Ranieri sacked as Leicester City manager

The fairy-tale is ruined.

In 20 years time when a reunion is arranged for the 15/16 side, only Kante will turn up.
Some balls on Carragher if he's upset seeing how he helped get Benitez sacked
Stam was right.

I hope Gary's joking about that and not being clueless about how anonymous sources work. There's a reason why Sky say "Senior players" and dont name individuals. Its because the source has not given them specific names.
Been thinking of that 'can a loss be a win?' thread that was around a while back.

Press are conveniently forgetting that Leicester lost a football match on Wednesday, and apparently Ranieri has been credited for 'rediscovering the spirit and guiding them a 2-1 loss'. There have also been several references to the 'Leicester comeback' against Sevilla. They did not fecking comeback!
Been thinking of that 'can a loss be a win?' thread that was around a while back.

Press are conveniently forgetting that Leicester lost a football match on Wednesday, and apparently Ranieri has been credited for 'rediscovering the spirit and guiding them a 2-1 loss'. There have also been several references to the 'Leicester comeback' against Sevilla. They did not fecking comeback!

That 2-1 result really flattered to deceive though didn't it. Yeah it gave them a life line in the CL, but the Foxes were not really playing that well in that game were they?
Not suprised. I realized that something like this will happen this season after their unconvincing title win last season.

Ranieri was not the primary architect of that accomplishment, but with most of their managerial staff already being poached away from other clubs, it will be hard for Leicester to rebuild and they might end up like Leeds. What they need as I stated last season is to find the formula for success they had under Pearson. Ranieri did not create that winning formula, Pearson, his managerial staff and his player did, so it is still attainable as it is already implemented in their player and some of the staff that is still there. They need a manager akin to Conte, that will bring back the confidence in the player and also capable of making necessary changes to the old guard or average player like Morgan, Drinkwater, Fusch, Huth, etc.
He meant that Neville is very keen to get involved in potential flashpoints, gossip etc.
Ahh yeah that makes a lot of sense. Neville definitely seems like a type of guy who "can't help himself" when it comes to the flashy story
It's not the level of their play I'm calling a disgrace mate, it's their character and loyalty that's a disgrace. I know they are shite but I honestly don't think they have tried at all.

I saw Jamie Carragher tweeting last night, saying that this level is Leicester's level and last season was the freak season when they won the EPL, and I couldn't agree more with him and with your point too that they overachieved massively and this is their current level.

The thing is, I don't think they are trying. Half of them give them impression they think are made and couldn't give a toss now because of last season. For those players to play they way that they have this season, with no heart, motivation or effort is the thing that is a disgrace. Last season was wonderful, seeing a team of underdogs and journeymen defying belief and winning the league and Ranieri was at the heart of that. As far as I am concerned those players owe their success to the man. All the rumors of players wanting more credit and then going behind the managers back (after what he done for them and is one of the most honest and decent men in football) are disgraceful if true, and when I have seen them play this season at times they have just completely chucked, like against us they gave up. Added to that is their performances in my opinion, they have been truly shocking. They beat City 4-2 when they actually tried so they can do it, I just think they wanted Claudio gone and they now have their wish.

As stated I hope they get relegated now because they deserve nothing less IMO. Sorry about the rant, just really wound up about it! :(:lol:
Completely understand. However footballers nowadays are mostly shit people, you really can't expect too much of them.
Also, football is a business, so unfortunately there is no loyalty where money is concerned..

Seen on a fan forum. You couldn't make it up.
Pathetic decision. As someone else said, they should be building a statue of him. Leicester do have the potential to be a steady mid table /top 10 team now but winning the title is something they aren't going to achieve for aeons, if ever again. What Ranieri gave them is worth mutliple religations.


Seen on a fan forum. You couldn't make it up.
I hope they get relegated. The owners deserve it for sacking someone who did the impossible for them. At the very least they owed him this season and the next - whatever the results were! Mahrez Vardy Morgan etc were nobodies before Ranieri, they'll be nobodies again.
Every manager ends up getting sacked, it's the nature of the game. However what has happened at Leicester is a complete outrage. Especially since it's on the back of what was a decent result against a very good Seville side last night. The guy should have a statue in his honor at the club and he will be remembered much more fondly than the likes of Mahrez, Vardy, et al who have basically all decided to take a better contract and then not bother trying this season. Then they have the gall to basically conspire against Ranieri? It's pathetic.
all the talk of players going to the owners apparently it was the other way around, the owners went to the players for their opinion
all the talk of players going to the owners apparently it was the other way around, the owners went to the players for their opinion

The players opinion should have been to back their manager in that case. It is shameful if they did not.
Completely understand. However footballers nowadays are mostly shit people, you really can't expect too much of them.
Also, football is a business, so unfortunately there is no loyalty where money is concerned..

Agree on both counts man. When you see ruthless decisions being made like this it is so apparent that first and foremost football is a business these days, which is a massive shame and leaves me a bit disillusioned to be honest. Leaves a really sour taste for me hence the rant I went on (lol). As for the footballers part I don't like to generalize but I think that's true too, can expect much from them or understand the bubble that they live in. I just think its not that hard to ask for some effort or loyalty towards a guy who has put you on top of the mountain. Far too easy to complain and give up when the opportunity arises for them.
Where did you hear that?
presenter on SSN just said the meeting that the players had with the club officials was at the officials instigation, if your boss is asking for your opinion you have to be honest.

Players were apparently every bit as baffled with his tactical choices and team selection as fans were, if they don't understand what the plan is how is it going to work?
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