Radiohead are "a matter of weeks" away from completing their next studio release

WARNING FOR MOCKNEY: I'm going to post of my love for Radiohead for a while...

Favourite lyrics: "The breath of the morning,
I keep forgetting,
The smell of the warm summer air."

Favourite musical moment: 2.01 in the song 'Bones'. "I used to fly like Peter Pan..."
Goosebumps every time.

Best non-album track: How I made my millions.

Best song live: The National Anthem.

Best drums: Pyramid Song

Best artwork: Kid A

Best Production: Climbing Up the Walls
WARNING FOR MOCKNEY: I'm going to post of my love for Radiohead for a while...

Pretentious Philosoraptor says...

Right, shitc**ts, I'm nothing but open-minded and fair. If I were to get hold of one Radiohead album to listen to and try and change my opinion of them as pretentious, useless twats, which one would it be?
Right, shitc**ts, I'm nothing but open-minded and fair. If I were to get hold of one Radiohead album to listen to and try and change my opinion of them as pretentious, useless twats, which one would it be?

Depends what kind of music you like. If you like rock or indie then go for The Bends, if you like experimental alt-rock then go for OK Computer, if you like electronic music go for Kid A, if you like all of the above go for In Rainbows.
Here's something I've just stumbled upon...

No, I don't know why either. To be fair, they actually don't do a bad job.
I'm listening to a wide range of music but I just cannot stand Radiohead. And I really tried. Maybe it's Yorke's falsetto that annoying the hell out of me.
Right, shitc**ts, I'm nothing but open-minded and fair. If I were to get hold of one Radiohead album to listen to and try and change my opinion of them as pretentious, useless twats, which one would it be?

I think you'd prefer The Bends at this point. You might then be weened onto some of the other stuff later.
Favourite lyrics: wolf at the door

lip the lid
out pops the cracker
smacks you in the head
knifes you in the neck
kicks you in the teeth
steel toe caps
takes all your credit cards
step up get the gunge
get the eggs
get the flan in the face
the flan in the face
the flan in the face
dance you fecker dance you fecker
don't you dare
don't you dare
don't you flan in the face
take it with the love its given
take it with a pinch of salt
take it to the taxman

i know it shouldnt but it always makes me giggle

dance you fecker dont you flan in the face

best unreleased true love waits

Favourite musical moment: the bit at the end of reckoner mmmhhmmm hmmmmmm and then the outro.

Best song live: The National Anthem.

Best drums: sit down stand up!

ooh oooh lets play too!
I can't believe how much stick Pablo Honey is getting on here.

Considering like 98% of Radiohead fans and critics say the same about it, I don't see how you're surprised. It's a hugely generic and it's supposed best song isn't actually the best song on it.
Yeah I think it is too, though ok Computer is surprisingly cheerful too, maybe not instrumentally but lyrically through songs like Lucky, No Surprises and Airbag. Then again there's also Let Down and The Tourrist, but In Rainbows is certainly 'cheerier' throughout, more so.

Videotape is basically a suicide note ffs! :D
Best non-album track: How I made my millions.

Damn! I posted earlier that that's probably my favourite Radiohead track full -stop!

I was probably over-enthusing but I just love it.

In a way, I'd like to hear it done properly but the fact that it was recorded and released "as is" is probably 90% of what makes it what it is.

Apparently, when Thom took that rough demo to the band, they didn't want to tamper with it in anyway and felt that it was just perfect as it was so I should probably be grateful for that.

Another close contender for my best non-album track comes from the same era - A Reminder.

I'm listening to a wide range of music but I just cannot stand Radiohead. And I really tried. Maybe it's Yorke's falsetto that annoying the hell out of me.

I can imagine that it's easy to either love or hate Thom's voice. For me, he has one of the best voices ever and it's partly what gives Radiohead music its edge.

Someone earlier posted a live video of I Will and I can't help but listen to Thom sing on something like that and sort of "cringe" at what I know he is about to attempt... but then he pulls it off, pitch perfectly. He shouldn't be able to do that with a male voice but he does and the effect is stunning.

