All about the essence
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oh is that what that is? i thought it was herpes.
anderson searl - modern day beagle. since animal testing has been banned on various products, varying companies have needed new ways to test out their products so they are fit for human consumption. what better way than testing out products on someone who could be classified as half human. anderson searl had a tough upbringing. gang banging on the hectic streets of royal windsor. it's claimed that the queen once flicked a v at him from one of the windows from her castle, other's claim it was just a cleaner. searl can often be found outside of the maybelline studios with his face plastered in makeup. sometimes in hospital when he has a reaction to it. some say he has 65 ears growing on his back for medical research. it could just be myth. call him a cnut quietly and see if he hears.
101 - uses for eboue? dalmatians? all you need to know on any particular subject? yes but no. 101 is in fact a secret government agent. well in his own head anyway. he's nothing more than a nerdy computer technician to those who know him and they are very few and far in between. a nerdy computer technician who wanted his username to be in binary format. if only he actually knew he was a few 0's and 1's short. over the years 101 has slowly decided he is working for the fbi. he sits there for hours on end reading the latest copy of reveal and whilst reading about jordan's latest escapades or how kerry katona plans to turn herself in to a thinner iceland pikey he pieces together vital clues. clues that show the taliban using celebrity stories to communicate with one another. his family do not know of his work. for if 101 told them he'd have to kill them with his sas training. he once read the wiki page on andy mcnab and ever since then knows how to beat any man in mano a mano combat or to silence those who may speak out against him or jeopardise his mission. 101. binary buffoon.
jason & brad - he closes' his eyes, pulls back the curtains then sees for certain that it's another day he has been sent by god to crush his enemy. for years now jason has battled a swedish settler in the field of combat. pokemon combat. for years he held the belief that no one else had the pokemon's he did. no one was a match for him in battle. that was until he innocently accepted an offer of a pokemon rumble in the jungle for the land of the swede. for days the battle lasted. back and forth their furry slaves fought. jason barely found the time to bash one out and brad, so desperate for the toilet he'd rolled his socks up into a ball and used them as a rudimentary plug to hold back the tidal wave of faecal matter that was imminently due. their battle was eventually called a draw yet their squabbling over really rather petty incidents continued long over the internet. some say this was all rubbish of course and there is just a hatred there due to brad turning jason down. some say jason made a pass at brad's mum. all i know is pokemons.
I thought these were fictional?maddogg - bounty hunter extraodinairre. the flowing blonde locks. the black outfit. the mace, the handcuffs, the failed police exams. all trademarks of this wannabe superhero. maddogg will find jesus one day. he claims to have already found him but if jesus were to exist i doubt he'd actively encourage the spraying of bear mace into another's eyes. let he without sin cast the first stone and all that. maddogg didn't always want to be a bounty hunter no. growing up he dreamed of being a detective. he dreamed of being respected in his line of work. he dreamed of all the poon his badge would get him and of all the things women would do to him to get away with speeding or minor traffic citations. instead he grew up into a figure of ridicule and to suffer the shame of working with retards and running after his bounty. if only people told him they were easily found in most shops and garages alike. any perveyor of confectionary in fact. the coconutty goodness he longed for was not all that hard to find. maddogg. chocolate lover. brain dead.
jason & brad - he closes' his eyes, pulls back the curtains then sees for certain that it's another day he has been sent by god to crush his enemy. for years now jason has battled a swedish settler in the field of combat. pokemon combat. for years he held the belief that no one else had the pokemon's he did. no one was a match for him in battle. that was until he innocently accepted an offer of a pokemon rumble in the jungle for the land of the swede. for days the battle lasted. back and forth their furry slaves fought. jason barely found the time to bash one out and brad, so desperate for the toilet he'd rolled his socks up into a ball and used them as a rudimentary plug to hold back the tidal wave of faecal matter that was imminently due. their battle was eventually called a draw yet their squabbling over really rather petty incidents continued long over the internet. some say this was all rubbish of course and there is just a hatred there due to brad turning jason down. some say jason made a pass at brad's mum. all i know is pokemons.
