I dont like mine, do it again
I dont like mine, do it again
You should summarize them all on the first post.
count duckula - a cartoon vampire from yesteryear, or so he'd have us believe. cartoons aren't real and as such cannot post on an internet forum. the real origin behind the count is a strapping eastern european hunk named igor that is currently engaged to be civil ceremonied to the count. count duckula is the pet name igor has bestowed upon him. much cleaner and smoother than the initial "man i sexing with to get enteries to visa uk" as he was once affectionately known. count d has been unavailable for comment and has not left the house since his polish import arrived in the uk. howls of delight fill the night skies around his house and he has been known to suck on the neck of igor many times. kids tell stories about the count and his beloved igor at sleepovers and many daren't go near his house.
livvie - egyptian for "beautiful cat maniac" livvie spends most of her time in self appointed exile, away from the world of man and the sexist society she grew up in and hated. although beautiful she cannot stand the touch of a man and much prefers the comfort and companionship of her feline slaves. scientists estimate livvie to share her humble abode with "anywhere between 14 and 16 cats” dr. feline fine had this to say “we've done a hell of a lot of complex scientific experiments. experiments such as creeping up to a window and counting and from this we’ve concluded there to be between 14 and 16 cats. this was a mean average of the three scientists that took the experiment" the full results from this ground breaking scientific research can be seen in this month’s edition of “science weekly”. some say she comes out of her house once a month to stock up on kit-e-kat. the only food she and her cats will eat. some say she takes her cats with her to the supermarket in a washing basket and uses them as rudimentary missiles, aimed at the annoying people that just stand in the middle of aisles blocking it for everyone. you know the types? infuriating. some say she bathes in the cats and thames water claim no running water has been supplied to the house since 1806. livvie. cat loving hermit.
Are you questioning my hygiene regime, Rimaldo?
I'm hoping there aren't veiled comparisons there between me and Susan Boyle.![]()
no, god no. if i was making a comparison between you and susan boyle my head would soon be filled of thoughts of the scottish beauty
I think I'll quit whilst I'm behind....
i have never met you or seen a picture of you livvie but i think i can quite comfortably say you're prettier than susan boyle. no need to thank me. with compliments like that it's little wonder i'm swimming in women.
You're fine, Rimaldo. And I'm sure you're prettier than Susan Boyle too.
Great thread. I'm only teasing you.
the house of redcafe
smurf is there, he died on the loo,
reddome’s bald, he’s balding there too.
the doc is sulking, seeking the moose,
twisted_woody’s there, member in noose.
uae is wandering, no need for food or water,
spoony too, loving his mum’s daughter.
merman armed with bat made of wood,
top’s present too, his photoshops’ good.
eypoppers eyes pop out in wonder,
the rain of urine, coming from blunder.
espada is there, violating his mother,
smashed is found too, humping his brother.
the flying fox, lurking, rummaging through bins,
moses lived and died there, died for our sins.
girish is there, a queer, dangerously gay,
the flying potato, seeking his prey.
boothy’s there too, his mum is a stripper,
spammy’s scrounging there also, alas, a dipper.
raven_blade is at hand, counting his crows,
theredflag is there, panty liners for clothes.
sparky is there, he’s gay and so slow,
noodle too, complete with noodly ‘fro.
fishfingers is around, his hands smell of fish,
decotron also, being a robot, his wish.
godlovesunited, preaching of race,
redkinght too, acne cover’s his face.
adzzutd's present, he sleeps with the dead,
solvista too, a goat he will wed.
mum is found, so kind, caring and mild,
the law of denis advocating the love of a child.
the red baron’s waiting, fluffing his wang,
ukbob too, he’s old but part of the gang.
rowem has found it, the green little toad,
mexos there too, not shooting his load.
101 too, deluded, a spy,
nani nana, a child ove' his thigh.
maddogg too, a bounty he seeks,
brad too, socks rolled up, betwixt his cheeks.
marcosdeto, oranges his thing,
pogue mahone too, both ways he does swing.
livvie is there, covered in cat hair,
lewstherin too, he’s hitler’s heir.
there’s many people found on this glorious site,
each one retarded, on society, a blight.
the house of redcafe
smurf is there, he died on the loo,
reddome’s bald, he’s balding there too.
the doc is sulking, seeking the moose,
twisted_woody’s there, member in noose.
uae is wandering, no need for food or water,
spoony too, loving his mum’s daughter.
merman armed with bat made of wood,
top’s present too, his photoshops’ good.
