Kinky Melinky
Full Member
Bloody hell that fan forum is hilarious, do they really think RATM are some random nobodies?! And Louis Walsh claiming they couldn't fill Wembley but this kid from X Factor could do is either woefully ignorant, extremely naive or deliberately disingenuous. I can't decide which as they'd all fit with the plonker who told us Jedward will be huge!
All these X Factor contestants will be forgotten about in 6 months
They're brainwashed Nick. It's the sort of response you'd expect from a show that runs like a powerful propaganda machine (no pun). This is why I see the X-Factor as a dangerous and counter-productive show where music is concerned. There is national addiction on various levels. Some of those are into the music, some are into the drama, and some are into both. There will be millions of fans rubbing their hands in anticipation 1 week before the new show starts, much like me in August prior to our first match back from the Summer break.
It means another year of drama, gossip and basically shit for women (and gay men) to talk about around the photocopying machine during the sad existence of what they claim to be "life"