consider transfer offers for him.

If he wants to be one of the key players in the first team reflected in any new deal then we should wish him the best.

How hard it is to run for 90 minutes?

Cant he do just that?

I forgive mistakes and poor performance, as long as they give their all and their best.

I do not tolerate slacking off and stopped trying. Not even for one match let alone for a good months
He shouldn't be anywhere near the first team but I wouldn't be too hasty to get rid of him because there's a decent player in there somewhere, perhaps the next manager will get a tune out of him. So he gets another season for me. And it's frustrating to see him playing like a zombie but like I said I wouldn't dump him just yet...he's still a good academy product.

Short term pain long term gain. At best rashford would just be a good player, and that's a big if which may never bear fruition.

But the long term damage of giving in, new contract that would at least match his ridiculous salary, on top of that his head would get bigger and continue to piss on the fans and the club alike.

Now if this is roy keane, paul Scholes or even jaap stam i might consider it. But it's a steep price to pay for only a potentially become good again player, and that would meant he somehow change his attitude 180 degree. Which i doubt he would do, or he would have at least shown some fight the past 9 months.

Up until now i dont see remorse or realisation that he needs to knuckle down.

Is it worth the long term pain. I'd rather he be made an example and a sacrifical lamb for the new era.

Bigger and better player with better attitude have been let go in the past.
How hard it is to run for 90 minutes?

Cant he do just that?

I forgive mistakes and poor performance, as long as they give their all and their best.

I do not tolerate slacking off and stopped trying. Not even for one match let alone for a good months
Yeah he doesn't work hard enough on the bal. I don't think that's something that can't be trained out of him though.
Yes like when journalists did similar to Sterling or the countless other players they have done similar to.
Sterling was different but was what got me thinking. Think they did the house for his mum & they made a drama about the gun tattoo.. it was actually the gun tattoo that got me thinking because those journalist basically did that without caring how it effected him and no repercussions. Also Sky Sports News accidentally, or otherwise , did something to add even more salt.
I can't believe you just likened Rashford to a duck.

That's got to be a first for Redcafe.

When did I only use Rashford as an example of a duck? I'm talking about any player out of form. Instead of looking for ulterior motives the answer could just be there staring people in the face. You say we should give Rashford the benefit of the doubt on his mental health issues but genuine question. Should all players out of form be afforded the same luxury? Or is it because Rashford is supposedly one of our own? Because if it's the former you really are opening up a can of worms.
Should all players out of form be afforded the same luxury? Or is it because Rashford is supposedly one of our own? Because if it's the former you really are opening up a can of worms.

Anyone suffering from mental health issues should be afforded some leeway, yes. But as far as I am aware, it's only Rashford who is struggling in that department. According to reports, he's been seeing a psychologist, has spent days in bed at a time, mopes around the pitch, makes subtle hints that he isn't himself via blogs/Twitter etc. He hasn't been right since the Euros.

I don't know how much of that is true as everything I know about Rashford has come from less than reliable media outlets. Either way, I feel he has earned the benefit of the doubt for his charity work alone, not to mention we all know how dangerous a player he can be when on top form.

Would it be so devastating to the club to give him the summer to work with the new manager to rediscover his best form? I don't think it would, personally.
Sterling was different but was what got me thinking. Think they did the house for his mum & they made a drama about the gun tattoo.. it was actually the gun tattoo that got me thinking because those journalist basically did that without caring how it effected him and no repercussions. Also Sky Sports News accidentally, or otherwise , did something to add even more salt.
Its not different. Its an example of Journalists making things up. Like the fact he had all these children by different women.
A lot of people downplay these character flaws until its too late. To imagine what Ole did for him after José's toxicity and this is how he chose to repay him!

If these players threw ole under the bus then they can throw anyone and everyone under the bus. Ole is the "nicest" manager a player could have.
Well, if you don't rate him. Why is it silly?

