He said I'm a white Tory who went to Eton and Oxford and the Sun pay me to talk.whats the TLDR? I watched the first 5 minutes and he's said feckall
He said I'm a white Tory who went to Eton and Oxford and the Sun pay me to talk.whats the TLDR? I watched the first 5 minutes and he's said feckall
Not sure if this has been posted before but even if it has, it deserves to be seen again because it exposes the absurdity of modern policing and how copaganda has turned people's innate critical thinking skills to mush.
Now I’ll start by stating I’m referencing the U.K. police.
Stepping away from the main gist of the thread and I apologise if this comes across as condescending. But the bit I bolded, that implication, that suggestion, the fact I’ve seen it so much across social media over the last week or so.
It has opened my eyes as to how completely ill and uninformed the general population are to the level and nature of crime that is out there and what ‘policing’ actually consists of.
People don’t seem to be able to understand that what they see as ‘policing’ is only the tip of the iceberg. Uniformed officers out on the street tackling low level street crime and the minority brutalising members of the public is actually a very small piece of what goes on.
So when people come out with stuff about dismantling and defunding the police, it blows my mind knowing what I know working in the police.
I’ve turned up to domestic incidents where victims have been choked out, battered, raped, beaten and all sorts by their partners. People get arrested, the investigation is passed on to a police detective and they tell me they’ve got 20+ similar cases, new ones rolling in on a daily basis. They tell me they’re overstretched, overworked and that they desperately need more officers.
Ive turned up to addresses and had to take children into police protection because they’ve been used as drug runners and as part of a child sexual exploitation ring and again I speak to the officers who deal with these things and they tell me again that they’re overstretched and overworked.
The world is a hideous place, people are subjected to horrific things on a daily basis.
A lot of these type of investigations take up a lot of time and effort to be able to make charges against those responsible. They also cost a lot of money. These jobs don’t just involve sitting behind a desk they require extensive work out on the field and the police officers who do this work do not lead normal lives, physically and mentally.
So yeah for you it’s easy to sit there and say imagine what life would be without any police. Or I start to wonder, why do we really need police.
Maybe have a think about the people you don’t see in the news. Have a think that your experience doesn’t equate to everyone else’s experience. Have a think about the victims to the crimes I mentioned before you start asking such questions. Have a think about the women locking themselves in their bathrooms waiting for police as their husbands are smashing down the door.
There’s rightfully been a lot of talk about those in a ‘white privileged’ position imagining themselves in positions of those who are not. And to try and understand what others are going through.
It’s time the same people dishing out this advice heed it because when you say things like “dismantle the police” “defund the police” “ACAB”.
You are failing to take into account what other victims are going through.
You are failing to take into account those officers who are not brutalising or racial profiling anyone and who are overworked and don’t have the resources they need to investigate the hideous crimes that they do.
The propaganda against cops is quite somethingThere even are talks about defunding the police which is borderline retarded. How stupid you have to be to even suggest that? They are underfunded if anything. Jeezus. I mean I am sure all the criminals and looters would be excited but cmon people.
Utter trash post. Do you get a hard-on by being willfully ignorant? You do know "defund" doesn't mean "abolish" right?The propaganda against cops is quite somethingThere even are talks about defunding the police which is borderline retarded. How stupid you have to be to even suggest that? They are underfunded if anything. Jeezus. I mean I am sure all the criminals and looters would be excited but cmon people.
At $5.9 billion in the current fiscal year, the NYPD has the third-largest budget of all city agencies after the Department of Education and Department of Social Services.
The $5.9 billion in direct operating funding for the department doesn’t nearly cover what the police cost in New York City. Pension contributions and fringe benefits cost about another $5 billion in the 2020 fiscal year.
Though the mayor’s budget included significant planned cuts at many city agencies, the NYPD emerged relatively unscathed, with only $23.8 million in planned reductions. And unlike other agencies that had to find large savings under the mayor’s $2.1 billion Program to Eliminate the Gap, the NYPD only found about $25 million in FY2020 and $16 million in FY2021.
https://www.gothamgazette.com/city/...-york-city-police-department-budget-de-blasioAt the same time, the mayor slashed planned funding for education, youth employment, and after school programs. The Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) saw a 32% cut in its proposed budget, entirely eliminating the Summer Youth Employment Program that provided summer jobs to 70,000 young people, many from low-income communities of color, last year.
