Ranieri sacked as Leicester City manager

Can't say it was looking good for them. Plenty of factors besides Ranieri. Players who performed miles above expectations last season were realistically not going to do so again. The huge missing piece that is the best ball winning midfielder in the league (on his way to a second consecutive champs medal). And complacency. But perhaps no one expected them to do this badly.

Even though Ranieri wasn't looking like he was going to turn this around, they weren't exactly certs to go down. And what he has achieved with them is beyond any other managerial achievement in my view (in a single season).

There will be enormous pressure on whoever replaces him. One or two bad results and it might get a lot worse.
I think he at least deserved the second leg of the CL last 16. Not sure why you wait until almost the end of Feb then do it.

Im assuming the owners (as businessmen) would prefer two seasons of finishing 17th rather than one season of finishing 1st and one season of finishing 18th.

Would be interesting if you asked the Leicester fans which they would have preferred (after they survived two years ago). For a club like that, I would be shocked if people went with the former rather than the latter. (and wonder how many of those would say its the right decision now).
1st, keep Ranieri and get relegated the year after or 1st, sack Ranieri and have a chance of staying up

For me its a easy choice
He hasn't been able to motivate them. The manager had to go really.
It's a bit rubbish that players can't motivate themselves!

Written from my deckchair, while buried beneath Twix wrappers, fag ash, and bills from 2014.
Thought he was overhyped anyway, he was terrible with Greece...

Last season was unreal, but only because all the top teams were shite.
1st, keep Ranieri and get relegated the year after or 1st, sack Ranieri and have a chance of staying up

For me its a easy choice

ok but thats after the fact and making a third choice up to suit the obvious answer. But sacking Ranieri doesnt give them a better chance unless we see who they bring in.
ok but thats after the fact and making a third choice up to suit the obvious answer. But sacking Ranieri doesnt give them a better chance unless we see who they bring in.
It does give them a better chance if the players have turned against him
Thought he was overhyped anyway, he was terrible with Greece...

Last season was unreal, but only because all the top teams were shite.

That's a great disservice to them. As a team they were outstanding last season.
Majority of match going fans at every other Premier League will be disgusted at Leicester players for causing this. I reckon Leicester will get abused at every remaining away game they have this season. It will be the diametric opposite of what they experienced last year.

The owners clearly think that they're preserving the Leicester 'brand' that built up over the last 12 months but the exact opposite is true. The owners and the 'brand' will now be reviled, with many wanting to see them, the players and whoever is dim enough to be Ranieri's successor fail.

If they go down they'll disappear into obscurity again, the owners will cut their losses and sell up and they'll become this decade's Leeds United.
There seems to be a lot of comments that he should be given a pass this season regardless if they got relegated or not after winning the league,I think this might be in the minds of the fans which is fair enough after their league triumph last season but as the end of the day,this is a business and as unfortunate as it is,I think they made the right choice in sacking him.

Had Ranieri stayed they would more than likely been relegated as the players downed tools and didnt give a toss which which has been evident for quite some time now and ultimately forced the owners hand.

If Utd or any other team found themselves in the same position,the owners would have done the same and got rid,its a results business.
That's a great disservice to them. As a team they were outstanding last season.
Sure they were amazing, don´t want to deny that. I still think Ranieri is not that good. He was terrible at Greece and is doing the same now with this club.
I don't understand that. They were able to score under Pearson. I dont think they had that kind of goalless run with him
They were probably scared that he'd kick the living poop out of them if they didn't score.
The players stopped playing for him. Says more about them than him.

Sure. But that still means you have to sack him. You can't replace all your players midseason.
It does give them a better chance if the players have turned against him

It only gives them a better chance if the person who comes in gets the player onside straight away. And even then its not a guarantee. And what happens if under the new manager they lose 3 or 4 in a row. Given the fixtures of whos coming up, its a tough.

I think its the timing more than anything however. Granted they have been in freefall with 1 point and 0 goals so far in 2017 in the league, but then they got a respectable scoreline in Sevilla which could have acted as a boost.
Crazy stuff, they won the Premier League under him so one would guess many teams in their situation would take gladly been relegated if they after winning a league title for the first time. So i guess they're really making top priority staying in the premier at all costs which is a shame because what he did was one if the greatest features in modern football. You also have the likes of Wenger winning nothing which is a big contrast on what Leicester are doing.
It only gives them a better chance if the person who comes in gets the player onside straight away. And even then its not a guarantee. And what happens if under the new manager they lose 3 or 4 in a row. Given the fixtures of whos coming up, its a tough.

I think its the timing more than anything however. Granted they have been in freefall with 1 point and 0 goals so far in 2017 in the league, but then they got a respectable scoreline in Sevilla which could have acted as a boost.

