Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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Said it the moment we signed Ralf, he is not the manager to win now. He can be the one, who leads a changing process, not the one who wins something. This club is rotten, we need a new structure, idea and philosophy. But does this club want to change?
As mediocre a coach as he is, that is terrible news. We are so close to having someone in that role that has actually done that role before..

C'mon mate, this is Man Utd we're talking about. Why would we want experienced people in senior positions at the club? That's not how we do things! :lol:

I think he's been severely undermined by some players and has struggled to shake that supply teacher feeling.

He's definitely improved our underlying metrics and maybe has lacked a bit of luck with things. Had a lot to deal with in such a short space of time too and I quite like that he is almost disconnected from the club because he can objectively present his views to the next manager.

I worry we will under-utilise him in the consultancy role though, based on reports coming out. The club will be making the same mistakes again.

A zoom call every six months probably.

Death, taxes and United favouring a sop over actually doing something.

100%. We like the appearance of doing something over actually doing something.
Quite a number of fans already knew that our squad has many parallels to the Ajax ones ETH has done well with. It's more of a reversion to type, rather than yet another overhaul IMO. I like what Carrick was doing with the team as interim. I still think he should have stayed on, but he got chased away by the Goldbridge brigade unfortunately.

Carrick himself explained why he left. He's an extension of the Ole's smiles and giggles regime. If we kept Carrick as manager then we might have as well kept Ole.
I don't know what Jon Murtough's character traits are but we've got too many people whose got no previous experience in their current role (Murtough, Arnold and Fletcher as an example). That can't be good especially since they kept being promoted within a club whose been messing around for 7 years.
I rate Ralph, but if his strength is club building, structuring etc. why give him an interim manager role and then say, thanks we will give you a call if we need your advice?! I'd have been happy with Rangnick as manager, but that would not have improved the structure above him. So I was on board with interim if it meant Ralph moved upstairs into a technical role afterwards. But to let him go after the interim role will have done nothing to progress or improve the club.
Ultimately it means nothing because he’s proven crap when it comes to actual coaching, but his attitude in interviews is a breath of fresh air. No pandering to the players, just complete honesty and saying it how it is. Basically the reverse Ole.
I don't know what Jon Murtough's character traits are but we've got too many people whose got no previous experience in their current role (Murtough, Arnold and Fletcher as an example). That can't be good especially since they kept being promoted within a club whose been messing around for 7 years.

And the only reason they got promoted during that time period was their willingness to go along with all the decisions that led us to where we are.

Honestly, we should have known Ralf's 'consultancy' was all PR guff. I'm guessing many of us did, deep down inside. We just wanted to believe there's a long term plan, so we convinced ourselves Ralf's role wasn't the same old Man Utd BS we've gotten used to since Sir Alex retired.

This club does not want to change. It doesn't. The owners don't want it to change. The senior management don't want it to change. That's why they keep appointing from within. That's why they are avoiding appointments from the outside that might significantly alter the way the club does things. A Ralf Rangnick, a Paul Mitchell, guys who have been Directors of Football, they're not going to want to be part of the Carrington clown show. They're going to want to change things and have the power to change things. The guys above them don't want that. They just want to keep playing a live action version of Football Manager and protect their well paid jobs.
I rate Ralph, but if his strength is club building, structuring etc. why give him an interim manager role and then say, thanks we will give you a call if we need your advice?! I'd have been happy with Rangnick as manager, but that would not have improved the structure above him. So I was on board with interim if it meant Ralph moved upstairs into a technical role afterwards. But to let him go after the interim role will have done nothing to progress or improve the club.

To be fair, what better way to audit a club, find the flaws in the boardroom, backroom, playing staff etc that to manager the team for a few months?

The big question is, will we back him after his interim role has finished and he wants to make changes?
Article based on the opinion of an analytics company CEO that helps clubs select the right coaches. It argues that Rangnick was a poor choice of interim if Poch and Ten Hag are our targets long term. Basically that we'll have to completely reboot the style once again.