jason & brad - he closes' his eyes, pulls back the curtains then sees for certain that it's another day he has been sent by god to crush his enemy. for years now jason has battled a swedish settler in the field of combat. pokemon combat. for years he held the belief that no one else had the pokemon's he did. no one was a match for him in battle. that was until he innocently accepted an offer of a pokemon rumble in the jungle for the land of the swede. for days the battle lasted. back and forth their furry slaves fought. jason barely found the time to bash one out and brad, so desperate for the toilet he'd rolled his socks up into a ball and used them as a rudimentary plug to hold back the tidal wave of faecal matter that was imminently due. their battle was eventually called a draw yet their squabbling over really rather petty incidents continued long over the internet. some say this was all rubbish of course and there is just a hatred there due to brad turning jason down. some say jason made a pass at brad's mum. all i know is pokemons.
sultan - latin for "dried grape" sultan has long been wrinkled and long been slightly tangy to the taste buds. born into abject poverty sultan didn’t have much of a chance at life. with only one shoe between him and his 6 brothers and 12 sisters he really had nothing. walking 15 miles a day just to get water may be funny to us to but it was fairly funny to his parents as well. there was a running tap just round the corner. sultan soon grew from boy to man and soon found a woman to settle down with. they moved into their own shack and before long they were the first people to get a 56kpbs modem in their settlement and turned out to be quite the gentleman. sultan. latin for dried grape.
I got away quite lightly.
Cheers Rim.
To be fair, big family, poverty and having no running water back in those days is a fact.
bazalini - a onetime guinness fuelled day time stripper, baz has led the field in many trades. currently by day he is a simple carpet fitter. call baz o' lino for all your irish lino needs, or so the advert goes. by night he dines out. this isn't entirely true though. yes, most nights he does indeed dine out, for he is a humble waiter and most nights he is at his local wimpy serving the most lovely chicken nuggets and the greasiest burgers. some say he once had an affair with gerry adams. others say it was just a quick hand shandy behind the bins. only they know what went down under the stars and smog that heady night. bazolino. layer of lino, not of women.
That is shit
That is shit
golden_blunder - irish stalwart and war veteran. golden_blunder was born in the early 1900’s to an irish mother and a nordic raider in the grassy hills of ireland. the viking’s came over to the emerald isle to rape and pillage. and rape and pillage they did. his mum was one of the lucky few to escape with their lives and after the train of vikings left their indelible marks on her chest and face she was left alive, largely well, but seeded. born into shame, golden_blunder grew to tolerate the calls of “swedish ponce” and “danish bell ringer”. at 17 he enlisted in the army, hoping that he could gain the respect of his peers by fighting on the front line in the latest fashion craze of world war fighting. he slowly worked his way up through the ranks and one day he’d achieved his goal as a celebrated war hero, a battle hardened warrior. some claim it was he who willed the soldiers on to a perceived victory at the somme, he was the shining light, a ray of hope, a beacon of victory. for it was his signature foie gras dish that he prepared as head chef in the 13th battalion that inspired haig to come up with his ingenious plan of walking slowly and uniformly towards rapid enemy machine gun fire, a plan which worked so well it led to the biggest single number of deaths in one day of a war in history. others say he died on the first day of combat, his wonky helmet obscuring his view as he tripped over some barbed wire and sobbed all the water out of his body due to his hurty knee.
spoony - ancient greek which roughly translates as "lies with sister in incestual spooning based position" spoony was born under a wandering star in the middle east during the 1980's. born in a barn of an isolated farm to a mother of 19 daughters who longed for this child to be the son she'd long craved. a series of lovers, both male and animal had failed to give her the little boy she so desired. as the gloopy sack fell rather effortlessly from her well utilised vulva she let out an audible sigh as she realised number 20 was a girl just like all the other's. manically enraged by this she grabbed a handy scythe and held it high over her head. as she sent it crashing down towards the baby something strange happened. a scientific abnormality. a glint of light shone through the grubby window and caught the blade. this has a strange magnifying affect on the area of the child she was aiming at and it was then she realised her prayers had been answered, a small penis could be seen in the blade, twisted and bent out of shape by the metal yes but a penis nonetheless. she aborted her lusty blow before it made contact with the boy. she glanced down and realised the distortion of his private parts was not due to the blade but the actual reflection of his abnormally shaped and sized member. even though this was not ideal, spoony's mother loved him. loved him so much. she raised him on the farm in complete isolation like all her daughters. spoony responded well to his all female environment. a little too well. as he hit puberty he had a sudden desire for mating. a desire that could only be quenched by incessant humping of the siblings around him. one by one he lured them into the shed whilst their mother was tending to the animals. one by one he laid with them. a gentle spooning followed the frenzied monkey love making. spoony. famer loner. sister spooning lunatic.
That's incestious.