Ranieri sacked as Leicester City manager

Schmeichel almost definitely as well

I got that impression from his interviews. Typical players absolving themselves of blame and redirecting it at the manager. They care only about their own ambitions.
They had two chances:

- Keep Ranieri and get relegated and out of Europe 99.9%

- Sack Ranieri hoping that something can change

They have choose the second option

99% when they're not even in the relegation zone? Alrighty then
They had two chances:

- Keep Ranieri and get relegated and out of Europe 99.9%

- Sack Ranieri hoping that something can change

They have choose the second option

Not even in the relgation zone, yet you deem them 99% certain to go down. I would say Sunderland or Palace are more likely
It does not make sense at all. If you are thinking in terms of money, know the business you are in. There is a good chance they will get relegated anyway - then the brand Leicester is basically dead. Right now, Leicester stands for everything that is wrong with Football. You can make the argument that this is okay if you are Man City, PSG or whatever, but at least those guys are winning titles (well not Man City but you get the point).

Chances are this might not happen with Leicester anytime soon and all they will be left with is a terrible image.

Last season , everyone wanted to see them winning, now everyone will want to see them losing.
Yes, they may well get relegated. But at least the owners will have the added satisfaction of trying something and then losing rather than doing nothing about it.

It was clear for quite some time that the players had stopped responding to his coaching and were massively under-performing. Also, he was sticking with his tried and tested players and not giving chances to others even when his "in group" players were not doing anything. They lost games to teams they had no business losing to despite having the better set of players.

They are almost out of all competitions and dangerously close to relegation with Liverpool as their next game. Do you really believe that the owners should do nothing and just watch the show? Would you have done that when so much is at stake?
I already saw a change in attitude towards Leicester this season, with people being happy to see them do bad after rooting for them last season. Thought that was interesting to see.

Surely gonna be worse in that regard now!
Not even in the relgation zone, yet you deem them 99% certain to go down. I would say Sunderland or Palace are more likely
Id bet on Leicester to go down, NOT EVEN IN RELEGATION zone, well they are 1 point ahead and certainly the worst form, they needed change, it's debatable if it could be done after they were knocked out from the CL but, Ranieri's record is absolutelz attrocious, no matter how luckz they were to make top 4 let alone winning the title, they are fighting to stay feking up after maneging to win the title, the change was needed no matter how much players are to blame
Shame on the players. They let him down. Most of them are average and rejects. He took them and made them title winners. He gave players like Wes Morgan who spent his entire career in the championship an experience of the Champions League. Most of them ended up with a massive payrise that some players in Europe can only dream of.
Shameless owners and players. He deserved more leeway than this, hope they get relegated and never win any trophy ever again.
Claudio Ranieri being sacked is the equivalent in the corporate world of a CMO leading a struggling start-up to the largest growth in revenue that the start-up has ever experienced, and getting it listed on the New York Stock Exchange 9 months later, but getting fired from his job 9 months later because their company has a high turnover of staff and drastic fall in revenue. So cruel on Claudio. :(
On the face of it the decision looks harsh and symbolises everything wrong with football these days - commercial interests trumping even the most romantic story - but I'm not convinced it's a bad decision for either party. Ranieri leaves without a tarnished reputation, which he inevitably would've had if they got relegated. On the flipside Leicester probably have boosted their chances of survival.

Ranieri's strength was in steadying the ship, keeping things consistent and keeping everyone calm and collected and playing with freedom. They need something different now and there's nothing to suggest Ranieri was going to be able to completely switch his management style to achieve that.
They've won five games, not a single one away, and aren't even averaging a goal a game. That kind of season, not form, necessitates a response. Manager or players? Regardless of what you think about who's responsible, it's obviously going to be the manager's neck on the line.

It's all well and good going with the "but he won the league!" argument in response to that. The owner(s) is watching their club heading in a direction that's resigned many clubs to Championship obscurity, with no guarantee of an instant return. Having no doubt dished out money after last season's success, they're sitting in a very unenviable position. It's unthinkable (different to unrealistic, remember) for them to go down now that that's the case. Something had to be done.
They've won five games, not a single one away, and aren't even averaging a goal a game. That kind of season, not form, necessitates a response. Manager or players? Regardless of what you think about who's responsible, it's obviously going to be the manager's neck on the line.