Silly to leave him with a year left in contract. Player will then have all the power in contract negotiation. If he has good season next, he can demand outrageous wage, that if we don't agree, he can decide to chill out for a year then leave for free. If he has shit season, he still can demand outrageous wage that if we don't agree, he'll just chill out for a year (half hearted effort to prevent getting injured) then leave for free and pocketing that sign on fee.

I mean, it happens with Lingard, Pogba, and Herrera. And that's also how Martial got his outrageous wage last time. Too many samples to ignore, don't you think so?

The best way for both party is performance based wage. Low base but very high upper limit. But do you think he'll agree to that?
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Leave him with a year left in contract. Player will then have all the power in contract negotiation. If he has good season next, he can demand outrageous wage, that if we don't agree, he can decide to leave for free. If he has shit season, he still can demand outrageous wage that if we don't agree, he'll just leave for free.

I mean, it happens with Lingard, Pogba, and Herrera. And that's also how Martial got his outrageous wage last time. Too many samples to ignore, don't you think so?

Yep and no doubt the same posters will be complaining why the club didn’t get rid of him sooner or gave him a new contract
It's werid how Rashford gets the mental issues defense yet Martial last season wasn't getting any at all.
Why does every slump of form these days have to be a mental issue? Have footballers become complete pussies? You play in front of 50k-60k people every week and you're telling me it's a mental issue when a player drops in form as badly as Rashford has?
It's werid how Rashford gets the mental issues defense yet Martial last season wasn't getting any at all.
Why does every slump of form these days have to be a mental issue? Have footballers become complete pussies? You play in front of 50k-60k people every week and you're telling me it's a mental issue when a player drops in form as badly as Rashford has?

Maybe Lukaku had mental issue too, when he became that fat and disinterested after WC?
Its not different. Its an example of Journalists making things up. Like the fact he had all these children by different women.
Yes.. I meant different tactic/way of trying to get under his skin and undermine his character and turn the public against.

Like i said I think they need to be held accountable, not saying this about Rashford particularly, but only each individual knows how it affects them personally and who knows if one day one player in the future might find it too much. Then with hindsight people will start saying “but but but they’ve been doing this a long time sooner or later it was bound to happen why weren’t they held accountable sooner when players were first speaking out about it”.

Before what I am saying gets twisted, I’m not talking about professional criticism. I’m strictly talking about the sensationalist lies, embellishments, or whatever you want to call it about players personal lives and characters that plays on some of the public’s general “dislike” for young multi millionaire footballers.
Interestingly he wrote a long essay about his charity work and defending him from the recent incident
If it's not an article paid for by his army of PR guys then I'd still say the journalist is doing him no favours. People involved with and wanting to help him seem to lack any awareness of the issues that supporters have with him. Personally I don't rate him that highly as a player, but if he's to turn it around then everybody around him needs to shut up and he needs to a) start looking like he's trying his hardest every game and, ultimately b) start performing. That's all there is to it.

Personally, I think we can find a better player for what we pay him.

We desperately need to get rid of him, not just for the leaks and briefs, but for the cult that follows him. That doesn't mean people who think he's talented, or who like him...but people who write nonsense like this about a fan having the audacity to say 'after that performance, come on guys' to a hyper-privileged athlete.

The abuse that Marcus Rashford received from fans this week was shocking.

For a little while, Rashford ignored what was being shouted at him and then something was said that made him stop abruptly and turn towards his tormentor

It was soon after that that the camera captured him gesturing at one of the fans. He raised his hand and appeared to raise a finger in his direction, to beckon him towards him.
‘Come over and say it to my face?’ Rashford said. And in that moment, even though what he did was close to nothing, the ‘fan’ who had baited him had won. He got the reaction he craved.

He issued an apology on social media but, as Ian Wright and others have said subsequently, he didn’t need to. The fan who abused him should have apologised instead. He is the one who should have the spotlight trained on him. Not Rashford.
Sick and tired of it. Far far better players don't come with all this ass kissing and pr horseshit.

