Gaming Pokémon Strumfest

I have a mew EX going spare. Looking for a wigglytuff or gengar EX if possible?
Sorry mate. Didn't see this and @Robindinho already DM'ed me.
Yeah, I'd feel for anyone who starts the game now rather than being in from the start. The cost to get enough packs open and to trade is way too high as the card library grows - I think it might turn people off even starting the game now, or definitely after we get the next set if they stick to the same release schedule throughout.

Some form of balancing needs to happen with doing more content that allows F2P to get more Hourglasses than they currently do, Trade cost being reduced, Pack Point cost being reduced, and generally just how often you pull a 3-Diamond or 4-Diamond card being increased. It will either need to be a combination of all of these things, or maybe even just one or two if they are done to an extreme level (reducing/increasing by 50% or more).

I think a lot of players are happy to just complete the 1-4 Diamond Rarity and then aim for maybe the 1-Star cards with any 2-Star+ being a bonus. That's how I'm approaching the game as a collector, but I'm more focused on playing and building decks. Although, that still requires a lot of the 3- and 4- Diamond cards so the main points still stand.
Seems like it. It's good that they're adding solo battles all the time for people not into the online stuff so that's useful for free to play users but the trade cost is way too high. Looks like they may be addressing that after feedback though which is a good sign. They have been quite user friendly thus far.
Sorry mate. Didn't see this and @Robindinho already DM'ed me.

Seems like it. It's good that they're adding solo battles all the time for people not into the online stuff so that's useful for free to play users but the trade cost is way too high. Looks like they may be addressing that after feedback though which is a good sign. They have been quite user friendly thus far.

Its sound. I have an Alakazam going spare if still looking.

Looking for a Jolteon (same rarity) or lickytung (lower rarity)

Have put up a trade binder for anything 3d + for anyone interested.
I'm still after 3d Articuno and Snorlax from Genetic Apex if anyone has spares?

I probably have most of the 3d cards in multiples from GA and MI if anyone can trade.
I’m missing vaporeon, kangaskan and aerodactyl from genetic apex for the mew. Anyone have extras.
The mewtwo genetic apex or mew mythical islands?
I have a spare Aerodactly ex for the mythical islands if that is what you are after.
The mewtwo genetic apex or mew mythical islands?
I have a spare Aerodactly ex for the mythical islands if that is what you are after.
genetic apex. It’s the mew that’s unlocked and awarded after getting at least 1 copy of the first 150 pokemon from genetic apex.
I still need 3-diamond Articuno and Snorlax, should be able to trade if you have either of those spare!
I can trade you those. I’ve 3 of each.

Hit me up with a FR first and I’ll send you the trade offer.

I can trade you those. I’ve 3 of each.

Hit me up with a FR first and I’ll send you the trade offer.

Sent you a request, think I only actually have Vaporeon I can trade though so just send either!
Sent you a trade request
Cheers for that! Just need Snorlax now to finish the main set. Might hold off trading until we get the 3 free Apex Packs at the end of the month.
No news on legends Z-A? Is is still expected to be a fall 2025 release?
Pokemon Day is 27th February, almost guaranteed we get a Pokemon Presents (like a Nintendo Direct purely about Pokemon) on that day. That will be our next trailer and I would expect at the very least a release window if not the exact date if the rumours were true about a June/July release. There are strong rumours that Pokemon Black/White will get a remake of sorts for Switch between October 25/March 26. I always felt ZA would not be a holiday release, but maybe it will at this point. The Switch 2 release is also probably going to dictate things to some degree - not suggesting that ZA will get a Switch 2 version but hopefully something where it releases around the same time so it's a game that people can still play on the new machine.
Cheers for that! Just need Snorlax now to finish the main set. Might hold off trading until we get the 3 free Apex Packs at the end of the month.