I thought sex abuse rings were only a case when Asian gangs do it to young white girls!Excellently put. Anything that happens in black communities, the narrative involves race. Anything that happens in white communities (Glasgow a good example as you mention, paedophile/sex abuse rings e.g. those around Epstein or Jimmy Savile/Yewtree investigation) it’s just an invisible and unspoken factor. Whiteness is never proffered as an explanation or cause for crimes, because it would rightly be viewed as utterly absurd. The ‘black on black’ narrative really needs consigning to the dustbins of history, and the fact it has any credibility in mainstream thought is a symptom of how deeply racist society remains.
As a whole the Met are doing things to help themselves and have been for years but you’re still going to get a number of individual officers doing bad things and making bad decisions.@Leroy The Red & @TheReligion
As the resident police I’m aware of here & having read your last posts what do you think can be done by the police to help themselves? You know like we hear black communities being told to do.
Whilst we don’t see videos of shootings here it’s a daily occurrence where we see British a police not getting it quite right so what [from an internal perspective] can you do better?
Defunding the police will take the resources away from proactive policing. The logic is the police will be forced to prioritize major crimes due to decreased resources. In addition, the US has a long history of making deep cuts to social welfare programs during budget crises at the expense of the inner-city communities where much of this policing occurs. Studies have shown an inverse correlation between social welfare and crime.I have seen people allude to NYPD and to what happened in 2014. It's an interesting example but I feel that people misinterpret it and make the wrong conclusion, it's not defunding the police that is needed but change it's M.O in particular get rid of the proactive policing. Here you have a long article about it but it's worth your time, it's not sensationalist and acknowledge the limits of the observation.
Those laws that allow cops to keep the spoils of arrests need to be done away with too. Anything that incentivizes arrests should be removed. There are loads of stories of them taking large sums of cash from people because they think it's drug money, despite having absolutely no proof.
If they do make seizures it needs to be fully accounted for and go towards the community and not to fund PDs.
Imagine if other public service workers adopted this attitude. Less money for hospitals? Then doctors and nurses refuse to work. Less money for schools? Teachers refuse to teach.Good luck defunding the police..they'll make the case of subtly refusing to police.
Funding is not the issue. George Floyd was killed by a god given knee. Not some high tech machinery. It's the animal instinct of the perpetrator that's causing his death. Not his training nor his equipment. Defunding the police the a stupid idea.
It's like saying playing behind empty stadium will eradicate racism in football. No. You just choose not to show it.
Anyone think a country like america can survive a week without police is living in a pipe dream
Imagine if other public service workers adopted this attitude. Less money for hospitals? Then doctors and nurses refuse to work. Less money for schools? Teachers refuse to teach.
Defunding is necessary to be able to implement the reforms because clearly the police unions are completely resistant to any significant changes to the current system.
WTF. I didn't even know that was a thing. How is that going to lead to anything other than corruption? Madness.
Defunding the police will take the resources away from proactive policing. The logic is the police will be forced to prioritize major crimes due to decreased resources. In addition, the US has a long history of making deep cuts to social welfare programs during budget crises at the expense of the inner-city communities where much of this policing occurs. Studies have shown an inverse correlation between social welfare and crime.
Defunding the police (not abolishing) MUST happen in the US. The U.S. currently spends twice as much on law and order as it does on welfare. That is abhorrent for a 1st world country.
“Stop treating is like animals & thugs. . .”
Where was Eric Garner lynched again. . .
What does it have anything to do that I am in Spain...?Utter trash post. Do you get a hard-on by being willfully ignorant? You do know "defund" doesn't mean "abolish" right?
And I currently live in NY. But go ahead poster from Spain. Please show us the empirical evidence that police departments are underfunded (FYI green smilies don't count for anything).
You must be glad the posting standards are so low.
Wow Douglas Murray "a well known racist scumbag" you say, my god how utter moronic your statement truly is.Well known racist scumbag in a The Sun video? What's not to like?
@Leroy The Red & @TheReligion
As the resident police I’m aware of here & having read your last posts what do you think can be done by the police to help themselves? You know like we hear black communities being told to do.
Whilst we don’t see videos of shootings here it’s a daily occurrence where we see British a police not getting it quite right so what [from an internal perspective] can you do better?
