I know that i am arguing in good faith. I know that i am totally against any kind of racism, for me a human is just a human. No matter the color, no matter the race or religion.
But i think if it's okay to send the message that black lifes matter, it should also be okay to send the message that white lifes matter (if in good faith, obviously). Both is okay for me, as long as it is about equality and not about superiority. It's not okay for me, if only one thing is allowed though without getting branded as a racist. And i will keep saying that, even if you guys think i am stupid or even, which would make me laugh, a racist because of that.
But sometimes i have the feeling that some people just recognize racism against a certain kind of people. But there can be racism against any kind of people (i personally even experienced racism against me personally in this very forum, quite a few times, when i was new), and i don't think that racism against black people for instance is worse than racism against muslims, jews, asians and yes, even white people. That's why i have trouble if someone gets instantly (without proof) branded as a racist if he says that white lifes matter, in a time where many people say that black lifes matter.
Like it or not, that is just my honest opinion. Sorry for my bad english though.