Thanks guys. I'll pm you.
Good stuff.
Ok also I'll give you a bit of a rundown about the types of cards you can get, your son might find it interesting (
@Redlambs dunno if your son knows much about it either so he may be interested).
Basically there are now a silly amount of sets, they make a new release every few months each called something different and mostly they will have different cards or variations of cards in compared to other sets. Each set obviously has its own name such as BreakPoint, Generations, Evolutions etc. There's a new release soon for the new games, but to be honest when you start out they won't really care about what set it is, they just want the shiny cards! It's too expensive for kids to complete a whole set anyway.
So each set is made up of 3 main rarity of card, common, uncommon and rare. Each pack has an assortment of common, uncommon and 1 rare card in, plus a reverse holo card which can be any rarity. You can tell by these symbols on the bottom of the card what rarity the card is. Circle is common, diamond uncommon and rare is the star.
In general none of these are worth any money and are easy to get hold of as single cards.
Anyway onto the cards that get kids excited, the shiny holographic cards.
So the card on the left is a reverse holo, any common, uncommon or rare card can be a reverse holo, and you get one in each pack. The card on the right is a "normal" holo, where the Pokemon box itself is holographic, these are always rare and you aren't guaranteed one in a pack. You can actually get the holo cards as a reverse holo version, which technically is rarer than the normal holo version.
Now onto what kids will really start to find exciting. The ultra rare cards, despite still only carrying the rare star logo they are actually rarer.
The first is called a break card, a type of evolution card to power up a Pokemon, if you get one in a pack then it comes in the spot where a reverse holo would be and they all are printed landscape and look like this...
The next is a half art EX card, a more powerful version of a normal Pokemon, which will have EX after the name and look something like this...
Then you have my favourite which are the full art cards, which are usually full art versions of other cards in the set, very obvious because the artwork takes up the whole card, look after these ones...
Finally you have what are secret rares, which are usually full art cards but not always. You can tell if it's a secret rare by the card number in the bottom corner. If a set has 110 cards then the secret rare would be numbered higher than that, so 111/110 for example. These are two of mine, you can see the numbers down at the bottom... 123/122 and 110/108.
That's it really, they do funny stuff with sets sometimes but that's the gist of it. The ones to look after are the secret rares, full arts, EX and break cards. Some end up being worth a little bit in the future but it can be hard to predict which.
TL;DR don't worry about which set to get the kids, they'll just like the shiny cards!