This dumb. Rashford was a world class talent who despite multiple seasons experience in the top league hasn't been able to make the jump to an actual world class player and in fact has regressed. He hasn't been able to properly address his weakness. For this he has no one else to blame but himself.
He's in the same position as Martial but Martial ain't getting the sympathy articles from the British Media because he isn't British.
The club shouldn't make player decision on sentimentality only footballing ability. And based on footballing ability he's expendable.
We need 200 mill + to properly rebuild the club. I don't see Glazers okaying that much net spend with no UCL. So a decent amount of money need to be raised through player sales. And Rashford and Bruno are the only 2 players who are potentially expendable who would fetch a huge fee. Sancho is the only other player but he's not for sale under any circumstance. So UTD get a big offer for either of them, we have to let them go.
Liverpool sold Coutinho for 150 mil and we able to use those funds to build a CL winning team. UTD need to take same approach. Forget about winning league next season. Clear the deck and wage structure. Invest in young elite talent, bring a coach who can work with talent and look to win in 2 or 3 years. And if costs you Rashford or Bruno so be it. I am not saying just sell either regardless. It will all depend on the offer. If its a significant amount sell and reinvest,.
This dumb. Rashford was a world class talent who despite multiple seasons experience in the top league hasn't been able to make the jump to an actual world class player and in fact has regressed. He hasn't been able to properly address his weakness. For this he has no one else to blame but himself.
He's in the same position as Martial but Martial ain't getting the sympathy articles from the British Media because he isn't British.
The club shouldn't make player decision on sentimentality only footballing ability. And based on footballing ability he's expendable.
We need 200 mill + to properly rebuild the club. I don't see Glazers okaying that much net spend with no UCL. So a decent amount of money need to be raised through player sales. And Rashford and Bruno are the only 2 players who are potentially expendable who would fetch a huge fee. Sancho is the only other player but he's not for sale under any circumstance. So UTD get a big offer for either of them, we have to let them go.
Liverpool sold Coutinho for 150 mil and we able to use those funds to build a CL winning team. UTD need to take same approach. Forget about winning league next season. Clear the deck and wage structure. Invest in young elite talent, bring a coach who can work with talent and look to win in 2 or 3 years. And if costs you Rashford or Bruno so be it. I am not saying just sell either regardless. It will all depend on the offer. If its a significant amount sell and reinvest,.
This should get a like.
This dumb. Rashford was a world class talent who despite multiple seasons experience in the top league hasn't been able to make the jump to an actual world class player and in fact has regressed. He hasn't been able to properly address his weakness. For this he has no one else to blame but himself.
He's in the same position as Martial but Martial ain't getting the sympathy articles from the British Media because he isn't British.
The club shouldn't make player decision on sentimentality only footballing ability. And based on footballing ability he's expendable.
We need 200 mill + to properly rebuild the club. I don't see Glazers okaying that much net spend with no UCL. So a decent amount of money need to be raised through player sales. And Rashford and Bruno are the only 2 players who are potentially expendable who would fetch a huge fee. Sancho is the only other player but he's not for sale under any circumstance. So UTD get a big offer for either of them, we have to let them go.
Liverpool sold Coutinho for 150 mil and we able to use those funds to build a CL winning team. UTD need to take same approach. Forget about winning league next season. Clear the deck and wage structure. Invest in young elite talent, bring a coach who can work with talent and look to win in 2 or 3 years. And if costs you Rashford or Bruno so be it. I am not saying just sell either regardless. It will all depend on the offer. If its a significant amount sell and reinvest,.
Excellent post
What else can the club do to support Rashford? We've gone wa beyond supporting him, towards pandering territory and now he's a pampered baby who thinks he's bigger than the club.

His cronies in the media are obviously doing some work on his behalf, just hope the clubs realise the fans are starting to see through his facade.
We desperately need to get rid of him, not just for the leaks and briefs, but for the cult that follows him. That doesn't mean people who think he's talented, or who like him...but people who write nonsense like this about a fan having the audacity to say 'after that performance, come on guys' to a hyper-privileged athlete.

Those quotes are from another reality. I'd say the article must be paid for, but there were several people in this thread spinning just the same yarn.

I think cult is probably the right word.