I can see why it wouldn't be to everyone's taste though.
The Bends it is. Wish me luck.

Beats my girlfriend trying to make me listen to minimalist techno at any rate. That shit makes me want to curl into a ball and tear my brain out.
The Bends it is. Wish me luck.

Beats my girlfriend trying to make me listen to minimalist techno at any rate. That shit makes me want to curl into a ball and tear my brain out.

Just bear in mind that that album is now very close to 20 years old! I can hardly believe it but it's true.

Being the beginning, it's as good a place to start as any and if you're about to embark on the musical journey that Radiohead have taken us all through for the last 18 years or so, be prepared for a few head-bangingly hard times... only to thank them for dragging you with them a few years later!

If I want catchy pop-tunes, I know where to get them. If I want guitar-based rock, I know where to get it but if I want Radiohead, there's only one source and thank gawd they're there!
Couple of quick points, have to be quick as knackered and need my bed -

Firstly, I vow to listen to 'in rainbows' more. I have neglected it really, considering how much I listened to the rest of their stuff.

Agree with scholesgoals about 'wolf at the door' lyrics - love them, probs my favourite song, along with 'where i end and you begin', off that album.

Favourite bit in any of their songs? Bloody tough but, off the top of my head, I absolutely love the bit in 'let down' when the vocals split in two and what was the lead vocal holds the note to be replaced by a different Thom. I'd go as far as to say that's my favourite bit of vocals in any song ever, by anyone.

Also, noticed 'the national anthem' was a few peoples favourite live song - I can't disagree with that. Although, as a one off, having them play Creep at South Park, Oxford 2001 will be the best moment of any gig I ever see - first time they'd played it in the UK in 5 years I think and, if anyone else was luck enough to see it, they'll know what I mean.

In fact, just quickly, I'll post the setlist they did that day (was pretty much a 'best of' at that point, coming a few months after Amnesiac was released). It was the best gig I've ever been to and I can't forsee it being topped. I've got a bootleg of it as well which I would recommend people seek out - it's mint.

1. National Anthem
2. Airbag
3. Morning Bell
4. Lucky
5. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
6. My Iron Lung
7. Exit Music (for a film)
8. Knives Out
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars & Cents
11. Street Spirit (fade out)
12. I Might Be Wrong
13. Pyramid Song
14. Paranoid Android
15. Idioteque
16. Everything In Its Right Place

17. Fake Plastic Trees
18. Karma Police
19. You And Whose Army?
20. How To Disappear Completely

21. Talk Show Host
22. The Bends

23. Motion Picture Soundtrack
24. Creep

(Motion Pic was actually only the opening bars as the keyboard 'broke' so they 'had' to play Creep. Shame).
oh, yeah, and best non album track? it isn't easy but i want to give a shout for 'talk show host' - chooooooon.
Yeah, it just came out at a time when I had less spare time to listen to music so never got into it in the way I did with their other stuff. Also, my music tastes have changed a little and I've not listened to what was previously my staple diet, ie. Radiohead, REM etc, quite so much.

Absolutely love Jigsaw though, brilliant song. Remember being underwhelmed with Big Ideas as I'd loved the bootlegged live versions for so long I think I expected it to be the best song ever and as a result I overhyped it.

If people haven't heard their rare bootleg stuff then it's genuinely worth checking out. Some brilliant, brilliant songs - a cover of Can's 'The Thief', Man-O-War/Big Boots, Thom yorke doing 'after the gold rush', cover of 'nobody does it better' all spring to mind. Also a version of REMs 'leave' which I think was a collaboration.

When I searched for the above setlist there were news items from sept 2010 speculating radiohead would play in south park again in 2011, ten years on from the first time. I would give £100 and mockneys ballbag to see that.
Favourite bit in any of their songs? Bloody tough but, off the top of my head, I absolutely love the bit in 'let down' when the vocals split in two and what was the lead vocal holds the note to be replaced by a different Thom.