It's all well and good going with the "but he won the league!" argument in response to that. The owner(s) is watching their club heading in a direction that's resigned many clubs to Championship obscurity, with no guarantee of an instant return. Having no doubt dished out money after last season's success, they're sitting in a very unenviable position. It's unthinkable (different to unrealistic, remember) for them to go down now that that's the case. Something had to be done.

Yep, you cannot replace 11 players.
Shame on the players. They let him down. Most of them are average and rejects. He took them and made them title winners. He gave players like Wes Morgan who spent his entire career in the championship an experience of the Champions League. Most of them ended up with a massive payrise that some players in Europe can only dream of.
Agree with this though too. I think the players reached their summit and sat back. But, as I said, you cannot sack 11 players.
99% when they're not even in the relegation zone? Alrighty then
Yeah, it's baffling, everyone keeps saying "but they are going down!!!" when they're not even in the bottom three.
8 defeats in their last 10 games including 5 in a row and only 1 win. On current form I fancy Hull and Palace to leapfrog Leicester. I think they will go out of Europe due to Sevilla's additional European expertise. No one will ever forget Ranieri and Leicester's incredible achievement last season, but that's exactly what it is - last season.
The rest of us are judged on current performance in our jobs, if we were in charge of a company that went from number 1 to number 17 in less than a year then our job would be on the line too. Personally I think the owners have made the correct decision because to stick with Ranieri based purely on last season would stink of complacency and once you show that, the other teams around them will smell blood.
I thought watching the match against Sevilla, Leicester have problems inside the team. Especially at the end of the match you could see that they are not a unity. Only a bunch of players went to the Leicester fans.
A nice guy and all that .But at the end of the day , it''s about staying in the PL . And the morale within the club was at a low which wasn't going to help the current situation
He wasnt the man to dig them out of this hole

Personally I always gave Pearson a lot of credit for last year
8 defeats in their last 10 games including 5 in a row and only 1 win. On current form I fancy Hull and Palace to leapfrog Leicester. I think they will go out of Europe due to Sevilla's additional European expertise. No one will ever forget Ranieri and Leicester's incredible achievement last season, but that's exactly what it is - last season.
The rest of us are judged on current performance in our jobs, if we were in charge of a company that went from number 1 to number 17 in less than a year then our job would be on the line too. Personally I think the owners have made the correct decision because to stick with Ranieri based purely on last season would stink of complacency and once you show that, the other teams around them will smell blood.

Teams around them smelt blood from the first game when they went down tamely to Hull.
He never addressed the issue of complacency and they've never recovered. Not entirely his fault but a lot of coaches would have dropped the players eg SAF, Pullis, Conte,Pep. Remember how SAF stated how he looked for that desire at the start of each season and if players didn't show that he would leave them out.

Players like Fuchs going on NFL shoes and designing clothes, Vardy thinking he'd made it, Ulloa moaning, Mahrez clearly not giving a feck. He should have seen this! The supporters did
Think it's a joke personally. Hopefully Ranieri can still find a top European club on the back of this and Leicester fall down the shitter.
Personally I always gave Pearson a lot of credit for last year

Ah, the old 'give the previous manager credit for the remarkable achievements of another manager'...

Do you credit Mourinho for Chelsea's form this season? After all, it's basically his team.

Pearson deserves no credit for Ranieri winning the fecking league with that lot.

In hindsight, Ranieri should've left straight after winning the league, he'd probably be in contention for the Barca job if he had!
Because it's very likely that Nigel Pearson had the support of the playing staff. Bear in mind that even when rooted to the foot of the league, Leicester had been playing good football for a fairly prolonged period of time, and that results weren't quite going their way.

The details aren't clear yet, but it's plainly obvious that Ranieri's position in the dressing room was untenable and that he and the players had reached an impasse. Ranieri was taking them down, it's as simple as that, and given the wages Leicester are now paying their players, the owners have clearly decided that survival takes precedence over superiority. Personally, I think they're right.

They are competing in the CL, how many teams have had a great season in the league then a poor when completing in Europe the following season?
They are just out of the FA cup so didn't have to worry about that anymore

The opinion of Ranieri would certainly relegate them with 13 games to go, is the same having the opinion of them certain to finish in the top 3 with 13 games to go last season. There is not certainly whatsoever. If they stay up, the people, will say it was the correct decision, when having no idea of the outcome of the season had Ranieri stayed. He should been given the 2nd leg in the CL, but the owners made a scumbag move there.
Hopefully Leicester will galvanize and get a point against the scousers now!
They are competing in the CL, how many teams have had a great season in the league then a poor when completing in Europe the following season?
They are just out of the FA cup so didn't have to worry about that anymore

The opinion of Ranieri would certainly relegate them with 13 games to go, is the same having the opinion of them certain to finish in the top 3 with 13 games to go last season. There is not certainly whatsoever. If they stay up, the people, will say it was the correct decision, when having no idea of the outcome of the season had Ranieri stayed. He should been given the 2nd leg in the CL, but the owners made a scumbag move there.