IME anyone who mocks the concept usually hasn't done any worthwhile reading on it. Feel free to prove me wrong if you really must.The propaganda against cops is quite somethingThere even are talks about defunding the police which is borderline retarded. How stupid you have to be to even suggest that? They are underfunded if anything. Jeezus. I mean I am sure all the criminals and looters would be excited but cmon people.
No justice, no peace.
Yes but this is investigating crimes. And then carrying out punishment for committing it. I think people like that need to exist its the "policing " part that i wonder about. Randomly pulling up to me while im a street corner to shake me down for ganja isnt doing the bold. Or pulling me over and throwing me into the back of a pick up to go to the police station lock up becuase you didnt like my tone isnt doing the bold. Investigation of crimes really needs to happen. I do wonder if having 3000 more cops on top of 10000 cops to police the streets is a neccessary aspect needed. It may be. I may be naive but I have never really had a great relationship with police and policing . I used to think it was crazy to say cops dont need firearms. till i saw UK police. I stop taking what i saw as norms as things that can never be changed or removed.
In response to your post. Yeah being loathed in general is not something I take massive issue with. It’s part and parcel, we have to be held to a higher standard than anybody else.
Where I start drawing the line though is when we have a rising number of people saying we should be defunded based on things going on in the States. Knowing already that we’re underfunded, it won’t be long before certain parties attempt to win votes by defunding us if this movement gathers momentum. It needs to be nipped in the bud immediately.
Secondly, unarmed officers being attacked and nothing being done about it because “it would look oppressive if officers were in riot gear”. Again this is unacceptable and needs to be nipped in the bud.
I've been actively been campaigning about this shit for years but I appreciate the purity test mate. Paints you in a magnificent light on top of all the lazy whatabouttery you keep smearing over these threads. Like an old bloke who keeps shitting himself but refuses to wear a bag. Clean yourself up lad, it's getting embarrassing.Do you know anything about these cases? Serious question. As in do know anymore than what you're just posting from Twitter?
It's a common theme on the Caf at the moment to simply see things on Twitter and post them up with no context.
I've been actively been campaigning about this shit for years but I appreciate the purity test mate. Paints you in a magnificent light on top of all the lazy whatabouttery you keep smearing over these threads. Like an old bloke who keeps shitting himself but refuses to wear a bag. Clean yourself up lad, it's getting embarrassing.
Sorry we're not meeting your lofty publishing standards master. We will try harder next time, honest. We'll use citations and highlighter pens and glitter and everything if it means The Religion will finally see everyone as human. Pinky swear. Now are you going to wipe your arse or do you want me to do that for you too?What a wonderfully awful post. Much like just posting random twitter articles from a bunch of random people. Lots of bluster with no actual substance. It's a shame really as I had hoped you were posting as you wanted to engage in some serious rational discussion but I should have known better.
0:00.00 - 0:01:01 - Intro, Hellowhats the TLDR? I watched the first 5 minutes and he's said feckall
Wow Douglas Murray "a well known racist scumbag" you say, my god how utter moronic your statement truly is.
Sorry we're not meeting your lofty publishing standards master. We will try harder next time, honest. We'll use citations and highlighter pens and glitter and everything if it means The Religion will finally see everyone as human. Pinky swear. Now are you going to wipe your arse or do you want me to do that for you too?
Rhodes will be next, I’d imagine Oriel College will have it down very soon:
When it comes to recruitment I've seen some posters (@Cascarino and others) mention the police aren't doing enough RE recruitment and are missing quotas of BAME candidates. Again, this link would suggest quite the opposite;
When it comes to recruitment I've seen some posters (@Cascarino and others) mention the police aren't doing enough RE recruitment and are missing quotas of BAME candidates. Again, this link would suggest quite the opposite;
A quick snippet would show how the Met now has 14% of officers from a BAME background. The national demographic sits at 15%. The increase in this area is clear across the country so it's misleading to suggest nothing is being done.
Do you know anything about these cases? Serious question. As in do know anymore than what you're just posting from Twitter?
It's a common theme on the Caf at the moment to simply see things on Twitter and post them up with no context.
I’ve no idea about the credentials of the person who posted this. I’m not sure it even happened (it’s a very cool photo, so I hope it did!) but if this is legitimate I guess it answers all the “what would have happened if they were black?” questions when we people share photos of rednecks carrying machines guns lining the streets.
What do you mean by context? Two of the tweets lead directly to articles in The Guardian and the BBC (and tweeted by a journalist and the BBC account respectively).