Pokemon Day is 27th February, almost guaranteed we get a Pokemon Presents (like a Nintendo Direct purely about Pokemon) on that day. That will be our next trailer and I would expect at the very least a release window if not the exact date if the rumours were true about a June/July release. There are strong rumours that Pokemon Black/White will get a remake of sorts for Switch between October 25/March 26. I always felt ZA would not be a holiday release, but maybe it will at this point. The Switch 2 release is also probably going to dictate things to some degree - not suggesting that ZA will get a Switch 2 version but hopefully something where it releases around the same time so it's a game that people can still play on the new machine.
A Black & White remake would be incredible, I always feel like they've aged really well, I'm due a DS replay actually.
A Black & White remake would be incredible, I always feel like they've aged really well, I'm due a DS replay actually.
Yeah, Black & White and the sequels were close to my favourite Pokemon games, I'd probably just tip Emerald as my favourite because the Battle Frontier is peak hard mode single player for Pokemon. Also, the legendaries in Gen 3 are just mostly superior to every other game as well.

I know Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl were designed and advertised as faithful Diamond & Pearl remakes which is fine, but I just don't think people actually want that enough. They are technically the best way to play Diamond & Pearl, but when Platinum exists it also feels like "why would you?" :lol: I really hope that they would find a way to include more of Black 2/White 2 or even include them entirely. It just wouldn't feel right if they release Black & White remakes and then don't do the sequels at all. Hell, I'd settle for most of it just being post-game content but include things like the Medals from the off. Lots of potential anyway to make the ultimate experience, it just depends if they want to / allow the developers to.

We'll see how it goes, but my expectation at the moment is:

Legends ZA - Summer (June/July 2025)
Remake - Fall/Winter (October 2025 - February 2026)
Gen 10 - Fall (October 2026)

Scarlet & Violet came out in November 2022 and have had DLC. We haven't had a main series Pokemon game come out since and unless Gen 10 is a surprise and has a release of November 2025, it will be a long time without a traditional style Pokemon game. Maybe Pokemon isn't as sentimental as I think, but come that point I think you might as well wait for the 30th Anniversary in October 2026 to release your 10th Generation core game (almost a full four years since the last). I feel like a smaller team working on a remake, that will still sell in the region of 10-15 million copies, is a good way to make up any shortfall/stay consistent with profit while you extend your schedule to allow for more development time.

The new business model would be something like:

Year 1: New Generation
Year 2: Remake/DLC
Year 3: Remake/DLC
Year 4: Legends
Year 1: New Generation etc

Allowing 4 year cycles instead of 3, which will hopefully mean the main games don't look and run jank. The Legends games can introduce new Pokemon/forms that make it into the next generation game the following year.
Cheers for that! Just need Snorlax now to finish the main set. Might hold off trading until we get the 3 free Apex Packs at the end of the month.

Pokemon Day is 27th February, almost guaranteed we get a Pokemon Presents (like a Nintendo Direct purely about Pokemon) on that day. That will be our next trailer and I would expect at the very least a release window if not the exact date if the rumours were true about a June/July release. There are strong rumours that Pokemon Black/White will get a remake of sorts for Switch between October 25/March 26. I always felt ZA would not be a holiday release, but maybe it will at this point. The Switch 2 release is also probably going to dictate things to some degree - not suggesting that ZA will get a Switch 2 version but hopefully something where it releases around the same time so it's a game that people can still play on the new machine.
I’ve snorlax if you need, mystical island raichu if you have spares?
Yeah, Black & White and the sequels were close to my favourite Pokemon games, I'd probably just tip Emerald as my favourite because the Battle Frontier is peak hard mode single player for Pokemon. Also, the legendaries in Gen 3 are just mostly superior to every other game as well.

