Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
They opened with Bloom which they probably knew gimps like you wouldn't like for a start.
Considering it's partially the reason they're releasing stuff this way anyway, so they can have complete freedom in what they do rather than have any commercial label interference, it's less brave and more, the point. Also it's hardly the first time they've done it, nor the first time anyone's done it. And they're hardly at the point in their career where doing this kind of thing matters to anyone. Kid A was that point. So considerably less brave than our Cheryl, gimps or no gimps.
But I was more referring to the use of birdsong and those kind of things which can sound so so cheesy if done wrong. Everyone knows Thom is an environmentalist and campaigns for Friends of the Earth and this album seems to me like he's wearing that on his sleeve more. What started as the environmental paranoia of Idioteque back on Kid A has been through The Eraser and seems much more contemplative now. That bit at the end of Codex where the distorted white noise sort of up-samples into birdsong is one of my favourite moments on the album. Sort of like nature growing from the mess of mankind in a way. Like a tree. Like an old tree. Like the King of Limbs.
Dear God.
That's only half tongue in cheek.
That's what worries me.