Such a click Bait one and you guys are falling for it. Ralph hasn't implemented any style except for shoring the defence. Yes, he has been trying to play more direct by going vertical and quick one touch passing but that's not exactly something which I would consider a style. A style and pattern takes time, definitely more than couple of months.
Like many fans I didn't really see Ralf as anything more than interim manager, mainly in this role he would be tasked to sort the 'wheat from the chaff' and clear out the stables, to put some pride and confidence back in the squad and to ensure they 'get the lead out'.
However we now hear (from Gary Neville...who else) that a number of players during this break have swanned off abroad, on mini-holidays, etc. Ralf himself being one of them (off to see the cricket, apparently!!). Surely after only having a recorded 8% possession in the last 15 minutes of a 4-1 loss in the Derby the sheer shame of it meant that during this break they should all be decked out in 'sack clothe and ashes' and doubling around Carrington from dawn to dusk, with a break for bread and water around 1.00 pm.

Now I am wondering just what is in store? Has Ralf privately thought this lot are sh*te and given up the ghost and thought sod it, if they are off on 'jollys' so am I!

Doesn't bode well, as Gary remarked... in the past , no club official, manager, or players would be seen out visiting their local restaurants after a home draw in a Derby, never mind the pasting we took!

Oh woe is us!!!
The board have probably looked at the terrible job he’s done as interim manager and decided that they don’t want to put him in charge of rebuilding the structure of the club.
This is not a thread for OGS.
Carrick himself explained why he left. He's an extension of the Ole's smiles and giggles regime. If we kept Carrick as manager then we might have as well kept Ole.
I think he might have stayed on as interim if the atmosphere weren't so toxic. Anyway this is all conjecture.
I suppose there are some similarities between Ten Hag and Rangnick at United when we're playing weaker opposition. The style when we play better opposition is very different.

Hes been here a few months…
Quite a number of fans already knew that our squad has many parallels to the Ajax ones ETH has done well with. It's more of a reversion to type, rather than yet another overhaul IMO. I like what Carrick was doing with the team as interim. I still think he should have stayed on, but he got chased away by the Goldbridge brigade unfortunately.
Our squad has some of the least press resistant, least possession savvy, least pass capable players. We were built for route one football and definitely won't be slotting into ETH's style effortlessly. Sancho is the only one who has the acumen. The rest are impulsive kick and run merchants. Also Carrick was playing the same as Ole. It was the same reactive setup.

Can't see the future but I wouldn't be shocked to see our best players incompatible with ETH and needing to be sold. These players could see one of the biggest philosophy shift culture shocks when ETH gets here. Strikers shooting from every imaginable angle, playmaker pinging poor passes indiscriminately and midfielders hiding during recycle phase. Even our star GK comes with his own limitations and our captain Maguire has some question marks about his fit in a high line. This team doesn't exactly look like it was built to keep the ball.
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At least confirming the consultancy will still be going ahead, I thinkt he reports of them changing their mind or second guessing the appointment are pretty bull

At least confirming the consultancy will still be going ahead, I thinkt he reports of them changing their mind or second guessing the appointment are pretty bull

That was just journalists trying to capitalise on our misfortunes, happens every time. Journalists like Reddy are fecking clueless.
I don't think he's good enough to be permanent manager but anyone that comes in for 6 months and leaves the players with no hiding place gets my vote. Bunch of pampered toss pots.
Pretty much impossible to change this squad over night lets be honest. We have many flaws, players that think they are bigger than they are etc.

I just hope Rangnick and ETH will be on the same page. I do wonder though whether this consultancy role was essentially them promising him a paid job for 3 years to uproots from his previous job. Gardening leave if you will.
I'd rather Ralf was still here next season than half our team.
He'll be here next season, if only club let him work closer and observe the situation further... but let's focus on here and now, because no matter Leicester result, it's great time to start making notes who's going bye bye.

Perhaps he looks hopeless on the bench, but Rangnick can actually be one of the key parts of success in not so distant future, simply by making observations in the dressing room, who sabotaged our entire season, sacked club's legend in terrible manner and who's still to this day acts like everyone and everything around them is at fault.