Ultimately, the owners at Leicester know a lot more than you or I. Given that he's been sacked, a decision they can't have taken lightly, there is likely an atmosphere or feeling inside the dressing room that has dictated the current circumstances. Of course it can't be 100% certain Ranieri will take them down, but given the circumstances, as well as the Hull-Swansea resurgence, it looks ominous enough to me. Had to be done.
From the reactions I've seen from many Leicester fans, they think they're a top of the league club after that one season....talking about how he needed sacking, as though they weren't lucky enough just to be in the top flight, let alone winning the fecking league. Weird attitude. If they went down, I would expect Ranieri to have got them back up within a couple of seasons but a new manager probably won't. I think the choice they've made is to go down and stay there.
Ah, the old 'give the previous manager credit for the remarkable achievements of another manager'...

Do you credit Mourinho for Chelsea's form this season? After all, it's basically his team.

Pearson deserves no credit for Ranieri winning the fecking league with that lot.

In hindsight, Ranieri should've left straight after winning the league, he'd probably be in contention for the Barca job if he had!

Your right. The squad that magically won the league probably built itself.

"How come my name is on the list?"
ffs :lol:

The names are well known Morgan, Vardy, Drinkwater, Mahrez.

The interview Vardy gave before the Seville game when he said the players were behind the manager reeked of the same tone when he gave the interview after the united game and was asked if he dived to win the pen against Rafael. He had that same guilty look on his face
Obviously it seems really harsh to sack him. But should they just keep him and likely risk relegation just for sentimental reasons? Their form just seems to get worse, and they really cannot afford to get relegated. If that happens, I could easily see them below the Championship in the next few years.
I think it was odd timing in a sense.

Sure, they've had a mare of a season compared to last season (it was always going to be when compared to winning the title). The start of the year was pretty terrible with no goals scored and elimination from the FA Cup. However, they've gone away to Sevilla and come away with a very respectable 2-1 defeat to give them some chance of progression and that's the game which was the final nail in the coffin?

They have Liverpool next which is a 'free swing' of a game and they'd prefer to go into it with (probably) no manager? They're likely going to be relying on a manager with no European experience to face Sevilla? I know things are pretty bleak for Leicester but I think this makes it worse (unless they have a very, very good replacement already lined up).

Only my opinion, but given they've finally scored a goal and got the monkey off their back, I'd have given him the chance of playing the Liverpool game, the big relegation battle against Hull, and the return leg vs. Sevilla before letting him go, provided they had someone already lined up to take over the following day if they lost all of those games. Players have probably let him down, but without him I still feel as though they will lose the next three fixtures.
Hope they get relegated now, piece of shits. A fecking travesty that shite with 0 talent like Vardy would go to owners and gob shit at a manager who managed to elevate such nobodies to actual title winners.
Ultimately, the owners at Leicester know a lot more than you or I. Given that he's been sacked, a decision they can't have taken lightly, there is likely an atmosphere or feeling inside the dressing room that has dictated the current circumstances. Of course it can't be 100% certain Ranieri will take them down, but given the circumstances, as well as the Hull-Swansea resurgence, it looks ominous enough to me. Had to be done.

Yes when the new boss only probably will have the focus of the league from here on in. The fact that the owners fully backed him, on the 7th of Feb, and have only had 1 PL game between now and then, and stated staying in the PL is their main focus, proves what liars they are. They do know more and can do what they want, doesn't make any difference as coming across as absolute cnuts
Football fans are just the worst...players went behind manager`s back to owners and trash talked and there is more focus on Ranieri like he is some kind of failure. Best part of all Ranieri stayed loyal to those who were backstabbing him in the same tim by keep giving them spot in first XI...just feck those cnuts.
apparently it is being reported that senior player went to the owners, I think this is appalling.
He got a team of average players to play the best season they will ever and they have stabbed him in the back.
I hope they get relegated bunch off ungrateful cnuts