I know Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl were designed and advertised as faithful Diamond & Pearl remakes which is fine, but I just don't think people actually want that enough. They are technically the best way to play Diamond & Pearl, but when Platinum exists it also feels like "why would you?" :lol: I really hope that they would find a way to include more of Black 2/White 2 or even include them entirely. It just wouldn't feel right if they release Black & White remakes and then don't do the sequels at all. Hell, I'd settle for most of it just being post-game content but include things like the Medals from the off. Lots of potential anyway to make the ultimate experience, it just depends if they want to / allow the developers to.
I feel like if they wanna for once recently not be tight then including both somehow would be amazing, even if they can level scale it for the second run through like they did to Kanto in Gold/Silver then I'd go with that. I loved in the sequals how you could find N's pokemon if you'd played the first one, I'd love if they kept that charm.

I'm in a bit of a funk with the modern games to be honest so that would get me really excited, I don't like the direction the mainline games have gone in, not every game series needs to be BOTW'd and I really don't like open world pokemon. I hate seeing them in the overworld, I want to hunt for them and be surprised by shinies or the pokemon I'm looking for in the long grass, not just see groups of them in the field doing whatever. I guess I'm just old.
I feel like if they wanna for once recently not be tight then including both somehow would be amazing, even if they can level scale it for the second run through like they did to Kanto in Gold/Silver then I'd go with that. I loved in the sequals how you could find N's pokemon if you'd played the first one, I'd love if they kept that charm.

I'm in a bit of a funk with the modern games to be honest so that would get me really excited, I don't like the direction the mainline games have gone in, not every game series needs to be BOTW'd and I really don't like open world pokemon. I hate seeing them in the overworld, I want to hunt for them and be surprised by shinies or the pokemon I'm looking for in the long grass, not just see groups of them in the field doing whatever. I guess I'm just old.
Yeah, that last part resonates with me a bit and I think it's potentially the reason they have gone with the 'faithful' remake model to try and fill that void of old school Pokemon while the new generations modernise / try to fit what new audiences seem to want.

I do like open world Pokemon though, but I have my qualms with it of course. I don't like how they basically just drop 50 Pokemon on the screen near every bit of foliage. It isn't like that in the anime series... You might see like a herd of one species, some Taurus running across the plains etc. But they need to have less Pokemon on screen at once, unless you have used some kind of item/process that increases spawn rates. That would also probably help performance to a degree. They can use the size/scale a bit better, still have some tall grass where it's harder/impossible to see certain size Pokemon in the overworld so you still have to search for them the old school way (thinking bugs, mouse-like Pokemon etc). More stuff in flowers, trees, better caves to explore as they don't feel the same as they used to. It doesn't have to be quite as open world either, they could make the game a bit more linear at the same time but have the option of skipping a gym for example. You don't necessarily have to remove blockers to progress... I dunno, just lots of things that can be improved upon.

The more I think about it, the more I'd say Sword and Shield got it right. The wild area was too 'beta test' but the rest of the game looked nice and had a good balance of overworld and random encounters.
Yeah, that last part resonates with me a bit and I think it's potentially the reason they have gone with the 'faithful' remake model to try and fill that void of old school Pokemon while the new generations modernise / try to fit what new audiences seem to want.

I do like open world Pokemon though, but I have my qualms with it of course. I don't like how they basically just drop 50 Pokemon on the screen near every bit of foliage. It isn't like that in the anime series... You might see like a herd of one species, some Taurus running across the plains etc. But they need to have less Pokemon on screen at once, unless you have used some kind of item/process that increases spawn rates. That would also probably help performance to a degree. They can use the size/scale a bit better, still have some tall grass where it's harder/impossible to see certain size Pokemon in the overworld so you still have to search for them the old school way (thinking bugs, mouse-like Pokemon etc). More stuff in flowers, trees, better caves to explore as they don't feel the same as they used to. It doesn't have to be quite as open world either, they could make the game a bit more linear at the same time but have the option of skipping a gym for example. You don't necessarily have to remove blockers to progress... I dunno, just lots of things that can be improved upon.

The more I think about it, the more I'd say Sword and Shield got it right. The wild area was too 'beta test' but the rest of the game looked nice and had a good balance of overworld and random encounters.
Yeah I think you're right there's loads of potential in the open world but it feels like the developers are phoning it in a bit, felt like Scarlet & Violet were tech demos a lot of the time rather than a full release. Shame really you have one of the biggest franchises of all time making hideous amounts of money and you're not doing it justice.

I replayed Sword not too long ago and I agree, I actually really enjoyed them, the balance was much much better for those of us who grew up with the franchise I think.
Yeah I think you're right there's loads of potential in the open world but it feels like the developers are phoning it in a bit, felt like Scarlet & Violet were tech demos a lot of the time rather than a full release. Shame really you have one of the biggest franchises of all time making hideous amounts of money and you're not doing it justice.

I replayed Sword not too long ago and I agree, I actually really enjoyed them, the balance was much much better for those of us who grew up with the franchise I think.
Watch us get "Scarlet & Violet Ultimate Ultimate Edition" for Switch 2 instead that works as it was originally intended :lol:
And more depressingly watch me still buy it :lol:
Probably the same :lol: although I do own Scarlet which I never started. I was hoping they'd have done more to improve the performance by now so I could have played through the story on Scarlet after maining Violet. I do think Switch 2 will give some kind of uplift to Scarlet/Violet, in which case I'd replay it as I need some of the exclusive legendary Pokemon anyway haha
Probably the same :lol: although I do own Scarlet which I never started. I was hoping they'd have done more to improve the performance by now so I could have played through the story on Scarlet after maining Violet. I do think Switch 2 will give some kind of uplift to Scarlet/Violet, in which case I'd replay it as I need some of the exclusive legendary Pokemon anyway haha
Yeah its rough, I need to get some more of the legendaries but I just can't bring myself to play it. Especially when I retrieved my 3DS and games the other day, much more inclined to replay Heart Gold or Omega Ruby, both of which I think are amazing remakes.
Yeah its rough, I need to get some more of the legendaries but I just can't bring myself to play it. Especially when I retrieved my 3DS and games the other day, much more inclined to replay Heart Gold or Omega Ruby, both of which I think are amazing remakes.
Yeah, also these events for shiny mythical Pokemon are so rough. I never keep every single stage of evolutions in boxes, so it's a big ask to go back and upload all of them to Home :lol: I might start giving it a go but there's too many other games coming up from May onward that I'll want to invest my time into instead (and maybe others that haven't even been announced yet). HeartGold/SoulSilver are amazing though, they got almost everything right and added things like the Battle Frontier and PokeAthlon. I know it's probably reasoning to make people want to go and replay the games to get more value from them, but those things are just so much better than all the other side things they put into the games these days... Feels like a huge downgrade on a lot of areas when a new game comes out (breeding being a huge downgrade in ScVi).

Not much more than a week left until the Pokemon Presents though! Will be able to start thinking of potential roadmaps for the franchise leading up to the 30th Anniversary, they'll be so much. Even just speaking of games so far, they'll surely be a big 30th Anniversary celebration style set for the Trading Card Game too which will be a wild ride to get :lol:

I do have a sneaking feeling that Scartlet & Violet will get 'something', but we'll have to see what that is. My main thought is largely because of the Video Game Championships getting a bit stale. If they don't release any updates or Gen 10 before the end of the year, I think it's a likely case that the competitive tournaments will have to use Scarlet & Violet in their current state, without much being possible to massively impact the metagame and rules, until 2027 potentially. That feels like far too long, but we are at a point in the franchise where it does feel like they've finally realized the three-year cycle isn't sustainable as games become bigger/more costly to make.
Getting to 45 wins for the event seemed like much more of a slog this time. Tried doing it with my trusty Ninetales blane deck but that deck feels so underpowered now. Switched to a Dialga/Melmetal deck and found it a bit easier to chip away wins but it was almost always a loss when going against Darkrai
I do have a sneaking feeling that Scartlet & Violet will get 'something',
I hope they just forget about those god awful games. I used to love shiny hunting/breeding/competitive but those games are so ugly and horrid to play I didn't do any of that this gen.
Probably the same :lol: although I do own Scarlet which I never started. I was hoping they'd have done more to improve the performance by now so I could have played through the story on Scarlet after maining Violet. I do think Switch 2 will give some kind of uplift to Scarlet/Violet, in which case I'd replay it as I need some of the exclusive legendary Pokemon anyway haha
I was reading that those games are so poorly designed at a fundamental level that raw hardware uplift won't do much :lol:
I hope they just forget about those god awful games. I used to love shiny hunting/breeding/competitive but those games are so ugly and horrid to play I didn't do any of that this gen.
Yeah, when I first played Scarlet & Violet I thought they were really good. But as time went on with them, I definitely found that the novelty wore off. It's probably similar with most open world style games, they are super interesting at first as you start to explore. But generally, there isn't enough interesting parts to keep you engaged for a hundred hours. Most of the points of interest / landmarks etc just aren't that fun to explore deeper when you get to them. There were some improvements to the things you mentioned, but I think largely the breeding in particular was a step backwards. Shiny Hunting in those games is OK depending on your preference, but I think the sandwich making aspect is just awful. I have said it before, but I can't believe that was thought of by someone to be a good idea. Let alone reviewed and approved by senior developers and the like :lol:
I was reading that those games are so poorly designed at a fundamental level that raw hardware uplift won't do much :lol:
That wouldn't surprise me! But I think at least they could lock to 30fps, up the resolution, and stop that annoying lag in battles where you can see the 'blocky' model of the Pokemon before the higher res one. They're obviously still playable, but I can't agree with any of the people who really defend these games and say it doesn't impact their experience with the games at all. When I first started them I did think yes, these will be better than a lot of Pokemon games I've played. But realistically, as far as main games from a new generation, I'd probably only have them above Sun & Moon for sure.
Yeah, when I first played Scarlet & Violet I thought they were really good. But as time went on with them, I definitely found that the novelty wore off. It's probably similar with most open world style games, they are super interesting at first as you start to explore. But generally, there isn't enough interesting parts to keep you engaged for a hundred hours. Most of the points of interest / landmarks etc just aren't that fun to explore deeper when you get to them. There were some improvements to the things you mentioned, but I think largely the breeding in particular was a step backwards. Shiny Hunting in those games is OK depending on your preference, but I think the sandwich making aspect is just awful. I have said it before, but I can't believe that was thought of by someone to be a good idea. Let alone reviewed and approved by senior developers and the like :lol:

That wouldn't surprise me! But I think at least they could lock to 30fps, up the resolution, and stop that annoying lag in battles where you can see the 'blocky' model of the Pokemon before the higher res one. They're obviously still playable, but I can't agree with any of the people who really defend these games and say it doesn't impact their experience with the games at all. When I first started them I did think yes, these will be better than a lot of Pokemon games I've played. But realistically, as far as main games from a new generation, I'd probably only have them above Sun & Moon for sure.
The map doesn't even have landmarks/points of interest! :lol: it's just an empty low poly map populated with Pokémon which, as you said was quite fun at the beginning and filling the Dex was more fun than other games of the past because every Mon is in the open and you're not running around in a patch of grass hoping for the 10% spawn.. but as soon as I completed the Dex I could see how hollow and empty the games are.

At least it will be 4 full years before we get gen 10 if they release in 2026, which hopefully has given game freak enough time to make a polished, good looking and content rich mainline Pokémon game that I feel we haven't had since ultra sun/ultra moon
Legends ZA looks like Scarlet and violet DLC... Such a monumental letdown. Game freak need to feck off and let a serious developer take the reigns

They should have just done region set in the past again if they're not going to bother actually modelling the buildings. Flat facade with no proper windows or balconies, just printed on like wallpaper.