Interim or not, he's still in charge to the rest of the season and perhaps it's time to use that manager's power when various motivational tools have failed, including rewarding contracts.
Make him in charge of which players go out and which come in. Can't wait for him to toss out the tossers out of the club.
I'm pretty sure that's why he's here. To weed out the weeds.
I'm perfectly aware of that, it's just after Jose's reign who should be ruthless on who's here to be his soldier or gone in minutes, we suddenly saw something almost completely different.

I'd love to be in the same room with the board when Ralf's handing them list of players who won't even cut it in challenging for top 3. Players are players, but the upper level of the club will have to act in exact moment when they're handed an uncomfortable truth about the players who from marketing perspective are still making profits for the club.

Soon we'll see if they're ready to take full football course and it feels like could be a bumpy ride this summer.
I keep seeing this nonsense about Rangnick not knowing what Fletcher's role is at the club. Why would one need a interim head coach to know the details of Fletcher's role at the club when his job is to help us see out the season as the interim? Rangnick also doesn't know what his own consultancy role entails (in his own words) after his interim role comes to and end. Which again is normal, because being a adviser/consultant doesn't need one to delve into too many details.

In the clip below, Rangnick doesn't even know if Ronaldo is happy. There's a lot of things he doesn't know, but only a select few are highlighted.

Such a click Bait one and you guys are falling for it. Ralph hasn't implemented any style except for shoring the defence. Yes, he has been trying to play more direct by going vertical and quick one touch passing but that's not exactly something which I would consider a style. A style and pattern takes time, definitely more than couple of months.

I disagree that the only thing he did is shoring up the defence. If anything I think our set defence under Ole with McFred was better than what we do now. However the ideas he did implement are very basic tactical building blocks that will work regardless of which modern coach we hire. In my view the big changes are

(a) pressing goal kicks and preventing play from the back. e.g.,

(b) 2-3 rest defence with players occupying various zones

This is pretty basic stuff that doesn't need a lot of tactical intelligence. Do X when Y type of instructions given to every player will do the job. The genius of guys like Guardiola is building this level of spatial awareness into players so basic pressing patterns like the ones we employ don't work. The players obviously don't have a 360 degree field top down field of view like we do but behave as if they do. Some of it is clever hacks (positional play, only one player can occupy a zone on the pitch at a time etc.)

The other issue with that article is that it focuses on overperforming coaches. (given a wage budget, who is hitting above their weight). Either their definition is a bit wonky or their model is broken (probably both) because Ajax have been head and shoulders above every other club in the Dutch league in almost every single stat. If you only consider points, sure Ajax aren't overperforming. But xG, xA, possession, high turn overs, PPDA they all tell a single coherent story. And that story lines up very well with every single top club in their league (Bayern, City, Pep etc.) all have similar stats.

We don't need to discover a whole tactical paradigm to be successful, just implementing / copying the current football "meta" well is good enough.

Bringing him into the fold genuinely might be the smartest decision the club has made in years.

Genuinely hope we give him a suitable and concrete role once his interim term is up, need more straight shooting football men who have zero illusions regarding the work that needs to be done like him in our set up.

Bringing him into the fold genuinely might be the smartest decision the club has made in years.

Genuinely hope we give him a suitable and concrete role once his interim term is up, need more straight shooting football men who have zero illusions regarding the work that needs to be done like him in our set up.

If if if if if if if

There is absolutely no guarantee that the club and Ralf want the same thing.
Like he says it is all about getting recruitment right. We could have barely recruited worse for the money spent over the last 9 years.

I really don't get the impression he'll have any significant involvement beyond this season though. More likely none at all.
Couldn't find the pre match presser thread, was there one? Anyway thought he looked like he didn't want to be there today, all the enthusiasm he showed in his earlier pressers looked drained from him. Hope he stays on and plays an important role in the coming years but I wouldn't put money on it.
Couldn't find the pre match presser thread, was there one? Anyway thought he looked like he didn't want to be there today, all the enthusiasm he showed in his earlier pressers looked drained from him. Hope he stays on and plays an important role in the coming years but I wouldn't put money on it.
I expect the players to put in at least SOME effort into chasing top 4 even if things look bleak at the moment but the mood around the club judging by player quotes/fan expectancy seems atrocious. I know it's not been a great season but you know, pride, and an outside chance at CL football next year should be something to focus on.
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