Massive Spanner
The Football Wrench
cock out. Very tempted to get the newspaper edition even though I've no vinyl.
It can't be as good as 'In Rainbows' can it? Or can it? Who knows. I love Radiohead. Maybe too much.
In Rainbows was an absolutely brilliant album. The whole album just flew so seamlessly, everything was integrated perfectly and nothing seemed out of place. They're the best band I've ever listened to and I only hope they can keep it up.
Everything they made after OK Computer is trash.
Pretty much the whole musical world disagrees with you. Trash? What a load of bollocks.
Kid A and In Rainbows are stunning albums. Amnesiac is good, Hail to the Thief is poor by their standard.
I think Radiohead are so overhyped it's not funny. Great first few albums, then they start to decline in quality; culiminating in the most overrated album of all time: In Rainbows.
Well nobody else does
If anything they're one of few bands who've actually kept their quality throughout the years. I don't think anything they do will ever top Ok Computer, then again I don't think anything and band do with top Ok Computer.
I rate Pablo Honey higher than OK Computer, but anyway let's just agree to disagree. I'm obviously not going to convince you, nor you me.
Jesus Christ the Radiohead love-in is sickening. They're feckin' wank.
Jesus Christ the Radiohead love-in is sickening. They're feckin' wank.
Radiohead are one of the greatest bands of all time, just below the highest pantheon of bands; The Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, The Stones, etc.
Etc? They certainly have a better body of work than the Stones ever had. They were mainly a live/singles band.
Everything they made after OK Computer is trash.
No it isn't. They released one classic album, Floyd and Zep were far more album orientated.
Let It Bleed, Exile on Main Street, Sticky Fingers....which "one" are you referring too?
That'd be more down to the fact that this generation is the singles generation themselves, you'd get the same low percentage of correct answers if Zeppelin and Floyd reunited and went to their gigs.
Let It Bleed, Exile on Main Street, Sticky Fingers....which "one" are you referring too?
Exile. Like I said they were a singles band. I reckon if you went to a Stones gig and asked their fans which album their classic songs were on you'd get a low percentage of correct answers.
That'd be more down to the fact that this generation is the singles generation themselves, you'd get the same low percentage of correct answers if Zeppelin and Floyd reunited and went to their gigs.
I know Pink Floyd "fans" who don't even know what Animals is.....
No you wouldn't because Zep never released singles. And I wasn't talking about this generation.
No you wouldn't because Zep never released singles. And I wasn't talking about this generation.