Radiohead are "a matter of weeks" away from completing their next studio release

Muse are on the soundtrack, it’s not Radiohead either, it’s Thom Yorke and some lass. I was having an argument with a friend of mines the other day who loves the films, I haven’t seen them and called them shit, she said they’re amazing and tried to back up this point by listing acts on the soundtrack. IMO any soundtrack that needs Muse, Thom Yorke and Paramore is aiming for overkill due to the film being incredibly shit.
Anyway, awesome band. Lets hope this album is out before the end of the year because apart from Arcade Fire the few other albums released by bands I like have been disappointing.
The new song doesn't sound very good, and I never liked Kid A much - The Bends and OK Computer were much better for me, I even preferred Amnesiac to Kid A which I consider their worst album, however strange that sounds.
Muse are on the soundtrack, it’s not Radiohead either, it’s Thom Yorke and some lass.

Yes that too. But it was Radiohead's 15 Step that played in the end credits of one of the movies.
Kid A is wank. It was from that period where music journalists would say that Radiohead were the best band in the world as if it were fact rather than opinion, and they ended up so immersed in their own hype that they thought that any old tripe they recorded would be hailed as brilliance, and to be fair, they were right. If a band released Kid A without the wanky press coverage, they'd be rightly shot down as pretentious twunts with a hyper-inflated self opinion.
Kid A is wank. It was from that period where music journalists would say that Radiohead were the best band in the world as if it were fact rather than opinion, and they ended up so immersed in their own hype that they thought that any old tripe they recorded would be hailed as brilliance, and to be fair, they were right. If a band released Kid A without the wanky press coverage, they'd be rightly shot down as pretentious twunts with a hyper-inflated self opinion.

What like Boards of Canada? Who were releasing albums before Kid A without the hype and are regarded as a big influence on the new direction Radiohead took? Or many of the other electro/dance artists? It’s a fantastic album and was rightly lauded as that because it was a band showing the balls to make a massive change in style and it worked. Never understood people getting so worked up over it
Kid A is wank. It was from that period where music journalists would say that Radiohead were the best band in the world as if it were fact rather than opinion, and they ended up so immersed in their own hype that they thought that any old tripe they recorded would be hailed as brilliance, and to be fair, they were right. If a band released Kid A without the wanky press coverage, they'd be rightly shot down as pretentious twunts with a hyper-inflated self opinion.

feck off.
Still waiting excitedly, could be a massive year for music for me with Radiohead, Keane, Franz and Muse all potentially releasing new albums.
Still waiting excitedly, could be a massive year for music for me with Radiohead, Keane, Franz and Muse all potentially releasing new albums.


That is damn near blasphemy.
Yeah, this thread is turning into a whole heap of fail. Having Muse, Boards of Canada and Franz (whoever the feck they are) compared or aligned with Radiohead is like us discussing Cantona or Robson and having Neil Webb's name pop up.

That is damn near blasphemy.


Not saying any of the others mentioned are on the same level as Radiohead, just that I enjoy them all and are looking forward to hearing the new albums.

Btw wonder which way Radiohead are going to go with this one, I'm guessing slightly more Hail to the thief, few more guitars etc. though of course no where near The Bends in terms of pure riffs, think that's gone forever, for better or for worse. Pure speculation though, sure I will love whatever they come out with.
Yeah, this thread is turning into a whole heap of fail. Having Muse, Boards of Canada and Franz (whoever the feck they are) compared or aligned with Radiohead is like us discussing Cantona or Robson and having Neil Webb's name pop up.

Franz Ferdinand
What the flying feck has just happened in my thread???

feck me.

The new PJ Harvey album is released tomorrow. I'm expecting huge things from it.
At least you can get excited about the new Keane album now Nomey? No?
Frisky, I think you owe everyone an apology.

All over the world now, people are clicking on this thread excitedly expecting an update on the new album from the messiahs of modern music and all they are going to find is some special case expressing their love for Muse, Keane and Franz fecking Ferdinand.

I give up.
As bands with no guitars, a singer with a pretend drug problem and an obscenely fat face and who sings songs that sound like they were co-written by a thrice-divorced middle-aged woman and a 16 year old emo who just got his first bit of outside box go, Keane are in my top three.
As bands with no guitars, a singer with a pretend drug problem and an obscenely fat face and who sings songs that sound like they were co-written by a thrice-divorced middle-aged woman and a 16 year old emo who just got his first bit of outside box go, Keane are in my top three.

Who are the other two?
Not had the time to watch these yet but thought I'd post them in here so as this bump isn't just for the Keane cock suck.

As bands with no guitars, a singer with a pretend drug problem and an obscenely fat face and who sings songs that sound like they were co-written by a thrice-divorced middle-aged woman and a 16 year old emo who just got his first bit of outside box go, Keane are in my top three.

You had to laugh at that, career on the wain? Get yourself a 'drug problem' and straight into rehab with you.
As bands with no guitars, a singer with a pretend drug problem and an obscenely fat face and who sings songs that sound like they were co-written by a thrice-divorced middle-aged woman and a 16 year old emo who just got his first bit of outside box go, Keane are in my top three.

omfg :lol:
Hell fecking yes!!!!

What are the odds of that, random bump last night and then this :cool::D:eek::):devil:

Nice one Alan, you've just made my year.

Digital copy of their new album available on Saturday, hard copy released in May.

I knew I was onto something ;)