Ranieri sacked as Leicester City manager

More or less like Chelsea fans downplaying Jose's work at Chelsea (not saying PL title will be because of Jose but in general always talking shit about Jose)
Same Chelsea fans that nearly chased Hazard, Costa & Fabregas out the club? 75% of the fanbase is still in love with Mourinho.
Outpouring of grief would only have been greater if they announced Ranieri would no longer be hosting Bake Off at the same time. It's difficult for the owners. 99% of us only look in on Leicester as a casual observer, still mildly amused that they won the title last year. But when you're in freefall and there's a risk of losing a ton of money by being relegated and all the consequences that come from that you don't really have the luxury of sitting back, smiling, and saying: "Ah well, we won the league last year."

Players, TV money, sponsorship and other inward investment doesn't maintain itself on memory as much as some of the more mawkish contributions might suggest. You don't get to keep money you lose as being part of the PL by saying "Dilly ding dilly dong, come on!" with everyone saying "Awww, let's just give them the money anyway!"
Things getting desperate that now fans using new players he spent on as hammer to defend the decision to sack him. Which is funny,because they all say how they suck balls but in reality its everything new for those players,they need adapt,who knows this time next year they might say how Musa is best buy ever for example.
Can't blame the owners really. They are not Leicester fans nor do they have any real emotional connection with the club. For them it's a pure business decision and even so the statement did seem to imply what a tough decision this was and how reluctantly they took it. They've spent money on the club for the past decade bringing them through the divisions and spent big before this season. I don't agree with the decision but I find them quite blameless.

The fans on the other hand..well I suppose that's not surprising either. Football fans are the biggest hypocrites in football. They will hurl abuse at players or managers but can't take it back. They'll repeatedly abuse players and call them out for being disloyal for wanting to leave while throwing them all under the bus when they're not doing well. This is true for all fans of course not just Leicester. This forum in particular seems to be a breeding ground for imbeciles who can't wait to have a go at players for not working hard enough or their attitudes or their lifestyles (all 3 in case of Pogba) even though they haven't a single fecking clue.

What Leicester did was fecking incredible. It does not mean Raneiri should have a free reign at the club but it does mean that he deserves the backing of fans when things go wrong.
Probably mentioned already, but the managers of the three last title winning sides have all been fired within a season or two following the title.

City and Pellegrini two years after their '14 title.
Chelsea and Mourinho a year (six months really) after the '15 title.
And Ranieri now.
This is a really bad move by the club. Ranieri somehow won the title with a bunch of below-average players and that was a miracle, one of the greatest miracles in the history of Football. Suddenly Leicester think they're a big club but really, battling to avoiding relegation is their normal level. They should have at least given him a chance to manage the team's CL campaign. A club like Leicester would never have even been in the CL had it not been for their miraculous achievement last season. Crazy that they've sacked him.

Even Mourinho who has had some bad blood with Ranieri from their days in Italy has come out strongly in support of him.

This. Raneiri has effectively been punished for over achieving last year. All of a sudden the owners think winning the league/finishing in the top half is the norm for them now. Greed like this might not only see them relegated from the premier league but also struggle in the future to come back up.

At the very least he earned the right to see out the season.
Once again football shows how fickle it really can be.

Not really. If any industry if you were top performers one year and plummeting the next the outcome would be the same. It's crap PR for the club but gratitude at winning the league probably isn't enough to compensate for the likely eight-figure loss in income/value that relegation would see.
Not really. If any industry if you were top performers one year and plummeting the next the outcome would be the same. It's crap PR for the club but gratitude at winning the league probably isn't enough to compensate for the likely eight-figure loss in income/value that relegation would see.
Not really valid for Leicester as history has shown them to be a yo-yo club that spends more time down than up. Last season was the freak, this season was the return to normality that was always bound to happen especially after Kante was sold.

They have been outside the premiership for 10 out of the last 12 seasons (9 in the Championship and 1 in League One).
Outside of last year's frankly bonkers win, their 14th place finish in 14/15 was the highest finish since 2000.
To suddenly forget last season's miracle and assume that you're a team that deserves better is ridiculous.
This. Raneiri has effectively been punished for over achieving last year. All of a sudden the owners think winning the league/finishing in the top half is the norm for them now. Greed like this might not only see them relegated from the premier league but also struggle in the future to come back up.