Just listening to Kid A now. What an album. In Limbo is sounding especially great.
Why was 'Down is the new up' not on the main In Rainbows album? That is a quality song.
Yeah, it just came out at a time when I had less spare time to listen to music so never got into it in the way I did with their other stuff. Also, my music tastes have changed a little and I've not listened to what was previously my staple diet, ie. Radiohead, REM etc, quite so much.

Absolutely love Jigsaw though, brilliant song. Remember being underwhelmed with Big Ideas as I'd loved the bootlegged live versions for so long I think I expected it to be the best song ever and as a result I overhyped it.

If people haven't heard their rare bootleg stuff then it's genuinely worth checking out. Some brilliant, brilliant songs - a cover of Can's 'The Thief', Man-O-War/Big Boots, Thom yorke doing 'after the gold rush', cover of 'nobody does it better' all spring to mind. Also a version of REMs 'leave' which I think was a collaboration.

When I searched for the above setlist there were news items from sept 2010 speculating radiohead would play in south park again in 2011, ten years on from the first time. I would give £100 and mockneys ballbag to see that.

i'd even forgotten big ideas was called Nude on the album!

have been sorting my ipod out this week and having to condense my entire music collection into 1000 songs. so far REM have the most songs, at 45. Radiohead will run that close (although may top REM up to 50 and do the same for radiohead). i might share which ones i pick, just so people can throw stones (and i won't even be able to throw them back, such is the way of things when you live life in a glass house...).

this is unexpected so far... hail to the thief has as many songs on my 'list' as the bends does.

this is unexpected so far... hail to the thief has as many songs on my 'list' as the bends does.

I posted a few days ago about the songs on HTTF and Amnesiac (two albums which are not generally regarded as Radiohead's best) and when you look at them again, there are actually a lot of good songs on them.

They might not be as "complete" albums as The Bends and OK Computer but they are, at the end of the day, Radiohead and contain a lot of good stuff.

I'd love to see your lists btw. I'm also a big fan of REM.
finished doing it - 45 songs, though i've got all of in rainbows and king of limbs on for now.

ended up with 9 from ok computer, 6 from HTTT, 5 from the bends, 5 from kid a and 4 from amnesiac, 3 from pablo honey and 13 live rare ones/b-sides.

had forgotten i like so many songs from HTTT.
right, manc red devil, you asked for it.

my rem list (sorry non-rem fans!)

Sing For The Submarine

Around The Sun
The Worst Joke Ever
The Ascent Of Man

Automatic For The People
The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
Monty Got A Raw Deal
Man On The Moon

The One I Love
Oddfellows Local 151

Fables Of The Reconstruction
Maps And Legends
Driver 8

Orange Crush
Turn You Inside-Out
World Leader Pretend
I Remember California

Life's Rich Pageant
Begin The Begin
Fall On Me
I Believe

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
Strange Currencies
Bang And Blame
Let Me In

Talk About The Passion
Perfect Circle

New Adventures In Hi-Fi
E-Bow The Letter
Be Mine
So Fast, So Numb

Out of Time
Losing My Religion
Country Feedback
Half A World Away

So. Central Rain

She Just Wants To Be
Imitation Of Life
Beat A Drum
I'll Take The Rain

At My Most Beautiful
Falls To Climb
Walk Unafraid

Non-album tracks
I Will Survive (cover)
Bad Day
The Great Beyond
All The Right Friends
not what most people would probs expect i reckon?

anyway, radiohead list will have to be done tomorrow - way past my bedtime! hope your excitement doesn't become too unbearable!
Well Devils Advocate killed this thread with his REM nonsense, but anyway, I want to know what Count Duckula thought of The Bends.
TD, are you aware of Radiodread?...I've had Dub Side of the Moon for years now but only just found out about the follow up.
Right, shitc**ts, I'm nothing but open-minded and fair. If I were to get hold of one Radiohead album to listen to and try and change my opinion of them as pretentious, useless twats, which one would it be?

As others have noted.... The Bends is definitely the easiest listening album until you get a feel for them, then go in order from there
Loving King of Limbs now, absolutely brilliant. Just hope all those rumours about it being a forerunner to another release are true!