This is brilliantThis ain't an airport. No need to announce your departure.
We should move past this. For feck’s sake, we’ve spent half this thread debating whether Atze was a racist poster and if Donald Trump is a racist dog whistler.
I’d be interested to hear her assessment of his character.
Sadly not an unlikely outcome, I agree.The most frustrating thing here is that no matter how many riots or protests there are, everything will slowly go back to normal and more black people will lose their lives to racist cops on a power trip.
Things need to change, but the fact of the matter is with the current state of politics there is zero chance of that happening.
So so sad this.A friend of mine posted this on social media. Pretty damn powerful and pretty damn sad at the same time.
I have privilege as a white person because I can do all of these things without thinking twice:
I can go birding (#ChristianCooper)
I can go jogging (#AmaudArbery)
I can relax in the comfort of my own home (#BothemSean and #AtatianaJefferson)
I can ask for help after being in a car crash (#JonathanFerrell and #RenishaMcBride)
I can have a cellphone (#StephonClark)
I can leave a party to get to safety (#JordanEdwards)
I can play loud music (#JordanDavis)
I can sell CDs (#AltonSterling)
I can sleep (#AiyanaJones)
I can walk from the corner store (#MikeBrown)
I can play cops and robbers (#TamirRice)
I can go to church or synagogue (#Charleston9)
I can walk home with Skittles (#TrayvonMartin)
I can hold a hair brush while leaving my own bachelor party (#SeanBell)
I can party on New Years (#OscarGrant)
I can get a normal traffic ticket (#SandraBland)
I can lawfully carry a weapon (#PhilandoCastile)
I can break down on a public road with car problems (#CoreyJones)
I can shop at Walmart (#JohnCrawford)
I can have a disabled vehicle (#TerrenceCrutcher)
I can read a book in my own car (#KeithScott)
I can be a 10yr old walking with our grandfather (#CliffordGlover)
I can decorate for a party (#ClaudeReese)
I can ask a cop a question (#RandyEvans)
I can cash a check in peace (#YvonneSmallwood)
I can take out my wallet (#AmadouDiallo)
I can run (#WalterScott)
I can breathe (#EricGarner)
I can live (#FreddieGray)
White privilege is real. Take a minute to consider a Black person’s experience today. #BlackLivesMatter
Did you ban him for putting forward an opinion, or for attacking a poster? If it’s the former, that is shocking. People can be wrong and will be criticised. That is fine - he wasn’t being hateful.
You’re telling me to calm down? How white of you
As apposed to the many times you’ve been a dick on here. I don’t give a damn that you’re a moderator! You’re a thug that can’t accept counter points of view. Ban me bastard. feck this place
That's sad to see them act in a misguided way in terms of burning an American flag and defacing federal property. You don't fight crime with crime and that isn't rioting nor protesting, that's being juvenile and petty.
The shooting occurred near Congress and Randolph when someone in a gray Dodge Durango fired shots into the crowd, hitting a 19-year-old, according to police. The shooter fled the scene; the victim was transported to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead, police said. Police said the circumstances surrounding the shooting are under investigation.
SUV turned up at started firing at protestors in Detroit (not police). Killing one person.
I'll a few more, buddy.Black man waving piece of paper = "thug"
Protestors/looters = "thugs"
Neo-nazi murders someone during protest = "very fine people"
Did you ban him for putting forward an opinion, or for attacking a poster? If it’s the former, that is shocking. People can be wrong and will be criticised. That is fine - he wasn’t being hateful.
Well, you’re the one jumping to conclusions about something. That’s always a blast.
You have a strange definition of jumping to conclusions. You’ll see I quite clearly asked whether he had done anything more than put forward an opinion. Did I flatly dispute his banning? No. You could’ve said he had attacked people earlier and saved us both the trouble.
SUV turned up at started firing at protestors in Detroit (not police). Killing one person.
Yeah I take your point. While I tried to acknowledged in my post that I'd possibly missed something, I accept that it could be read that way.To be fair, i agree with @Carolina Red here. In your first post about the matter, you looked like you were jumping to conclusions or at least, the formulation of your post suggests that. You did not even wait for an answer to your first question before starting to give your opinion on one of the potential answers to that question. You could have just waited for an answer first.
I was wondering if you'd read that statement and was wondering what your thoughts on it were.
Martin Tyler "And its Live!"
No EMTs checked him out on scene according to this.
It does look like other cops, can anyone confirm?
No EMTs checked him out on scene according to this.
It does look like other cops, can anyone confirm?
Those are Minneapolis EMS uniforms.
Clears that up..I wasnt sure and didnt want to jump to conclusionsSomebody in the comments said that IS the EMT's uniform, and the reason they wear vests is sometimes they are targeted or attacked in "high danger" zones.
I can only assume maybe because there was cameras filming and upset people around they decided to just get him in the ambulance ASAP and try to work on him in a private area. It all does seem a bit fishy though, the ambulance sure did turn up quickly? almost like they called him ahead of time, or they were there waiting to scoop him up once he had passed. It's just a really horrible situation.
Working here.Is twitter down for people? Trump turned it off?![]()
Clears that up..I wasnt sure and didnt want to jump to conclusions
The more I watch the video the more pissed I get at the asian cop standing guard while his partner kills the man. If he isn't charged with anything, I hope he has to clean toilets for the rest of his life to make a living.
No EMTs checked him out on scene according to this.
It does look like other cops, can anyone confirm?
Made the mistake of starting to read the comments on that 2nd video.
As apposed to the many times you’ve been a dick on here. I don’t give a damn that you’re a moderator! You’re a thug that can’t accept counter points of view. Ban me bastard. feck this place
With all the conspiracy theorists saying it’s all fake? Yeah, me too.![]()