At the very least he earned the right to see out the season.

He would have been sacked sooner for this season if they hadn't won it last one.

He was doing shit. There's a brutal lack of sentiment about the decision, but it's hardly the surprise some people are making it out to be.
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I hope their players get boo'd home and away for the rest of the season.
Their brand? It's Leicester. Ranieri and Vardy are their brand.
Not really. They have become big even in Asia. I saw Leicester stores pop up everywhere here where you can buy their merchandise. For most casual fans here, they are the wonder team that wont he PL. They might as well pack up those stores if they get relegated.
I think it's a disgrace they have sacked him and the players should be ashamed.

Exactly how I feel to be honest. Those players are an absolute disgrace and Ranieri deserves far more respect than he has been afforded from them for the achievements of last season. Seriously hope they go down now because it's what they deserve. No room for decency in football these days it seems.

I would want them to get relegated now to feck up the owners. But I don't want the fans to suffer.

I'm off to put a 10 on them winning CL:lol:

Was thinking I'll do the same since they managed to score one away at Sevilla. Weirder things have happened. The news about Ranieri saddens me though, because from a far it looks to me like the players have to shoulder a good part of the responsibility.
I've always thought of Ranieri as a kind of "doofus" manager. Not taking anything away from his accomplishments but I've never really seen him as a manager I would want. Somewhat in the ilk of Rafa Benitez and AVB. Maybe its just their faces and they always seem to look clueless. Moyes had a bit of it too. Kinda sad to see a manager leave in the middle of the season because his players are under performing, but in reality I see last year as a complete and utter fluke and this year is the "normal Leicester". Morgan and Huth have been awful this season and ive never rated Vardy. Mahrez is having a bit of second year syndrome and they lost their best player, Kante. Unfortunate that Ranieri was sacked, but look at how Swansea have turned around with a new manager. Overall I dont disagree with the decision
Exactly how I feel to be honest. Those players are an absolute disgrace and Ranieri deserves far more respect than he has been afforded from them for the achievements of last season. Seriously hope they go down now because it's what they deserve. No room for decency in football these days it seems.
Are they though? They significantly overachieved last year and now they're back to playing at their actual level. They're trying it's just the majority of them are shite.
Not really. If any industry if you were top performers one year and plummeting the next the outcome would be the same. It's crap PR for the club but gratitude at winning the league probably isn't enough to compensate for the likely eight-figure loss in income/value that relegation would see.
Agree 100%, look at their record since new year. They are in freefall.

Sucks for Ranieri and it is bad PR as you say, but the only weird thing is that they let him have the CL game. Did they expect a better result from it or what?
Probably mentioned already, but the managers of the three last title winning sides have all been fired within a season or two following the title.

City and Pellegrini two years after their '14 title.
Chelsea and Mourinho a year (six months really) after the '15 title.
And Ranieri now.

Same thing will happen with Conte and Chelsea. :D:lol:
I really hate other clubs when they come out backing their manager in the public then weeks later follow the players' lead to kick the manager out. What gives? It's more understandable if you just make the decision when it's time than trying to delay the inevitable.

I don't like how we let Moyes completely sink us, neither. As for LVG case, seems like Mourinho didn't want to take over mid season after the half season he just had (worse than LVG) & there was noone credible available.
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I think the media has overblown the situation, as usual. The headlines shouldn't be that Ranieri has been sacked after winning the title, but rather, Ranieri has been sacked after dragging the champions into a very real relegation battle.

And let's be honest, last year's achievement was incredible, but it was a one-off and was never going to happen again. Leicester had all the media on their side, and in turn the likes of Huth, Morgan and Vardy were getting away with just about anything on the field. Let's also not forget that Leicester beat Arsenal and Spurs, the two perennial chokers, to the top of the table. City and Utd finished 15 points off the pace, the gap to Liverpool was 21 points and Chelsea were a whopping 31 points behind. You know your luck is in when Utd, City and Chelsea all capitulate.

It was a freak season and it's no coincidence that Leicester were in a relegation battle the year before, and have now returned to that position. Ranieri will always be remembered in Leicester folklore, and rightly so, but as Leeds and Blackburn have shown, you can't ride that wave forever.
I think the media has overblown the situation, as usual. The headlines shouldn't be that Ranieri has been sacked after winning the title, but rather, Ranieri has been sacked after dragging the champions into a very real relegation battle.

And let's be honest, last year's achievement was incredible, but it was a one-off and was never going to happen again. Leicester had all the media on their side, and in turn the likes of Huth, Morgan and Vardy were getting away with just about anything on the field. Let's also not forget that Leicester beat Arsenal and Spurs, the two perennial chokers, to the top of the table. City and Utd finished 15 points off the pace, the gap to Liverpool was 21 points and Chelsea were a whopping 31 points behind. You know your luck is in when Utd, City and Chelsea all capitulate.

It was a freak season and it's no coincidence that Leicester were in a relegation battle the year before, and have now returned to that position. Ranieri will always be remembered in Leicester folklore, and rightly so, but as Leeds and Blackburn have shown, you can't ride that wave forever.

So you agree with the media and disagree with your first paragraph?
They had two chances:

- Keep Ranieri and get relegated and out of Europe 99.9%

- Sack Ranieri hoping that something can change

They have choose the second option
They are thinking in terms of money actually. Not being in the premier league is a huge business loss. They can win over the fans later with one or two shiny toys.

Look, I don't agree with the approach. I am just trying to say that it makes sense from their point of view as they are running a business.

It does not make sense at all. If you are thinking in terms of money, know the business you are in. There is a good chance they will get relegated anyway - then the brand Leicester is basically dead. Right now, Leicester stands for everything that is wrong with Football. You can make the argument that this is okay if you are Man City, PSG or whatever, but at least those guys are winning titles (well not Man City but you get the point).

Chances are this might not happen with Leicester anytime soon and all they will be left with is a terrible image.

Last season , everyone wanted to see them winning, now everyone will want to see them losing.
Same Chelsea fans that nearly chased Hazard, Costa & Fabregas out the club? 75% of the fanbase is still in love with Mourinho.

No, same fan base that shat on Hazard, Costa when Jose was manager and then changed their tune when Jose was hired as ManUtd manager.
Are they though? They significantly overachieved last year and now they're back to playing at their actual level. They're trying it's just the majority of them are shite.

It's not the level of their play I'm calling a disgrace mate, it's their character and loyalty that's a disgrace. I know they are shite but I honestly don't think they have tried at all.

I saw Jamie Carragher tweeting last night, saying that this level is Leicester's level and last season was the freak season when they won the EPL, and I couldn't agree more with him and with your point too that they overachieved massively and this is their current level.

The thing is, I don't think they are trying. Half of them give them impression they think are made and couldn't give a toss now because of last season. For those players to play they way that they have this season, with no heart, motivation or effort is the thing that is a disgrace. Last season was wonderful, seeing a team of underdogs and journeymen defying belief and winning the league and Ranieri was at the heart of that. As far as I am concerned those players owe their success to the man. All the rumors of players wanting more credit and then going behind the managers back (after what he done for them and is one of the most honest and decent men in football) are disgraceful if true, and when I have seen them play this season at times they have just completely chucked, like against us they gave up. Added to that is their performances in my opinion, they have been truly shocking. They beat City 4-2 when they actually tried so they can do it, I just think they wanted Claudio gone and they now have their wish.

As stated I hope they get relegated now because they deserve nothing less IMO. Sorry about the rant, just really wound up about it! :(:lol:
They had two chances:

- Keep Ranieri and get relegated and out of Europe 99.9%

- Sack Ranieri hoping that something can change

They have choose the second option
Didn't look like that at all to me. The media were pushing that one from the perspective of what would make the biggest story, rather than what's the likeliest.
Players got him sacked to cover for their own frailties. Winning the title got to some of their heads, absolutely no doubt about that.

Ranieiri, deserves a statue and it's actually criminal that he doesn't have one. I hope they rectify that. Not only that, he deserves a bloody stand or two named after him as well. DO they realise the magnitude of what he achieved? He won the bloody LEAGUE, first time in their history. When's the next time they'll do that again?