Premier League Festive Season

According to the commentary team sure as long as you get touched on the waist first
Yeah don’t understand that at all, you aren’t well within your rights to elbow someone in the face, pure nonsense, must be some kind of dangerous play..
Good attitude of Christensen who gives everything, even if he is injured. I hope he can play the whole match.
Elbow in the face? What are you smoking.. :lol:
Which body parts are these? I'll give you that it may be the upper part of the forearm, but hardly such an audacious claim that you'd be reasonably accusing someone for being on drugs for suggesting it.

Which body parts are these? I'll give you that it may be the upper part of the forearm, but hardly such an audacious claim that you'd be reasonably accusing someone for being on drugs for suggesting it.

Well, only seen the latter part of the scene. Looking at this, it's clearly a foul
Which body parts are these? I'll give you that it may be the upper part of the forearm, but hardly such an audacious claim that you'd be reasonably accusing someone for being on drugs for suggesting it.

I think it was the right arm he caught him with..

Look at his arm around Lukaku's waist and how low his head is, Lukaku's arm isnt even raised that high. It's completely fine.
Which body parts are these? I'll give you that it may be the upper part of the forearm, but hardly such an audacious claim that you'd be reasonably accusing someone for being on drugs for suggesting it.

There's a huge difference between what happened and claiming he elbowed him :lol: Even you in your attempt to prove yourself right admit it wasn't an elbow. Anyway, what kind of drugs were you smoking again?
Next time someone's going to snap both legs of the opponents and it'll be the ref's fault for allowing this type of tackle as long as it's "well made". If anyone, you'd trust Mike Dean to show a red for that.
Two-footed lunge and the thug really tries to claim that this was ok?
Very surprised that's not a red card. Seemed a full throttle two footer that.

Look at his arm around Lukaku's waist and how low his head is, Lukaku's arm isnt even raised that high. It's completely fine.
That's the 2nd time he hits him in the face. :lol:
A clear foul by Lukaku, how that goal stood in the VAR area is mad, then again the ref is Mike Dean and more often than not he's too arrogant to double check it on the screen.
Orange card. Yellow probably was right, if the refs can apply consistency.
There's a huge difference between what happened and claiming he elbowed him :lol: Even you in your attempt to prove yourself right admit it wasn't an elbow. Anyway, what kind of drugs were you smoking again?
Okay, so it was an upper forearm, 4-5 cm from the elbow, to the face. Does that make the action more allowed then? No it doesn't. Hardly a case of drug smoking to describe an upper forearm to the face as an elbow to the face. I mean, I get that you want to be loyal to your team but if one of their players had hit your player in the head to get a free header on goal you'd be screaming for a foul, which it should've been.

I mean, I understand you're trying to claim that 4-5 centimetres is huge because it helps your case, but in the real world it's not.
The amount of ref decisions Chelski is getting their way this years is ridiculous, it is unreal.