Radiohead are "a matter of weeks" away from completing their next studio release

Braver in many ways than Cheryl Cole.


Do you like Four Tet or any of that kind of stuff Mockney?

Don't mind it, not my favorite type of thing though. I prefer my high energy beats to be danceable. I find the juxtaposition of ambient reflective music and frenetic beats too contradictory and take away from each other.

Don't mind it, not my favorite type of thing though. I prefer my high energy beats to be danceable. I find the juxtaposition of ambient reflective music and frenetic beats too contradictory and take away from each other.

fair enough

You'll hate animal collective then!!!
Only given it one full listen, but absolutely love it, especially the final 4 tracks (Lotus Flower, Codex, Give Up the Ghost, Seperator). I've been listening to a lot of Dubstep recently and with its recent rise in popularity with James Blake and co, and his comments on how The xx have opened the door for this music to be more widely accepted, I was anticipating Radiohead going in that direction; which they have on Feral, another top track. Will have to give the first 3 songs another listen as they're a bit busier so I'll probably need to let them sink in more to fully appreciate them.

Good stuff so far though, very good. Codex is definitely the stand-out track for me, beautiful song.
Giving it a listen now. Currently on Little By Little, the first 3 are a bit busy as Easy V says, will probably need to give them another few listens.
4th Greatest Album of All-Time

Just behind Kid A, The Bends and OK Computer.
This is a great fecking album, currently on my third listen now, how stunningly beautiful is Codex?:drool:
Meh. After Codex it's a very good album. Before it (Bloom & Feral in particular) it's scatty, monotonous and vaguely irritating. But hey, it's Radiohead so I'm sure a bunch of people will jump out and tell me those tracks are actually amazing if only i'd close my eyes and imagine myself weeping inside a Greco expressionist painting.

Anyway, Codex is the stand out tune, which is lovely, but Give up the Ghost is also nice, though as with a lot of their stuff post Kid A, it could do with a little more variation at times. I'd agree with Zen that it's their 4th best album, but switching Kid A for In Rainbows and remarking that he should probably try listening to a broader spectrum of artists.
:lol: My favourite tracks are Give Up the Ghost, Bloom and Separator.
Pretty much what I was expecting your opinion to be on this album Mockney, after reading your posts in this thread that is.

Morning Mr Magpie is another stand out tune I think, Feral has really grown on me too so far.

This album will be a grower I think.
Meh. After Codex it's a very good album. Before it (Bloom & Feral in particular) it's scatty, monotonous and vaguely irritating. But hey, it's Radiohead so I'm sure a bunch of people will jump out and tell me those tracks are actually amazing if only i'd close my eyes and imagine myself weeping inside a Greco expressionist painting.

Anyway, Codex is the stand out tune, which is lovely, but I Give up the Ghost is also good. I'd agree with Zen in that it's their 4th best album, but switching Kid A for In Rainbows and remarking that he should probably try listening to a broader spectrum of artists.

As I said in a previous post, I consider myself a big Radiohead fan but I'm not so into any band that I would just give 10/10 to everything they release, just because it's them.

I sometimes ask myself the question: If this was just some random song on the radio by some random group I'd never heard of, would I still like it enough to go out and buy the album or check out their back catalogue?

I have to be honest and say that some of Radiohead's music leaves me completely unmoved and I wouldn't have got into them if my only taste of them ever was listening to some of their more "experimental" tracks.

However, I know what Radiohead are capable of and any album from them is going to have at least one moment of absolute beauty within it and, as said earlier, Codex appears to be the track on here.

I think my favourite Radiohead album would be one where Thom Yorke just sings and plays piano throughout. The other guys can just make weird backing noises for atmosphere or something. Give them a role and all that.
I can't listen to anyone else.....the drop in quality is so huge after Radiohead it's just not worth it.
feck it, I'm going for a fourth listen and another spliff.

Wish me luck.
What's going out have to do with listening to music?
Do you listen to much Electronica Mockney? Just out of interest.
I like Separator. Bloom is horrific to me.

Bloom does sound like a blooming forest or ocean or something though, which I assume is what they were going for. From 2.20 to 3.20 it's stunningly beautiful. The horns are perfect, and then the little electronic shuffles sound like the animals and bugs waking up.

You need to look beyond the songs and listen to the soundscapes. Try imagining yourself weeping inside a Greco expressionist painting or something.
What's going out have to do with listening to music?

Seeking out and being receptive to different things has everything to do with everything. Especially in music.

If you genuinely only rate one band, you're a very dull person.

No offence like...but seriously

Do you listen to much Electronica Mockney? Just out of interest.

Not particularly no. Though I like anything of any genre if I consider it good enough, so there are plenty of tracks you could label that that I'm fond of. Though as I said in an earlier post, I find slow ambient music with a fast beat generally not to my taste.

As an old skool jungle raver I simply can't see the point in it. I like my moving melodic instrumentation without a relentlessly pounding beat over it, and my relentlessly pounding beats to be primal an upbeat.

Bloom does sound like a blooming forest or ocean or something though, which I assume is what they were going for. From 2.20 to 3.20 it's stunningly beautiful. The horns are perfect, and then the little electronic shuffles sound like the animals and bugs waking up.

This is just prospective dialogue for Dylan right?.....Right?
Seeking out and being receptive to different things has everything to do with everything. Especially in music.

I still don't see what this has to do with me having to go out more....I'm out for pretty most of everyday of the week and travel a lot, so I "go out" plenty.

Surely someone who stays in more would have a better grasp of learning new music as they just stay on the net all day finding new shit easily.
Is anyone else sort of expecting a second half of this album to come out soon? The last track is called 'Separator' and features the lyric 'If you think this is over then you're wrong' prominently. After all, they can't have spent 4 years recording just 8 tracks can they?
Bloom does sound like a blooming forest or ocean or something though, which I assume is what they were going for. From 2.20 to 3.20 it's stunningly beautiful. The horns are perfect, and then the little electronic shuffles sound like the animals and bugs waking up.

You need to look beyond the songs and listen to the soundscapes. Try imagining yourself weeping inside a Greco expressionist painting or something.

I know what you're saying here, musically, it's very interesting and it does need a few listens to really get into what's happening but that repetitive and overbearing drumtrack is just a tad repetitive and overbearing for me and it detracts.

I can't imagine the track without the drumtrack though and that's what makes some of Radiohead's stuff so annoying at times - it's like it's there but it's not at the same time.

They'll probably release some acoustic version on the net in the next few months which will be absolutely stunning.
I still don't see what this has to do with me having to go out more....I'm out for pretty most of everyday of the week and travel a lot, so I "go out" plenty.

Surely someone who stays in more would have a better grasp of learning new music as they just stay on the net all day finding new shit easily.

Ok Ok...It was a turn of phrase, rather than a specific instruction. Obviously a not particularly helpful one in your case. I'll try and think of a better one.
Not particularly no. Though I like anything of any genre if I consider it good enough, so there are plenty of tracks you could label that that I'm fond of. Though as I said in an earlier post, I find slow ambient music with a fast beat generally not to my taste.

As an old skool jungle raver I simply can't see the point in it. I like my moving melodic instrumentation without a relentlessly pounding beat over it, and my relentlessly pounding beats to be primal an upbeat.

That's fair enough, each to their own and all that, we can only like what we like afterall.

Like myself, Thom Yorke listens to a lot of it, and some being quite random and fecked up blips and bleeps, probably why and I can relate so much to the types of tracks that you find not to your own personal taste.
4 sides of LP for just 8 tracks that total 37 minutes?

Yeah no. Definitely should be more, like there was with the In Rainbows set, but then the second part was pretty crap, so eh, don't get your hopes up, because Amnesiac was pretty trash too.
Is anyone else sort of expecting a second half of this album to come out soon? The last track is called 'Separator' and features the lyric 'If you think this is over then you're wrong' prominently. After all, they can't have spent 4 years recording just 8 tracks can they?

Don't post that on a Radiohead forum, the richter scale couldn't take it.
I know what you're saying here, musically, it's very interesting and it does need a few listens to really get into what's happening but that repetitive and overbearing drumtrack is just a tad repetitive and overbearing for me and it detracts..

Yep, it's definitely the drum track on that that grates. But that probably represents a crucial instrument of the urban destruction of natural forest beauty..or a combine harvester..or something..I dunno ask Dyl, I mean Mike.
Bloom does sound like a blooming forest or ocean or something though, which I assume is what they were going for. From 2.20 to 3.20 it's stunningly beautiful. The horns are perfect, and then the little electronic shuffles sound like the animals and bugs waking up.

You need to look beyond the songs and listen to the soundscapes. Try imagining yourself weeping inside a Greco expressionist painting or something.
I don't think you can parody yourself adequately when it comes to giving radio head.
Is anyone else sort of expecting a second half of this album to come out soon? The last track is called 'Separator' and features the lyric 'If you think this is over then you're wrong' prominently. After all, they can't have spent 4 years recording just 8 tracks can they?

Interesting, maybe a bonus CD like with In Rainbow, but I'd say this is 'the album' as we'll remember it.
4 sides of LP for just 8 tracks that total 37 minutes?

Yeah no. Definitely should be more, like there was with the In Rainbows set, but then the second part was pretty crap, so eh, don't get your hopes up, because Amnesiac was pretty trash too.

Yeah, I forgot about their being two vinyls in the set... I think I'm on to something...

Oh, and Amnesiac contained Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army?, I Might be Wrong, Knives Out, Dollars and Cents and Life in a Glasshouse which are all brilliant. Admittedly it doesn't really flow as an album though and is more of a collection of songs.
4 sides of LP for just 8 tracks that total 37 minutes?

Yeah no. Definitely should be more, like there was with the In Rainbows set, but then the second part was pretty crap, so eh, don't get your hopes up, because Amnesiac was pretty trash too.

Behave, last Flowers, DITNU, Go Slowy??

Great tracks.
That's fair enough, each to their own and all that, we can only like what we like afterall.

Like myself, Thom Yorke listens to a lot of it, and some being quite random and fecked up blips and bleeps, probably why and I can relate so much to the types of tracks that you find not to your own personal taste.

Yeah I gathered from his solo stuff that much of that influence is his. Fair play to him for trying it of course, though as with TMRD, I find it's more the drums than the bleeps which grate..Especially on Bloom. I quite like bleeps. If they fit of course.
I don't think you can parody yourself adequately when it comes to giving radio head.

Come on, they are from the same town as me and make exactly the kind of music I like. I admit I am a massive fanboy.
Yeah, I forgot about their being two vinyls in the set... I think I'm on to something...

Oh, and Amnesiac contained Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army?, I Might be Wrong, Knives Out, Dollars and Cents and Life in a Glasshouse which are all brilliant. Admittedly it doesn't really flow as an album though and is more of a collection of songs.

records !!!!!!!!!

feckin vinyls, feckin youth of today.
I'm in your debt for the recommendation of Onra but Radiohead? It's the same old prog rock wank we had back in the 70s, these guys are basically crap classical-lite, they don't have the balls for rock 'n'roll.
I'm in your debt for the recommendation of Onra but Radiohead? It's the same old prog rock wank we had back in the 70s, these guys are basically crap classical-lite, they don't have the balls for rock 'n'roll.

Prog rock? :lol: It is in no way prog. When have Radiohead made a song longer than about 5 minutes? Run along grandad.