Premier League Not So Festive Season

Well, we deserved to lose this. Took our foot off the gas 2nd half and let Wolves get back into the game. Big blow to our title contenders status.

It's a killing blow. We're done, there is no title hopes now. Once again we're let down whenever we even get slightly excited at the prospect of winning a trophy.

Just have to focus on managing top four, we're good at that.
That's probably why you shouldn't take that much stock in past glories. Poch can win trophies at United with the resources and talent at his disposal.

I think Zidane is a better choice, he's flawed but he's a natural winner, his teams win games they have no right to win, and often come from behind.

He only had 2.5 years and look what he won.
That Camara dude will never take any penalty for Fulham ever again. Can bet on that.
Help us Arsenal Football Club, you’re our only hope!
Can see Spurs imploding after this result. Playing Cardiff away next if they don't win there I'd like that form facing them in 10 days or so.
Frankly, I'm not too hot for him either. But Caftards seem to be, that's why I posted it.

There is something about Poch and not winning titles. People refuse to see the obvious. Well, if you want good football without titles, I recommend him though.

Come on now its Spurs! He needs to step up a level to actually win something. He's improved Spurs no doubt, made them a top 4 team, now he needs to move up again.
I hope we don't make the mistake of hiring Poch. Allegro vs Poch, I will take Allegri on Monday to Sunday. Although Allegri is not my top three choices.
I think Zidane is a better choice, he's flawed but he's a natural winner, his teams win games they have no right to win, and often come from behind.

He only had 2.5 years and look what he won.
Come on, there is no such thing a "natural winner". It's just an overused media narrative.
Typical Spurs but they were shafted by the fixture list.

All hope now rests on Liverpool pulling a Liverpool over the next 5 months.
Spurs still have to go Etihad, Anfield and Stamford Bridge don't forget. They were never contenders.
Great result for Cardiff at Liecester! They were breathing down our backs with their back to back wins against Man City and Chelsea
Come on now its Spurs! He needs to step up a level to actually win something. He's improved Spurs no doubt, made them a top 4 team, now he needs to move up again.

And you want United to be that move up experiment for him? No, thank you. Let him prove he can win titles and then bring him in. We keep saying its Spurs but how many times has Poch gotten this team into winning positions and cracked not because his team is inferior but because he just mismanages the game? This guy has NEVER won a title despite a number of good opportunities.
Mentality starts with the manager apparently

It's not a mentality problem, it's a squad problem. Our players looked exhausted in the second half and Wolves were simply able to turn up the tempo and for the first time I've seen them this season, were clinical.

To be remotely title challengers, we needed a couple of players in the summer to come in and freshen things up during periods like this. We didn't do that, we only had Moura to come off the bench and influence the game at all. We looked tired and out of ideas.
Pochettino never winning a trophy is obviously a concern. I'd feel even better about him being Utd manager if he had some trophies on his CV.

But it has to be said, our last two managers had sensational CV's. Between them they'd won cups and titles in Germany, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and England. They'd both won numerous european trophies too.

And look how they both turned out. Utter shite

I'd still want Pochettino as next Utd manager.

Serial winners come to our club and win less, so a serial loser is going to win more than them??? LVG and Mourinho experience in big games were influential in winning these cups.

Spurs have a better defence and forward line than us. Where is Pochettino going to get an extra level with us? Have you seen how many of our big money signings underperform?
And you want United to be that move up experiment for him? No, thank you. Let him prove he can win titles and then bring him in. We keep saying its Spurs but how many times has Poch gotten this team into winning positions and cracked not because his team is inferior but because he just mismanges the game?
Could be the squad is not deep enough. He barely rotates. Maybe this new stadium is biting them on the bum. He needed signings and he hasn't had them. I do agree that he needs to prove he is a winner though.
With the chances we've been giving away? Expect a high scoring loss, be very surprised if we beat them. But it'll be entertaining.

I'm not super confident we will beat them either but you shouldn't expect them to beat us that easily. We are going there to play and it will indeed be entertaining, I expect a cracking game and hope all our key players will be fit.