I think in any job, football or otherwise, when a new manager comes in, it is bound to have everyone on their toes for a while. It might not last but that initial shock and the players initially wanting to impress the new man might be enough to get them enough points to survive.
Mirror running a story on how the players got Ranieri the sack with one paragraph stating chicken burgers replaced with pasta. Why the feck does the canteen always have a massive influence on things.

fecking pampered pussies
Yep, just saying though, it's pathetic from the players

I agree on players like Vardy and Mahrez but I think the likes of Huth and Morgan have simply reverted to their real standard. These two have been shocking since day one of the season.
fecking classless shit,shame on those players,fecking cnuts. Fans arent any better,most acting like they rather take 2x15th then being a PL champion and get relegated...haha what a bunch of clowns.

Guy deserved a statue like someone said,media will love this,they never let go their bitter bullshit towards Ranieri from the start of last season. Most even tried to say how Pearson deserved more praise for the title then freaking manager in charge and he wasnt even sacked during the season.
Another example of how bonkers football can be. Very little in football really shocks you anymore. Surely he earnt the right to see this season through ? They'd have survived under him I'm sure and while it'd have been a disappointing defence of their title he has given them a CL campaign that has exceeded expectations.
There seems to be a lot of comments that he should be given a pass this season regardless if they got relegated or not after winning the league,I think this might be in the minds of the fans which is fair enough after their league triumph last season but as the end of the day,this is a business and as unfortunate as it is,I think they made the right choice in sacking him.

Had Ranieri stayed they would more than likely been relegated as the players downed tools and didnt give a toss which which has been evident for quite some time now and ultimately forced the owners hand.

If Utd or any other team found themselves in the same position,the owners would have done the same and got rid,its a results business.

I agree, but I think the reason football fans are somewhat much more aggrieved by this is because Leicester, in reality, are back to their normal level.

It was a miracle they stayed up under Pearson, let alone last season. Therefore a lot of people believe he deserved till the end of the season (I believe he should have been given the 2nd Leg of the CL at least before the decision).

If this was happening to say, Utd, Chelsea (as it sort of happened with Mourinho) or City, the standards are incredibly high, then it becomes much more understandable when the manager is sacked for poor results, regardless of the previous season.

It's a shame players hold so much power now, makes you question if this was an influencing factor in Fergies retirement, maybe he had spotted this power shift a while back. That's not to say it was a deciding factor mind.
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I think in any job, football or otherwise, when a new manager comes in, it is bound to have everyone on their toes for a while. It might not last but that initial shock and the players initially wanting to impress the new man might be enough to get them enough points to survive.

Everybody on their toes, but whether its negative or positive depends on who it is.
Hull benefited with their new manager.
Swansea however didnt when they appointed Bradley. Then had to pretty much quickly reverse that (and were given time to cos of how early it was).
If the latter happens to Leicester, it puts them in a worse position.

I agree on players like Vardy and Mahrez but I think the likes of Huth and Morgan have simply reverted to their real standard. These two have been shocking since day one of the season.

Not allowed to hold at set pieces as much :wenger:
You never deserved Ranieri and I really wish you'd never won it last year now, despite supporting you.

You have no idea how much I despise your club and your fans and board right now.

I will celebrate if you get relegated this year.


Talking about overreacting...
You never deserved Ranieri and I really wish you'd never won it last year now, despite supporting you.

You have no idea how much I despise your club and your fans and board right now.

I will celebrate if you get relegated this year.

Ranieri was a far too classy guy for chavvy scrotes like Vardy and Huth anyways.

Annoys me that pricks like Vardy, Huth and Drinkwater can perform like shite with no consequence for their shiny new contracts, while Ranieri gets the boot.
Those players are a disgrace. Hope they get relegated.
Yeah my support for them has done a complete 180. The likes of Vardy and Mahrez should be ashamed of themselves (and in the case of the latter, you have to wonder how much damage he has done to his chances of playing for a top team - not Spurs - a truly 1st-tier club.)
The suspicion was there, even as Andrea was belting out the hits, that all concerned should just grasp their premier league medal and retire. Romance rarely hits those heights and certainly never lasts. That was such a rare and delicate balance that they achieved last season. It was only ever going to take the smallest of tweaks to bring it all crashing down, Wes or Jamie or whoever catching sight of themselves in a mirror and realising with a sinking heart who they really were. I wish for everybody's sake that they had have stuck with Claudio till the end of the season, regardless of the result. This was the wrong thing to do, and all concerned will regret it, even if they do stay up.
Those players are a disgrace. Hope they get relegated.
The feckers probably have relegation clauses in their new contracts. They're going down, the least they could have done was sack him during summer.