Ranieri sacked as Leicester City manager

They looked to have turned a corner last night. At least could have had another league game to see if that was the case.

Surely they've got someone already lined up?l to replace him?
For two consecutive seasons, a manager that has won the Premier League has been sacked the season after.

That's fecking mental. These clubs deserve what ever happens to them.
Strange timing, after they still have a decent chance of going through In the champions league!

We saw with Mourinho, winning the league one season, then sacked mid on the next how ruthless football can be.

But Chelsea, with their money we all thought was so different to Leicester's near miraculous win last season.
Quite sad they turned out not much different
Leaves a very sour taste. Could see this coming but still it shows up the players and club management for their actions.

Ranieri can keep his dignity intact and they should still build a statue for what he achieved there.
I just want this ungrateful little club relegated, even more than I wanted Sunderland to be relegated after that Aguerooo season
Don't buy that this had to be done. The players should be ashamed of themselves and I truly hope they go down now.
wow, thats a huge shock !!!
but understandable as Premier League is the priority
It's the right decision.

Everyone on here is looking at it from the view of 'he did so well'. Ya, he did. Means feck all right now as they don't want to get relegated. It in no way lessens what was achieved last year, but no-one is bigger than the club.
Still hope they go down, but the players won't get punished they will just saunter off to some other PL club.
Well done to the Leicester board.

Ranieri was taking them down and it's a decision they simply had to make from a financial perspective. It had to happen. Morals go out the window when it's apparent you're going to get relegated, particularly given the wages they awarded some of their high profile players.
Seeing the team being able to motivate themselves for the CL yesterday and play ok, while being an absolute joke in the league must have made them think that Ranieri just couldn't motivate the team in the league and they could do a lot better.
What they should be asking is why these players turned into such shite in the league, they are a disgrace.
Bizarre timing. Decent result in the CL, especially considering how many teams are virtually out after the first leg.
What an utter shambles of a club. Their owners should be utterly ashamed. Feck off. Really hope they go onto a downwards Portsmouth-like spiral and end up play Bumfeckington Town FC in the Midland Conference League.

Football, bloody hell.

At least he won't be the one that "officially" got them relegated.

I mean...

Give it Giggsy till the end of the season!

Nah, hope they beat Liverpool first. They can lose all their games after though

Exactly that.
I'd love them to be relegated, but Liverpool failing must always come first.

Now this has happened there's a much better chance of Leicester getting a result surely.
Stupid decision.

Either do it before, or after the season.

Why now? Who's gonna want that job?

URGENT! Manager wanted.
  • Avoid relegation
  • 13 games left to play
  • shite team
  • if you fail potential sacking
Call this number if interested.

I mean seriously. :boring:
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I think Mourinho and Ranieri have suffered from playing out of your skin, time to relax hangover.

Mourinho was sacked because half the club hated him. Had nothing with do with performances.

Do you know that for sure? As in who?
Though seems mad that the players have revolted. They're Leicester City and they won the fecking PL with the man.
Still hope they go down, but the players won't get punished they will just saunter off to some other PL club.
Ya I also want them to go down. But I can't blame the club for doing this. Being in the premiership is so important these days that you really need to maximise your chance of staying in it.
Bad decision. Leicester are not Chelsea so the decision is not the same. This is claudio being punished for overachieving last year and returning to par this. Joke decision.
Stupid decision.

Either do it before, or after the season.

Why now? Who's gonna want that job?

URGENT! Manager wanted.
  • Avoid relegation
  • 8 games left to play
  • shite team
  • if you fail potential sacking
Call this number if interested.

I mean seriously. :boring:
There's 13 games left to play
Guess we'll see if the players didn't want to play for Ranieri now. I'm expecting them to show a lot more fight, they were pathetic against us.
What a mad decision and why now after a decent result last night? Maybe a falling out of some sort in the last few days?
It's the right decision

(albeit weird timing after the Champions League win)