PS3 suffering from global network lockdown

Mine is fecked, the date has been set to 2/1/2000 as well.

Just got back from a lecture, looking forward to Fifa :(
Your OS date has been set to that, the system clock will still be on 29/02/2010. The OS clock is trying to calculate itself off that system clock, but it can't because it's not a valid date, so it throws a spazzer. So it seems anyway.

Some people are reporting that if you take the lithium battery out, and then stick it back in, everything starts working again. I can't confirm that though.

Think of it like the clock in your PC.
My PS3 worked just fine yesterday. Played a little of the Yakuza 3 demo, Darksiders demo and played some tunes, etc.
Great, I wanted to play Chubby Rain tonight and now I'm frightened to turn the machine on!
Apart from losing trophies gained since the last time you synched, is there any other confirmed reason not to turn on the PS3?

I have read that some people are not having the issue, even with the fat version and i'm getting major withdrawals from MW2....i don't know how much longer i can resist turning it on!
You won't be able to play any games online if your ps3 is affected, or use the ps store, but it shouldn't corrupt anything and single player should be fine for most games.
I can't actually work out how it happened. Normally, the simple way to decide if it's a leap year is to modulo by 4, and if you get a 0, then it's a leap year, unless it's century year and not a 4th century year.
I don't even got an internet connection for games

You have a slim in any case, so it doesn't effect you. I'm trying to find out whether the RTC (real time clock) is on a separate IC (integrated circuit) or is in say RSX or the Southbridge. If it's an outsourced IC then Sony could probably sue them. If it's in one of their own chips, then they will have to stick their tail between their legs and weep.
So if I reset the clock manually would that sort things out?

I don't have it connected to the internet
I was in the PS Store yesterday, too; mine is the fat 80 gigger, the bestest PS3 of them all.
Weaste you truly are the rainman of technology. I never understand a word you're saying but I always feel a little bit smarter after reading it.
So if I reset the clock manually would that sort things out?

It doesn't seem so, no, as when you set the clock, all you are doing is setting an offset from that system clock, and it's not possible to write to its memory. The OS will simply then try to work out the right date from the offset by consulting the system clock, and chuck a spazzer again. :lol:

Don't worry this will all be fixed soon enough.
The time displayed on my PS3 has always been 14 minutes faster than the phone and cable box.

I realize that nothing I'm posting has any merit.
Any expected time when it'll be back up? I'm just in the mood for COD.
I'm trying to find out whether the RTC (real time clock) is on a separate IC (integrated circuit) or is in say RSX or the Southbridge. If it's an outsourced IC then Sony could probably sue them. If it's in one of their own chips, then they will have to stick their tail between their legs and weep.

Just found might have seen it already Weaste.

Well the gist is that the ARM SYSCON CPU that is used to power up the front panel of the ps3, that is responsible for doing things like sleep mode, eject, RTC etc. Is an old batch that sony picked up from the shelf like other manufacturers that has that calendar year bug regarding feburary 29th on certain periods. Causing the ps3 system clock and the real time clock to desync, messing up security measures like Digital Rights management software and sometimes games that relies on clocks for whatever reason. As well as signing up to the playstation network... This CPU is always on even when your PS3 isn't plugged
This problem is also happening with various of test Ps3 models, particulary the ones that has the emotion engine cpu/gpu for ps2 dev.

This is the one of the same type of CPUs that is powering up mobile devices like zune and blackberries, they have been affected with this bug, so they done some software patches. A syscon update can also fix this problem

The Slims ps3s aren't affected because they use a newer up to date revision on the syscon cpu that fixes this bug.

A quick way to fix this is to remove the RTC battery for at least 5-10 min and plug it back in, you will see the date and time reset, and voila...
I've got a fat it likely to get this error if I power it up this evening? best off just waiting till its resolved then?
Hopefully it's back on within hours, but I think it will work again come midnight.