eypoppers eyes pop out in wonder,
the rain of urine, coming from blunder.
espada is there, violating his mother,
smashed is found too, humping his brother.
the flying fox, lurking, rummaging through bins,
moses lived and died there, died for our sins.
girish is there, a queer, dangerously gay,
the flying potato, seeking his prey.
boothy’s there too, his mum is a stripper,
spammy’s scrounging there also, alas, a dipper.
raven_blade is at hand, counting his crows,
theredflag is there, panty liners for clothes.
sparky is there, he’s gay and so slow,
noodle too, complete with noodly ‘fro.
fishfingers is around, his hands smell of fish,
decotron also, being a robot, his wish.
godlovesunited, preaching of race,
redkinght too, acne cover’s his face.
adzzutd's present, he sleeps with the dead,
solvista too, a goat he will wed.
mum is found, so kind, caring and mild,
the law of denis advocating the love of a child.
the red baron’s waiting, fluffing his wang,
ukbob too, he’s old but part of the gang.
rowem has found it, the green little toad,
mexos there too, not shooting his load.
101 too, deluded, a spy,
nani nana, a child ove' his thigh.
maddogg too, a bounty he seeks,
brad too, socks rolled up, betwixt his cheeks.
marcosdeto, oranges his thing,
pogue mahone too, both ways he does swing.
livvie is there, covered in cat hair,
lewstherin too, he’s hitler’s heir.
there’s many people found on this glorious site,
each one retarded, on society, a blight.
godlovesunited - the son of a preacher man. born and raised in the deep south gld would attend the church his dad ranted on about religion in and frequently joined in the hallelujahs. some say he shouted this the loudest. with the word of god in his heart and united in his soul he set out to make a life of his own and to this day spreads peace and love throughout the world. or so he'd have us believe for gld actually lives a double life. by day he is the humble son of a preacher man. by night a sexual deviant. one so disturbed he pays homeless people in beer to watch him as he touches himself. one so depraved he'll have sex with any animal, vegetable or mineral. one so twisted that not even god himself could love him. if only his dad knew how much he had let him down.
rimaldo - some say his anus was constructed from the gossamer silk wings of pre-pubescent butterflies, some say it bears the strength of a dozen buffalo hides but all agree it carries the sweet smell of 3 in 1 with a strong undercurrent of sunday roast. he was born into a small portuguese farming community in the mid 1920's, the product of a poor impoverished weaverwoman and a well hung pack mule. as a child he would strengthen his anal cavity with a meticulous regime of conical bobbin exercises, his dedication would lead him to stretching and probing his limits until long after dark when lesser shuttle scuttlers had long since retired licking each others wounds. rimaldo had a dream that one day he would be the best shuttle scuttler in the world but unfortunately this ended in 1945 working for hitler after an unfortunate incident miscalculating the girth of a V2 rocket. all was not lost though when at the age of 53 he became the proud owner of the world's first anal transplant pioneered by christiaan barnard, terry christian and 80's pop soul band the chri .. fine young cannibals, using recycled innertubes, an umbrella and a block of atora suet. in his latter years rimaldo is to be found posting on a well known internet football forum wearing only figure hugging lycra cycle shorts, but often naked with a flower behind his ear, grooming potential successors to his rectal regality.
Rimaldo is there any chance you could be tempted into doing a version of this for United's first team squad???
that sounds quite a bit of fun actually. i have started work on this and will post them up as they are done.
patrice evra – left back and whippet. born in a litter of 26, patrice was the fastest of all his siblings. he’d tear up and down the left hand side of the garden of his family home all day. constant raids forwards and scurries backwards seemed to have little to no effect on him whatsoever and fatigue rarely set in. his parents took him to the local dog track and he was a natural, winning each race he was entered in. loved by all in his native senegal he soon had hoards of followers shadowing his every move and closely watching his every race. as the lovable scamp he is he soon took a small, stray cat under his wing and trained him in the art of racing. one by one patrice would defeat his enemies in the gladiatorial arena of the track, each time he’d taunt his vanquished foes by declaring they should “suck on his pussy” he particularly enjoyed screaming this at his main rival, a fat tabby cat called fwank who used to rule the tracks of dakar before the prodigal son had arrived to take his crown. patrice’s parents soon realised there was money to be made in the racing circuits of europe and patrice and his parent’s soon emigrated to the promised land of whippet racing, monaco, where he was soon plucked to race on the gloomy tacks of not always sunny manchester. patrice evra, whippet.