Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Protest in London
No doubt it's a PR exercise now to try and justify some of the obscene levels of force used and smear legitimate peaceful protesters whilst making the violence look more widespread than it is.

Disagree but fair enough!

I think the tools are okay but the bits I mentioned, like the knife etc, you can't carry around in the UK anyway for obvious reasons. The lighter fuel and other bits would also be a concern under the circumstances.

Disagree about the cuffs being the police own, or about it being a pathetic tweet?

They’ve seemingly arrested one dude carrying some perfectly legal tools and took a bunch of photos of the same thinks over and over to make it look like there’s more than there is, and then used that to try and paint the protesters as the aggressors.

Also, not being allowed to carry knives in the UK is entirely irrelevant.
Disagree about the cuffs being the police own, or about it being a pathetic tweet?

They’ve seemingly arrested one dude carrying some perfectly legal tools and took a bunch of photos of the same thinks over and over to make it look like there’s more than there is, and then used that to try and paint the protesters as the aggressors.

Also, not being allowed to carry knives in the UK is entirely irrelevant.

You're fishing for an argument which I can't be arsed with if I'm honest. I've said my thoughts on it and if you disagree that's fine. The US police have done plenty of awful things, and released plenty of ridiculous tweets, over the past few weeks but I just don't feel this was one of them.
"I see the peasants are revolting again, Liz."
"Oh god. What is it about now, Phil?"
"Probably something to do with that bloody yacht."
"I'll get on the blower to Churchill; get him to call the Hussars out."
"Good show. We'll see how the rabble like the taste of musket-shot."
You're fishing for an argument which I can't be arsed with if I'm honest. I've said my thoughts on it and if you disagree that's fine. The US police have done plenty of awful things, and released plenty of ridiculous tweets, over the past few weeks but I just don't feel this was one of them.

I’m not fishing for anything, if you don’t want to discuss the comments you make then why the hell make them?
I’m not fishing for anything, if you don’t want to discuss the comments you make then why the hell make them?

There's nothing more to discuss really is there. It's a photograph of items the police say they have seized from protesters. They are what they are. You think it's a pathetic tweet whilst I think the items are pretty dangerous and worthy of seizing.
The sledgehammer is the standout for me. I've repaired a few bikes in my time but every time I used a sledgehammer I fecked it up.
If they're going to be that crass I'm suprised they didn't include the week after the towers came down.
There's no 'Black' theme to that event though. So there's your answer, mate.
The act isn't really working when you're the one who began it. In fact, by replying "And so it begins" to my post, you're basically confirming that you're looking for an argument. You could have just ignored it.

You have a habit of making childish posts like that I guess. It's exactly whats being referred to in the Libcafe thread in part. Anyway I'll leave you to it.
That’s not very nice to watch but that’s an unnecessarily inflammatory tweat. Unless the words “beat him until he was unconscious” now mean “wrestled with him until he was in handcuffs”.
I think it's a case of UK police brutality against non white people. Very relevant to todays protest. My opinion.

Protest in London

"Black Lives Matter...but actually only in a certain context and not when it applies to me because I'm going to willfully attend an organised protest that will cause people to catch and die from a virus that disproportionately affects black people"?

Not sure that would fit on a placard.

More important to be seen protesting than actually help the cause you're protesting for, apparently.
It's absolutely shocking isn't it! I couldn't believe that they didn't instantly go and help, and as you say, the one officer who went to help was pulled away!

It's also shocking and quite telling that this footage isn't being shown more. It's only been on tv once that I've seen? Why isn't it being shown more? If it was a black person it would be wall to wall coverage everywhere.

It's laughable the levels of white guilt or whatever they call it happening throughout the media and world.. It's just so obvious and overboard that it's almost overshadowing the actual incident and reasons for protesting. There's already backlash about how this is being portrayed.

Perspective has been lost by lot's of people going overboard all around the world, especially the media. A lot of the over the top stuff is a result of stressed out people with all the coronavirus worries and stress coming out in over emotional responses. That London protest on now (And all other protests everywhere) is going to spread covid again on a large scale, for fecks sake what are they thinking!

Are the crowds going to be dispersed calmly by police for breaking distancing guidelines? Fecking desperate state of the world..

The media and world need to be careful here, as you'd think that nobody else has ever been killed or mistreated by police, and that there's only white rascism against black people on a global scale. There needs to be some careful balancing here. All lives matter equally.
Not true at all. Its now a massive US MSM TV story, which has also reported subsequent plot developments, ensuring even more exposure within social media.
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I think it's a case of UK police brutality against non white people. Very relevant to todays protest. My opinion.

If you google his name you can find out the details.Youness Bentahar. Apparently he was asked 17 times to move his car, or produce his license. Then a 5 stage warning before they tried to arrest him. So it looks as though there were loads of opportunities for him to stop this escalating without any drama. I’m sure there are racists cops in the Uk but I don’t think this is a great example. Tweeting that today, without context, is pure rabble-rousing.
Oh for feck’s sake. I’ve been trying to kid myself that they’ve been social distancing while protesting. That’s nuts. People are going to die as a consequence of this.

I wonder if the police will be using kettling tactics again. Which would make a bad situation even worse.

One of my mates has gone. Last weekend she was moaning about how unfair it is she has to get on a train to go to work because it isn't safe. Now she's off on the same train to mill about in a crowd of thousands, in the name of a cause that will be harmed more than helped as a result.

I hate people.
If you google his name you can find out the details.Youness Bentahar. Apparently he was asked 17 times to move his car, or produce his license. Then a 5 stage warning before they tried to arrest him. So it looks as though there were loads of opportunities for him to stop this escalating without any drama. I’m sure there are racists cops in the Uk but I don’t think this is a great example. Tweeting that today, without context, is pure rabble-rousing.
I know the story from seeing it last year. The allegation against him was simply for parking illegally. And even that is disputed. And this is what the cops resorted to.

I dont agree that this level of violence is warranted. They can ask him 100 times before they descend to this level of violence. I wonder if it happened to you, if you'd agree it was OK.

I think it's a very good example of racist police brutality, as does Mr Bentahar lawyer and supporters so we'll have to agree to disagree.

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"I didn't do anything!" she says to the copper. "No, I know," he says to her. Well, except getting involved and trying to take someone's sign - but they've both forgotten about that 10 seconds later.
As Lord Karius said, it was "concussion".
I’m not fishing for anything, if you don’t want to discuss the comments you make then why the hell make them?
Fireworks, hammer, spray paint, lighter fuel. Totally innocent here, all made up, I’ve got an inner type with me.
Fireworks, hammer, spray paint, lighter fuel. Totally innocent here, all made up, I’ve got an inner type with me.
The firework is definitely questionable, everything else is pretty standard stuff to be part of a tool kit.

And the main problem is the attempt to frame it as the protestors being the aggressors on the basis of that shit.
Absolutely out of control: