Pokemon expert
Need to find a drive to the local town today, or I'm going to be a mean fecker.
That's why I love when a gen comes out where you can't just get the oldies easily. Like Ruby/Sapphire the fist time around, or Black/White. Everyone moaned at the time, but I was delighted you had to finish the story with all new mons.I'm at work all day then a gig after work. Gonna be an all nighter I think.
I'm determined to use different Pokemon to usual. I always say that but it never works that way.
Hardest decision ever, which starter?
Torchic should be a no-brainer(for me) but we just got one with the last pair. Should probably go with Treecko as it's the one I use least.
Oh, the Beldum gift is genius. It has "Hold Back" a name variant on False Swipe.
A hunter/catcher pokemon immune to poison right off the bat, even if you don't want it for your team, that's proper handy until you get a mean look/false swipe mon.
Went for Treecko, already love it. Modest nature, smashing luck.
Also, forgot the mystery gift, free shiny Beldum. Probably shouldn't use it, but how the hell can I say no? Metagross is one of my very faves.
Awwww yeah!Wooo, my Treecko was Modest too!
I was stood in the shop with the game in my hand yesterday. Managed to talk myself out of buying it though, thankfully. I've got too much shit to do as it is at the moment!
I will trade a gible egg for a treeko egg if anyone can do it.
Cheers mate.I already have a Gible but I'll sort you a Treecko egg tonight when I get back no worries.
Cheers mate.
My fc is 3110 5286 6219
When I collected them originally I kept the holos together.Is it best to organise cards by set or have all the holo's together?
Hmm, massive error in my early team, in Mauville, and none of my Pokemon can adequately deal with Magnemites. No fire pokemon either, except Numel(I kinda dislike), and a Torchic I was purposely avoiding.
Also, sitting in my box, I have a Modest/Protean Frogadier, perfectly ev trained. Not sue if I should use it. Massive upgade on my Tentacool, but it was my Y starter.
I briefly considered swapping Metang over to Y for a few minutes and teach him Brick Break, but he's so OP already....